The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1914, Image 2

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The Daily Neftraskan
Property of
l'hoin L-74G1
Manuring Editor P. C. Bponoor
AMoclwto Bxlltoi Huth M. Squires
AbsocIMo Editor. R. V. Koupal
AHilotlo Iftlltor C. K. Morso
Max- Baohr Karl Janoiiolt
Carrie Oomnn llortonso E. Kuuffman
Olcn Bvortfl Hugh H. MoVlcker
W. B. Ilasor I'. M. Morrlam
Kllrabcth Hyd Enna Nol?on
I'iw Palmer
nulnofl MaiiaRiT Frank S. Porklna
Aunt. nulncn Manaijor. .RubboII F. Clark
Subscription prlco $2.00 por yoar,
payablo In advance
SIiirIo copies, fi conui each.
Entered at the pofltofTlco at Lincoln,
Nobniflka, an nccorul-clasa mall matter,
undor tho Act of OongroBB of March 3,
Tho DAILY NEBRASKAN purposes to
bo tlio frco volco of ntudont Bontimont;
to bo7aIrf To MS impnTtlntr-to-Heek idvie
aa woll an offer It; to truthfully picture
ooUoko llfo; to ko further than tho moro
prlntlnK of nnwa by Htandln? for tho
highest Ideals of tlio Unlvoralty; In abort,
to Borvo tbo Unlvorfllty of Nobraflka,
Wednesday, February 15, 1914.
The profoHHor who roquosted thut
Bomo of hlH students remove tholr
"Soptombcr Morn" stlckpinB was ovl
dontly laboribK under tho lmproBHlon
that they were u new form of "votes
for women" badge.
Owing u tho increased circu
lation of tho Daily Nbbraskan,
It has boon found necessary, to
ask subscribers having lock
boxes at Station A to securo
their copies of tho Nobraskan
through Uil a meiuis. Boglnnlng
Wednesday, Fobruory 25th, all
subscribers among tho students
and faculty will havo tholr
coplos of tho Nobraskan placed
In tholr roBpectlvo lock boxes.
Also beginning Wednesday,
February 25th, subscribers
must give their namos to tho
porson at tho window before
socurlng thoir Dally Nobras
kans. This 1b to onablo tho
business management to chock
up tholr subscription Hats for
any possible orrors which may
havo crept In during tho sub
scription campaign. While this
may be a Blight Inconvonlenco
for a fow days, wo trust that It
will not work a hardship upon
The Business Management.
Factory to Employ Students.
Offering employment to solf-supporK
lng students, a Htovo factory of Ann
Arbor has proposed a plan to tho
Board of Regents of tho University of
Michigan whereby studonta may do
work which will not intorforo with uni
versity work They propose to ar
range working hours which will in no
way conflict with tho schedule of the
student. Dally California!!.
of your glaBBOB depend on tho skill
and Judgment of the man who ex
amines your eyeB.
'For 40 years wo have been test
ing eyesight aud fitting glasses for
the relief or headache and eye
Results Guaranteed.
Registered Optometrist
' t jiwvmiiSsVx. - ' -,J - 4. "
itt' ..if "..'. .- v 'ltlBvMgWMBM , ' , ',j'tf a.if .,V. ' ) ; - i'
HBMJSBMBWiMBHS55:at3S-'ir.MWiV 'M ''? MJ&ViZttT.!JLhx.':j:.''s!- u-xu .ujuiir: 'jLi.BBii.j.'fri--1 ,. wh .Jjt3fc!'.J.k.'.."i:;--u-w.-
People We Know.
Pleaso noto thnt the phono numbor
of tho Dully Nobraskan has boon
changed and Is now L-7461.
Tho Dopartmont of Geography ban
roquoflta from two California hcIiooIh
for tonohors who aro qualified to be
como supervisors of geography.
Lulu Edwardn of Murdock Is In Lin
coln today.
8. L. Whlto of Kansas fflty, n Ne
braska grad, has been appolntod to a
position on tho Mexican foreBt survey.
Senior caps may be obtained at the
University Book Storo this week.
Jonos' Orchestra. Phono L-8600.
February 25, 1911.
Nebraska won tho flrBt gamo of
basketball series with Kansas last
night by a Bcoro of 38 to 2(5. Kansas
wob cloarly outclassed In every way.
At no time during the game was the
Ibbuo In jlpubt.
February 25, 1909.
