pf - r "" Xf " ?-4 ''. -.'f f " trr THE DAILY NIBRASKAN THEATRES OLIVER THEATER Thu. Fri. 8aL & 8at. Mat. Feb. 26-28 Night 8 p.m. Matinee 2 p.m. KLAW & ERLINQER'8 International BEN HUR PR1CE8 $2.00 to 60c March 2-4 3 Nights & Wed. Mat. OTI8 8KINNER in "KISMET" Prices $2.00 to 50 Cents ORPilCUM THEATER THUR8. FRI. 8AT. Feb. 26, 27, 28 BILLY B. VAN THE BEAUMONT SISTERS & CO. In the One-Act Musical Comedy "PROPS" 80PHYE BARNARD LOU ANGER BOUDINI BROTHER8 MARGARET ILES & CO. ED CORELLI & CHA8. GILLETT ROBERTO Assisted by BEA VERERA Mat. at 2:15. Prices 15 & 25c. Night at 8:15; prices 15, 25, 35, 50 & 75c LYRIC THEATEB MON. TUES. WED. Feb. 23, 24, 25 WILLARD HUTCHINSON & CO. In "A Leap Year Leap" THE RAMSEY SI8TERS PHOTO PLAYS A Positive Two-Part Feature "THE OTHER GIRL" "THE BLINDED HEART" "PATHE'8 8EMI-WEEKLY" The World's News in Motion Views THE SOLOMON SISTERS Three 8hows Dally 2, 7, 9 p. m. Matinee, All Seats 10c. Night, 15c Try Our Luncheonettes They are alwayB the beat We eerve hot and cold drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Southwest Corner 14th O-Street Miss Charlotte Whedon Student of Louis Chalif of New York Announces classes In the New Social Dances Maxlxo Tango One-Step Hesitation Waltzes, beginning Sat urday, 3:30 p. m., at Whltten-Car-UbIo Gymnasium. For Information call Phono B1287. WHITMAN'S OLASSY OANDY 1VIEIER DRUG CO. 18 and O greets M W Try the Y. M. 0. A. Lunch Boom, Cafeteria, Plan City Y. M. 0. A. 13th ft P NEBRA8KA PROFE880R PUBLISHES NEW BOOK8 Professor Howard Completes Two New Manuals Upon Political Science Questions. Professor Goorgo E. Howard of the department of Political Science and Sociology has recently published two manuals which are recolvlng much famor in many universities The first, "Present Political Questions," was published November 1, 1913; the sec ond, "The Family and Marriage," on January 1, 1914 Professor Howard has spent a great deal of time and labor on those works. The manuals aro among the moBt complete and elaborato of any which have ever been issued on these subjects As Boon as It was learned that the works wero published the company began to re ceive letters from many of the eastern schools requesting that copies be sent at once, and they have since proved very satisfactory in the colleges where they have been adopted These two mako six of their kind which the pro fesBor has wrlj-ten. Tl Qesworc "Social Psychology," "General 8ociol- ogy, "Blography of American States manship," and "Comparative Federal Institutions." All these are used in many of the eastern universities, as well as in this University. One of the chief advantages of the manuals is the bibliography In tho back. These bibli ographies are very complete and, td gethor with the references made throughout, form very interesting in formation in themselves. THE WEEK AT THE THEATRES The Oliver "Ben Hur, ' Thursday, Friday, Satur day and matinee. Coming, March 2, 3, 4, Otis Skinner in "Kismet " The Orpheum Tho Road Show, with Billy Van and Company as headllners. The Lyric Advanced vaudeville and feature films. The Magnet "Checkers," with Thomas Robs a great feature film. r Dally and matlneeB with orchestral music. r? r "V Tf 'CHECKER8' This is tho second of tho pro ductions made by tho produc ing firm of Broadway favorites, tho All Star Feature Corpora tion, their first being Augustus Thomas' "Arizona." Thomas W. Ross, among tho forempst of American actors, has played the title role of "Checkers," In tho stage pro duction, in every big city of tho United States, and be has, after most urgent effort, been per suaded to enact the samo rolo again before tho camera. For his support tho All Star Cor poration has engaged a most competent cast of leading actors and actresses. In the cast will be Been Katherlno La Salle, lately leading lady with tho Now York production of "Tho Master Mind;" Jack Ra gan as Push Miller; Gertrude Shlpman, a prominent leading stock lady; William A. Wil liams, formerly of Patho Freres; Charles Graham, and others. 