. -H TheDailyNebraskan WE NEED ONLY 77 MORE STUDENT SUBSCRIPTIONS WE NEED ONLY 190 MORE FACULTY SUBSCRIPTIONS VOL. XIII. NO. 90 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 11)14. Price 5 Cents mb Mdwaiiwai'Jawjwuht iwii'ii CANDIDATES FILING P08ITI0N8 FOR CLASS HONORS CLOSING UP FAST. HOT OLD FIGHT IS EXPECTED Bifl Scraps Prophesied in the Senior and Sophomore Classes Only One Candidate Out foiw. Freshman President. With only a few days loft till elec tion, candidates and partlBins are In tho midst of a hot campaign Com petition Jb especially warm in each clasB, warmer than for Hom time past. It aoemB evident that there was little pre-election selection done, this year by the fact that In no Instance la there but one man willing to fill the por tion. Evidently the machine is not working well, or there are effective machines in opposition. From the number of workers on all sides, it would seem that everybody had a ma chino in pretty fair running order Senior Politics. In Ihe senior class the warmest tight in Beveral years is on. Both of (he candidates are well known, both 'are InnocentB, and both aro fraternity men. There 1b no line up of "barb" and "frat." It is a fight botween the two men and their friends, with no odds. Lynn Driscoll was the firBt to announce his Intention of running. DrlBColl is well known to everybody. "Stub" haH identified himself with every line of student activity, except ing athletics, since his freshman year, ile managed the Sophomore Hop, tho first University dance to turn in a profit. He was master of ceremonios of the Junior-Senior Prom last year. DriBColI was elected business manager of the Daily Nebraskan, after serving as assistant business manager. He is captain of Cadet Company "U," and a member of Phi Kappa Psl fraternity. No Icbb prominent is his rival, Kos well Haskell. "Rob" is an athlete. It is useless to say that he is captain of the victorious Ilusker team. Haskell is also one ot Nebraska" star baseball (Continued on page- 2) VALENTINE PARTY AT TEMPLE TOMORROW-GIRLS Black Masques Plan Unique Entertain ment Attendance Average High. Up-to-the-minute entertainment of a live and pleasing variety has apparent ly been the slogan ot the Black Masques In arrangiug for the all-University girls' parties which have proved to bo such successes The fifth of the series to be given in the Temple, Saturday, will be a valen tine party in honor of the women stu dents who have entered school this semester. The parties given by tho Black Masques aro well enjoyed in every way and have some especially attrac tive features. Each one of tho organi zation, consisting of thirteen, is re sponsible for one Saturday's entertain ment and inviteB other University girls to help with serving, entertain ing, and music. In this way no one iB overburdened by responsibility or work, while adequate supervision is assured and a good spirit of comrade ship and co-operation is created. Although only live cents admission has been charged, the parties have been a financial as well us a social success. Refreshments for tho four (Continued on Pago Three) ANM.C.tE V VirtV DI0T yOU TELL ME THI4) VWAS FRlOAV THC THiR-TeetfrH I KNCVO )0AaS J& VAJOULP HAPW TO-PAV t 'opyrlKht ANNUAL MEETING Y.W.G.A. AT LINCOLN NEXT WEEK Four Days' Program Banquet at the Llndell University Girls' Convention. Thy Young Women's Christian Asso ciation of tho University of Nebraska announces tho following program for Association Week, February 18-23. During those days Miss Bertha Conde, senior studen. secretary for the mi tional board, will be the gue.st ot the association She will discu.ss the col lege women's part in the social awak ening and her resultant vocational op porlunities. An invitation to enjoy Hie inspiration of her talks is extend ed to all women ot" the Unieisit nnd cit Program. Thur.sda, Februarv 19. In a in All-University Girls' Convocation, Me morial Hall, under the auspices of the Girls' Club. At 5 p. in Opening Ves per Service, Templo Theater. Friday, February 20, 15 to 5 p. m. College tea, Art Hall. Saturday, February 21, 12.30 p. in. Membership and alumnae luncheon, Llndell Hotel. Plates. 50 cents. At 3 p. in. Reception at tho homo of Mrs. A. W. Field. 544 South Eeven teenth street. Sunday, February 22, 4:30 p. m. Voaper Service, First Congregational Church. OPENING FOOTBALL GAME 18 ANNOUNCED To Start the Season's Battles on the Gridiron by Clash With Washburn. The Coruhuskors will open their 1914 football season by playing Wash burn on October 3. This will be joyful news to all loyal Nobraskans. Last year Coach Stiehm's pupils opened with Washburn, and found them to bo a clean, gentlemanly bunch of men. fV) W l HE'S BACK AGAIN Cttx the tvERyTHiM TO-PAV EXTRA! EMI Former Publisher of Nebraskan Seeks Injunction. Christian Kuhl of the Kuhl Printing company yesterday afternoon obtained from Judge Stewart of the district court a retraining order running against tho board of student, publica tions of tho University of Nebraska and the business manager of tho Dally Nebraskan The order forbids tho de fendants delivering any copy for tho I). uly Nebraskan