L -F4suruaxmm piled -hy. lhoIleclatrar
show that the University has had a
steady growth since It was founded.
It has increased from 130 (Hiring the
first yeitr to 3,450 at tho present time.
Another fact as shown Is that thero
aro about four men to every three
(Continued from Pago One)
better grade than that of last year.
Tho paper Is n one hundred and forty
pound white satin, gloBB finish, fur
nished by the Carpenter Paper Com
pany of Omaha, and made especially
for this class of work. The cover de
sign will bo Inlaid with a gold finish.
De Luxe Edition.
The Cornhusker Do Luxe is a new
thing at the University of Nebraska,
and will bo printed for Uiobc who order
It special. It will bo prlntod on extra
quality paper and will be bound in u
special leather cover with the owner's
name In gold In one corner. Although
this Is an Innovation at Nebraska, the
business manugor feelB that from Its
success at othor colleges where It has
boon tried that It will also be a success
here. While this book will bo pub
lished primarily Tor dignitaries, fra
tornltleB and sororities, if thoro is a
sufficient demand for It from tho stu
dont body the manager says that he
will have a larger number printed.
Last year at Wisconsin tho Badger
sold three hundred copies of the do
luxe edition. Tho difference In price
botweon tho regular leather edition
and the do luxe will not be largo.
Will Be Out May First.
With the co-operation of the stu
dents, tho authorities declare that the
book will bo ready for the students
May 1. At tho present time It Ib fur
ther advunced than it has been any
previous season. Ninety-eight per cent
of all the junior and senior pictures
havo beon turned In and tho final ship
ment will be t-ont away thlB week.
Makes Clean Slate for New Student
Faculty ruling at the University of
Washington provides that all liazlng
will hereafter be abolished.
Not only Ib hazing done away with
but tho pushball contest, the annual
tie-ups nnd all organized and unor
ganized contests between classes are
Hereafter freshmen will not appear
upon tho campus undor green caps ex
cept by their own volition.
Tho faculty stated that theBo rulings
do not affect tho fraternities. Thoy
state thai all class scraps wero abol
ished In ordor that the new student
council may start its work with a clean
alato. -1
With tho new student council a new
system of student government will bo
inaugurated at Washington University.
Univoriity Calendar
Wednesday, February 25.
2:00 p. m. Delta Us vb. Alpha 81gfl.
2:00 p. m. Sig Chls vs. Slg Alpha.
6:00 p. m. Phi Dolts vs. Phi Gams.
7:15 p. m. Qloo Club practice.
7:30 p. m. Interclass debate U.
Thuriday, February 26.
11:00 o. m Convocation Memorial
2:00 p. m. Rifle shoot, Nebraska vs.
Military Academy.
5:00 p. in. -Black Masque L. 310.
5:00 p. m. Vetfpers Y. W. C. A.
6:00 p. m Delta Tau vs. A. T. O.
7:00 p. in. Y. M. C. A.
7:15 p. m. Kosmet Klub Temple.
8ummers Spent Obtaining Practical
Knowledge Interesting Lec:
ture Course.
Replies are being received by the
labor" 1)11 feim or tiro FOr?Brrtnb every
day. Each year tho labor bureau of
the club sends out applications for
work In the field for ouch of its mem
bers who are In good standing In the
club. MoBt of the applications are
sent to the supervisors and other ofll
clals of Government forest reserves.
Almost every member of tho club re
colvos employment for tho summer
months through tho labor bureau of
tho club. Enoch Nelson and Bill
Hocklo are the men looking after the
work this yeur. It Is the duty or ench
club member to securo the best knowledge-
possible about the work he Is
engaged in during the summer aud
convey this knowledge as nearly aB
possible to the members or the -club In
the form or lectures at the regular
club meeting.!.
ThiB semester the Forest Club pro
gram conslstB of lectures by the stu
dontB, with tho exception or one, which
Is to bo given byJProf. E. F. Schramm
of tho Engineor college, who will
apeak on "Mines on Forest UoservoB,"
and ono which has already been given
by ProfeaBor Klngsland, also or the
Engineering college. These lectures
aro purely scientific and prove to be
of great value to tho members of the
club when out In the fields.
(Continued from page 1.)
of MIsb Graham, dean of womon. The
work will start thlB summor during
vacation time. As soon as the name of
a prospective freshman girl is re
ceived at tho Registrar's ofllco Bhe will
be assigned to a member of tho board
by MIsb Graham, and the board mem
ber will immediately commence cor
responding with her, thus assisting
her in making a good start.