'More than one hundred play ers aro In tho supporting cast and many thousands aro shown in tho beautiful scenes of the race tracks. At ( the Magnet, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. ! & Mi. lie itc lit frhv- Ac. ifc. l. .&!& ic iii. lie fv TfC 7C 7JT 7ff V 7P T 7v 7 7f "C C University Notices Wanted For Cornhusker. Wanted Your bost snapshots for publication in the Cornhusker. Any Individual, group, "Btunt" pictures, picnic, dance or party groups will be gladly accepted at tho office, or mnll to the Editorial Dopartmont. Dramatic Club. Dramatic Club tryouts will bo hold at tho Templo Thoatro, February 2G, 7 p. m. Anyono wishing to try out for membership in tho club is requostod to report to MIbs Howell in U. 106 between 11 and 12 on tho samo day as tho tryouts. Parts of any modorn play may bo used. Junior Cla,8 Football Men. Juniors entitled to class football sweaters may havo same by calling at Coach Stlohm's ofllco between tho hours of 11 and 12. Deposit of $1.90 required. O. II. ZUMWINKEL. Phi Beta Kappa. Notloe-4fl hereby glvon- tuaL -grades reported to tho Registrar later than March 1, 1914, will not bo considered In reckoning Phi Beta Kappa standing for tho class of 1914. RAYMOND J. POOL. Secretary Juniors and 8enlors. All Cornhusker proofs of juniors and seniors positively must bo in by Wednesday, February 25th. This 1b absolutely tho last day on which they will be received. R. F. SWIFT, Business Mannger Company Pictures. M Company Picture to be taken Thursday at 11 a. m. Full uniform. I Company Plcturo Thursday at 11 a. m. Notice to Mis80urians. All students and faculty members who livo In Missouri or are natives of that state aro requested to meet In tho banquot hall of tho Temple, Wed nesday evening, February 25, from 7:15 to 7:45, in order to form an or ganization. Junior Hop Money. Junior Hop ticket money must be in tho hands of tho chairman by 6 o'clock tonfght. Ho will bo In tho "Rag" office from 4:30 till 5:00 p. m 8U8PENDED FOR HAZING. Seventeen Sophomores of St. John's College Sent Home. Seventeen members of the sopho more claBs at St. John's Collego, at Annapolis, have been suspended for hazing and sent to tholr homes, ac cording to an announcement by Presi dent Foll Tho sophomores one night last week called out all freshmen, mustered them on tho campus and put them through a mock drill and a perloB of stuntB of a physical culture nature. Harvard's football team coBt $35,000 tills year. Tho team that played against Princeton and Yalo cost tho university $1,000 per man. Tho coaches 'cost $15,000 In addition. Drake Daily Delphic. STUDENT COUNCIL PRE PARING FINAL REPORT ( ConUnued from Pago Ogo) In tho form of a student, association, with threo executive boards, which would correspond to Nebraska's ath letic, publication and debating boards. Bach board Is composed of nine stu dent members and one faculty mem ber. Tho wholo system is based upon the single tax, the9payment of which makes a -student a mebbor of the asso ciation. 