to an) one beside tho plaint lit", and particularly to the West ern Newspaper Union They ari also rest rained from paying or causing to be paid to anyone other than tho plaintiff any money for the printing of tin publication mentioned. Hearing on the application for a temporary In junction is set for this afternoon. DRAKE-NEBRASKA SCORES OFJfEARS GONE BY Two Missouri Conference Teams to Cross Sworda Tonight on Local Floor. In 1909 four games were played. Tho two games on Nebraska floor wore 39 to 30 and 34 to 12, both in favor of tho Huskers. The return games at Dos Moines were both de feats, 12 to 34 and 15 to 25. In 1910, all four games were vic tories, 40 to 14, 2(5 to 6, 20 to 10 and 22 to 13. There were no games in 1911. Four games were played in 1912, which resulted In a clean sweep for Nebraska, 42 to 24, 35 to 13; the Des MolneB games 33 to 15 and 40 to 14. Last year wo again swept clean. The two games on Nebraska's floor were 32 to 7 and 24 to 16. On our visit to Drake, the Huskers won 21 to 4 and 25 to 10. Drake makes her annual bow to our boys tonight. What will the result bo this timoT fen1! TH C-y AINT NOTHlMfrj r . bOlrtteTO HAPPEN TO ME ro ov k t t " I ' ' WtUt ll'i Wl'" t. t I . V If5 (NfcfeMTM 4&r 1 iNfc ww r&rA N4 ro HfsPP" INTER-FRAT BASKET JALL SCHEDULE Greeks Will 8tart Annual Boxing Boxing Matches Tomorrow Mar quis of Queendbury Rules. Tho following is the Inter fraternity schedule- Division I. Alpha SlgmajPhi. February 14 -A. T. X , 1 to 2 February -II T P , C. to 7 February 20 A. T () , (i to 7 February 25 D U , 2 to .! Fobruary 28 I). X , 1 to L' :fn March 3--D T. I) , (! to 7 March 7-K S . 11 to 12 Alpha Theta Chi. February 14 A. S P , 1 to . Fobruary 18 D. U.. 2 to :i February 21 D. X., 1 to 2 :io February 21 D. T, 1)., 1 to Fohruury 23-A. T. O., 0 to February 28 B. T. P., 1 to Murch 10 K. S., G to 7 Beta Theta Pi. February 14 A. T. O., 1 to February 17 A. S. P., G to Fobruary 23 D. C, 6 to 7. Fobruary 28 A. T. X., 1 to March 3 K. S., 6 to 7. March 51). U.. 0 to 7. March 10 D. T. D., 0 to 7 Alpha Tau Omega. February, 14 B. T. P., 1 to February 17 K. S., G to 7. 2.:o. 7. 2-:ki 2:30 7. 2:30. !:30. (Continued on Pago 4) NEW MENTOR CH08EN AT . N0RTHWE8TERN COLLEGE Former Yale Star Selected to Coach Purple Eleven. Fred J. Murphy, football, buBoball, and basketball star of Yale, who gradu ated in 1910, has been chosen to coach football at Northwestern for the com ing year. ATHLETIC RECORDS HIGH MARKS MADE AT CHARTER DAY INDOOR MEET8. THE EVENTS FOR THIS YEAR Eighth Event Is an Inter-Class Relay Race Record Breakers Will Be In Meet Charter Day, Monday. On Monday afternoon the annual Charter Day meot will bo hold In tho Armon Fight eventH aro upon tho program Tho ovonts aro glvon bolow In Uv order-t-hfttr-they wiR-be-rttrt-off : First evont. 25-yard dash. The roc onl for this event Is 3 seconds , and is held by K V. Urannon; Who is tho present sporting editor of tho Lincoln Dally Star. Second event, iolo vault. Tho rec ord is 11 foot 2 InchoB, which was made a year ago by A. C. LinBtrum. He will be n contestant again this year. Third evont, 12-pound shot. Record is 14 feet 7 inches. Thl record 1b held by Herbort Reese, Btar aprlntor of the University. Fourth evont, fence vault. ,SJx fact HVz inclioH Made by A. B. 2baln in 1909 " ' Fifth evont, high Jump. Blyo feet 9 Inches Made by J. C. Kntodo, 1907, and Paul Athoa, 1907. . Sixth event, running high kick Five feet i) inches. This is fold by C H. Meyers, and is not only Uni versity, but a world record. This M Meyer Ih our "Sevon" Merer fof basketball fame. The rocord inane nisi year. i Seventh ovent, rope climb, 18 feet high. Time, 0 second 8. Mado by L. Peck In 1900. The eighth event is the relay race. This is an inter-class ovont. The gymnasium has boon tho scono of busy training for the- post fow weeks and keen rivalry is expected in all the above events for tho places of honor From tho showing which has been made by some of the particular stars. It is expected that there' will bo something doing in the way of break up re ords RUSSIAN PROGRAM GIVEN AT COSMOPOLITAN CLUB First Meeting a Success Chancellor Avery Speaks on Race- Prejudice. About forty students and tacu,lty members mot In Music Hall pf tho Temple last Wodnesday ovonlng to re organize tho Cosmopolitan Clutn Tho nations represented wore: 'America, Annoniu, Bohemia, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Russia and Syria. The movement to reorganize the club was started by the University Federation of Church Workers. In calling the meeting to order, Rov. Howard stated that tho purpose of Jtho club was to promote mutual acquaint ance of the different nationalities, In school. As soon as the club Is ablo to hold regular meetings, each evening will be given over to a different nationality, who will bo expected to render a pro gram characteristic of their nation. Ab a Baraple, Mr. Felix Newton pre pared a Russian program for last Wednesday evening. Mr. Kuenotofon tof, a former student of St Petersburg University, and Mlsa Vlasa Storba, a Bohemian student of this University, (Continued on page 2) ci v g ft. l