Those who have Investigated the
scheme carofully believe that it has
favorable possibilities and ir manipu
lated with tho proper amount of Inter
est and spirit it will bo highly bene
ficial to the co-ed branch of tho Uni
versity. Miss Finney discussed the point sys
tem which Ib being advanced by the
XI Delta girls and explained tho alms
and purposes of bucIi a system.
, In closing, Miss Graham urged that
the girls become actively interested in
tho problems which aro confronting
tho University of Nebraska, some of
which uro: . Student council, point
syBtem, women's suffrage, etc. She
explained that It was vory desirable
that each girl make up her mind for
or against each proposition and work
to that end.
"Eastern girlb," she added, "have the
reputation of being more accurately In
formed on modern questions than
those of the west, and all loyal co-eds
should exert their efTorta to disqualify
this presumption."
Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter, and
Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th.
University School of Music
Established 1894
Oppoflite the University Campus, I 1 th and R Sts. In
structions Given in All Branches of Music Students
may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted.
National Electric Light Association
Choses Nebraska Man for a
Special Committee.
The National Electric Light Assocla
tion 1ms JiYsl ann6Tmclflnro'o7gaTilza
tion of a special committee upon "Re
lations With Educational Institutions."
The membership or this committee is
made up or prominent engineers, many
or whom are regents or tniBtees or
universities and professors or elec
trical engineering In several or the
larger universities, including Harvard,
Yale, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Purdue,
Pennsylvania, and Nebraska.
Pror. (). J. Ferguson or the Elec
trical Engineering department has ac
cepted the appointment on this com
mittee and has been notified that there
will be an early meeting, probably at
the headquarters in New York City
Many Available Athletes in East.
Statistics sliow that in Borne Eastern
universities the proportion or men
available ror athletics is very large.
Cornell loads the list with 3,500 avail
able men, Michigan rails but a few be
hind this mark, while Columbia and
Pennsylvania come next in the order
named. These four aro the only East
ern universities having moro than 2,000
movable to participate in athletics.
Tho number of varsity sports in the
colleges varies widely rrom nineteen
at Pennsylvania to rour at Minnesota.
Tho figures are given as follows:
Pennsylvania 19, Cornell 15, Harvard
14, Columbia and Princeton 13, Yale
12, Michigan, Wisconsin and Chicago
11, and Minnesota 4.
8emester Pledging at "M."
Under tho direction of tho Pan-Hel-lonlc
League, a new rushing rule has
been adopted for tho sororities of the
University or Michigan calling for the
pledging of new girls on tho second
Tuesday of the school year, and not
bo fore. This rule, long In vogue in
many other western universities, Is a
new ono for Ann Arbor, and Kb suc
cess or failure here will be watched
with a groat deal of lntorest. Univer
sity of Washington Dally.
Scone (In front of tho Armory)
First company marching up. second
company at right dress in front of tho
armory, coed passing on sidewalk.
First Captain "Halt!"
Second Captain "Watch that
Co-ed !
Turned red, ,"
Hung head;
Then fled.
"I think that the split skirt can't bo
compared to tho clothes those runners
wear," Bald an irate woman to Track
Coach Frank R. CaBtleman of Ohio
Stato. As a result, the cross-country
men have been Intructed to chango.
their course and not go through the
main streets of Columbus.
Artistic- dance programs and menus
for particular people. George Bros.,
Printers, 1813 N street.
Senator Joseph E. Ransdell of Lou
isiana proposed an amendment to the
federal constitution prohibiting for
ever In the United States divorce with
the right to remarry, and directing the
enactment of uniform marriage laws
in all the states with provision for
separation without the right to re
marry. TOO BAD
Playwright I'd llko you to read my
new drama. Tho Hero of tho Sea."
Actor- -Couldn't produce It.
Playwright Why not?
Actor - I can't awln.
"Yes, my son."
"Were thero two of every kind 'in
the ark?"
"Yes, my boy."
"And so Noah had two wive, dltf
LOST An unset diamond on the
campus yesterday. Return to "Rag"
office. 2-17-5t
WANTED University alumnus has
splendid opportunity for students
working their way through college to
earn all expenses whilo in residence.
Must have experience or ability in
salesmanship. Write The Grip Bow
Co., Omaha, Neb. 2-25-5
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