'This tax' admits the student to all university activities. Tho Michigan system is on tho plan ????????????????? WHO WHAT WHERE HANDY DIRECTORY OF THOSE WHO ALWAYS HAVE SOME THIHQ YOU HEED Bank Curry Your Bank Account WltH Jm CITY INATIOINAL BVINK CORNER ELEVENTH AIND O &T&. (flrll Gregory Coal Co. "UI j. M. CLARK, '10. Soi lit Flnl. Lei U See Yo Flril. B329I Films Developed Flnrjct Flowers All the Time. CHAPIN BROS. IIUIIOI 1217 South Thirteenth. Telephone B2234 raotini Nvt Location 244 rJLlth Street Watch This Column Grow ! of tho student council and member ship is based upon registration. Tho council conslHtH of about twenty-five momborB, which are selected from tho different colleges und classes, giving tho BcniorB the majority. Thoy havt extensive powers, oven to expulsion for dishonesty or lmmoralit They regulate minor activities such as ral lies, dances, etc. As a result of consideration of theso different plans, several problems harb confronted the commlttoe and which will in turn present themsolvos to the students. Somo of thoso questions are: How largo a majority representa tion should bo given to tho seniors? Should the wholo council bo made up of sonlors? What proportion of the council should be co-ed? What pow ers should thy council have over stu dent activities, customs, morals, and all phases of university llfo? How should tho term of ofllco be regulated so that an ontlroly new forco Bhould not commence work at onco? How should tho nominations and ejections bo rogulated? Should tho momberBhip be based upon registration or tho single tax? And hundreds of other moro or less Important questions which demand consideration for the Intelligent decision. Ono plan which will bo recom mended by tho committee Is that the student body shall compose the student association and that tho mem bership shall bo based upon singlo tax. Tho council shall conBlst of from twonty-ono to 25 momborB according to tho number of students enrolled and tho number of women and men in proportion to the number registered. Tho representation shall further bo distributed among tho different col leges according to the enrollment, provided, however, that Atho rts and ! MAGNET ex ExtluslviPiitU Plays. I6 0 Strut CHECKERS TkiMM W. Rm u CfcMktrs Hmy M. IImimi Jr's Irtat Hf Mon., Tue., Wed. and Thurs. Nothing Like it Evez Seen Befote in Motion Wcttnes MTIMOOII " IsfQ and 10c 3:00 0rclick 6 Eiposorn 10c, 8 & 10 FjuMSarel 16l, 12 Eipfltarct 28c FREDERICK MACDONALD 318 Bro-vn.ll Dilt. PHONB L402J 187 South Mlh GRAVES Science, Teachers, and Medical col leges shall bo considered as ono, and tho others separately. Tho represen tation should further bo distributed among the seniors and Juniors equally and In case such division cannot bo made, then the odd man to go to tho seniors. In addition to these,, tho presidents of tho sophomoro and froshman classes and tho vice-president of the sophomores shall be mem bers. Upon this basis the representation would be as follows: Arcs and 8clenco--Mon, 3 seniors, 3 Juniors, women, 5 seniors, 4 Juniors 15. Engineering Men, 1 Honlor, 1 Junior 2. Agriculture Men, 1 sonior, 1 Junior; women, 1 senior 3. Law Men, 1 sonior, 1 Junior 2. Sophomoro president and vice-president 2. Froshman president 1. This would give 12 seniors, 10 Juniors, 2 sophomores and 1 freshman, making 25 In all. The committee has not yot adopted recommendations concerning tho pow ers of tho council and somo of tho other minor points. The complete re port will bo cubmittod tonight., Tho committee or convention is composed of members from tho Girls Club, tho Innocents, Black Masques, and class' presidents. The claBBoti will no doubt elect mombers to a constitutional conven tion, which will mako final selections, It will then bo necessary to submit the constitution to the Chancellor, tho Board of Regents and tho student body. So far as can bo learned, tho majority of tho faculty mombors aro heartily In fuvor of this form of 'stu dent government. 9 i , A m ; 1 a vi - A Ml .. rrt " r ' -, - I . , Jr il 'U 1 jr . -K -, vv t "aA i, "V", VM &m&:&M&&kMhM .rt art" i