VI :--' l! 4 N THE DAILY NEBRASKAN U e Ihc Daily Nebraskan TI1K 'niit i I "I i t x i Kitsrn i I ,1111'I'IH NI0HHA8KA 1 1 v, i : I it i w so n .;,l,,i In iMilff ANmx-lalf I'M 1 1 "i ArmocIiiIo F.illhu Mlilrlli- I'Mlli'i V (". Bponcor It is i li M. Hqulroii It V. Koupnl ( ' K MorBO UKI'olt'roltl l. STKK M.uc Hnt'lir Cnnlo ('lumin (Hon lOvortK W K IImkm I 7.lln'lll Ihch Uiih'.iii "H MiiniiKi i Km I .l.nioiich lliiKh II. McVlckor I" A I Alorrlnm Kim.i Ni'Iboh I Palmer AHt I-' H. I'urklna HiiHlnrsi M.ui.ii:' i U'i"Mrll I' Clark Sulwi Ipllmi 1" l pn.ilil' In SInkI I,,I'H $J in) por your, lil .1 IK c , . i ii t r-iiell. KnictiMl ui Mi.- pmmImHI.-.- at Lincoln, N. Jinmk.i. v us " '"' ' ' "H1 111" muttor, uixlcr lli' Ait i.t iNiiio'-bh ff March 3. 1R79 Tin' DAILY N'l'llllt SK AN purpoflCH to In- tin- fn'i Mil.'" "I Mtiiil.-nt nontlmont; to Iip f.ili, to 1"' Imp ii till. t Hook iwlvlco u wull ua oITit it. to 1 1 utlifully picture rollout' llfi'. t K fin th. i limn mo mure printliiK "f h'-wh lv Htiuullnsr for the hlKliont IiIi'iiIb of tin' HuiviM ulty ; In ahort, to htvo lh UnlMTHlty of NbraHkn. RU88IAN PROGRAM GIVEN AT C08M0P0LITAN CLUB (Contlnuod from Pago Ono) proHonted a fow KiiBBlan and Itnlinn folk dnnccH. Mr. Ksonotofontof alBO guvo a fow mimical oIoctlonB on the "balalnjka," a HuBslan Instrument. Tho mimic was IluuBlan and well re ceived. Several piocoB wore required to Batlflfy tho audlonce. Chancellor Avery waH called upon to glvo an addroBB. Tho Chancollor atatod that one of the purposes of the club waB to promote race pride and de crease rare prejudice Ho stated that raco prejudice was the lowest thing In humanity. Tho Chancellor concluded his addroBB by giving a short revlow of tho good old days In New England, the place of his birth, with no regrets that his parents moved to Nebraska. The program of tho evening was closed by singing "America." This Is customary In all Cosmopolitan Club mootlngs. Tho reason Ib obvious. Guy Hoed, an chairman, called tho buslnosa meeting to order. Mr. Ilced read a few ox tracts from different magazlnoB on the work tho clubB are doing. Ho also read tho following sec- 4lon-from tho constitution of the Cor nell University club, which states very cloarly tholr object: Friday, February , 1914 CONVOCATION plums to glvo and hero tho fight la tho hottoBt. Enthusiasm has not yet boon dampened, every man Bes an opportunity to becomo a collego "Bath House John " So everybody Ib out, bIoovob rolled way up, working for tho man who can do tho moBt for him. Fred WoIIb and Harold Schwab aro filing for the Junior managing editor of the Cornhuflker Roth those mon aro very prominent. Both aro fra ternity men. WoIIb has boon chair man of a clafs hop, an assoclato edi tor of tho ' Itag," and a membor of Alpha Thola Chi Rchwab is a de bater, representing IiIb class last year, and making an alternate on the team that beat Iowa this year "Jake" Is a Delta Tan Marcus I'oleet and Wlllard Folsom are out for business manager Here once more a line old light Is exacted, noth of these men bavo long had tho "bug" and they have been "working" the class since long before Christmas. Folsom Is well known about school, and Ib a Beta Poteet Is not a fra ternity man. Ho la now circulation manager of "Awgwan." For class president, J F Liebendor for and Itoy F. Cameron have an lioUTHVrt thomHnlveit "Ilely" Ik the hero of last year's Olympics, and Cam- Tho object of this club shall bo to oro" lfl the 8ftmo who laBt ve,ir PIavcd unite for their mutual benefit, socially r'Knt tlickl on tne Invincible Corn Audience Enraptured by Real Music Carl Steckelberg at Convocation. Perhaps one of the most appreciated convention and Intellectually, mon of all nationali ties and to promoto tho organization of chapters in other universities In the United States of America and In other countries." Miss Urbek reported on the national she attetidod. She In- muslcal programs ever heard at a Ne braska Convocation was tho ono ren dered yesterda morning by Carl Stockolborg, violin soloist of tho Uni versity School ol Music, accompanied h Mrs Steckelberg It was hard for Iiir enthusiastic listeners to dotect their favorite Uter the program had been completed the students and mem bers of the facultv refused to go, but insisted upon an encore TODAY IN NEBRASKA'S HISTORY formed tho club that Mrs. Beatrice Mckota, a former Btudent here, Is a member of the national executive com mittee. After the business meeting a two course luncheon was served The nov elty of the luncheon was the genuine Russian tea prepared by Mr Newton. The tea was prepared In a "samovar,"' and was very good and stimulating With the luncheon the meeting was closed. Anyone who Ib Interested in this work may attend the meetings and programs, which are ver inter- Februarv 13. 1912. eating (Jirls appeal to students in behalf of subscription campaign for "Rag." CANDIDATES FILE Everyone who pas lot a subscription I JSS3ii5Lii!LS2I2-C53w2il to the Daily Nebraskan yvlll bo tagged men. He is a member of Delta U- in an entirely new and different way. silon. Wednesday to be Tag Day Rag Tag! Juniors. lniBker eleven fraternity man. Sigma Phi LlolHsndorfer Is not a Cameron Ib an Alpha Freshmen. So far as yvo are able to learn, "Shorty" Allen, of football fame, Ib tho only "frosh" out for tho president Job. But thero are many rumors afloat that more men will come out beforo to night. Theso freshmen aro rather bashful, but yvlth sufficient Inducemont they will file Day February 13, 1902. Senior Layvs held another mooting yesterday for purpose of electing re maining ofllcers, who were not elect ed last Tuesday because of lack of time The following were elected: Firht vice-president. D rotary, II Thomas, Kotruck II. Fuller; sec clafls senator, Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. University Calendar EYE TROUBLES RECTIFIED We have ghen optical work much study anil are in position to glvo your eyes an expert examination. You cannot be too careful with your eyes as they aro tho most delicate of all tho five sensoB. Correctly Fitted Glasses do not Depreciate Your Appearance HALLETT REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Est. 1871 1143 O Two prominent Junloi'u are In the race, Will Bauman and Herbert Reese Will Bauman Is an engineer and a boI-dler--first lieutenant of Cadet Com pany "E." rtauman was chairman of the recent successful Junior Prom. Ho is a member of the Komensky Club and of Sliver Lynx fraternity. "Herb" Reese Is a Y. M. C. A. man and an athlete Ho is tho holder of the In door record for tho fifty-yard dash. He Is the chairman of tho Y M. C. A. finance committee and In charge of their work at tho State Farm. Tho fur is flying thick Both men have been working for Borne time, and have tho claBB well lined up, pro and con. SUaa Bryan is opposing tho election of Leon Samuelson to tho oditor-ln-chlef position of tho Cornhuakor for next year. Hero again tho fight is a hot ono. Both mon aro well known and both aro fraternity men. Samuel son haB precodelit, and Bryan haa originality. There is bound to be some fight here. Sophomores. The Sophomores have ihe most Friday. XI Delta house party Home of Jeannette Finney. Phi (lainitm Delta informal- Temple theatre. 8:00 j). m Basketball, Nebraska vs. Drake- Armory. XI Delta house party Home of Jean nette Finney. Phi (lamina Delta Informal Music Hall, Temple. Acacia annual banquet Lindoll Hotel. Union Li'erary Society Literary Society Hall Saturday. h:U0 j. in Basketball, Nebraska vs. Drake Armor y. Acacia Informal Fratornlty Hall. Delta Tau Delta Informal Music Hall, Temple. Agricultural Club meeting. Peru Club meeting Superintendent Delzell's residence. 8:00 p. m. Sigma XI oration Tem ple Theater. People We Knpw. Tango Go-Gcttcrs $2.95 WomtMia New Dance Pumps $4.00 Values BUDD stu;s 1415 O St. Please note that the phono number of tho Daily Nebraskan has been changed and is now L-7451. Acacia visitors for the annual ban quet are- Carl Jefford, Broken Bow; Beck ChalmetB, Wahoo; Georgo BlackBtone, Wahoo. and Joe Swonson, Sidney. A number of University girls com posing tho alumni of the Girls' Debat ing Society or tho Lincoln High School, held a luncheon In tho faculty rooms at the Temple yesterday. It was In tho nature of a reunion for tho girls who belonged to this society In high i school and who aro now In tho Uni versity. Helen Sawyer, "13, Ib now assisting in the sewing department at the State Farm. Helen ThomaB has gone to hor homo In Tecumaeh because of the Ill ness of hor aunt. Sad News-Glad News Sad for us glad for you -aud why? Our inventory tells us we've got more New Fall and Winter Suits and Ovorcoata right now, than any two Lincoln stores have to begin the season. But not for long not by a long shot. They're going to go and if you don't get in on tho good things we hope your relations do if it pleases you. 1,702 Men's and Young Men's Suits and 805 Men'f hj Young Men'B Overcoats that's what the inventory shows But here's what we intend to do with them- 760 New Fall and Winter Suits and 1,U75 High Grade Overcoats which we sold for $20, $18, $16 50 and $15 now !)12 Highest Grade Suits and HO Highest Grade Over coats which we Bold for $30, $27 50, $25 and $22.50 now $8?? $1 318 ALTERATIONS FREE Armstrong Clothing Co. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANT8 Spring Goods In Many Departments NOW CVfi 7. a? r" liiCiJfQ, muw THE University School of Music Established 1894 Opposite the University Campus, 1 1 th and R Sts. In structions Given in All Branches of Music. Student may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted. WILLARD KIMBALL, Director v U -i.-r 'ERff' -i z1'-. ' , . I, ,-,- .. .- j. - , t 4r T , h 1 i V 5, -it"- -, """ ' -M"