The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 12, 1914, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
'rn'rlv of
urcr.n n mawson
K.lltoi I" Ciller
MamiKlnK I'lltnr
Aftoorlivtc Fallot
A.iporlnlo ICdltor
Athlctlo I0lltoi ,
. . . I. C. Bponccr
Huth M. Hqulrwi
... It V. Koupul
. . C. K. MorBO
Mitx Hnolir
Cnrrlc Oomim
(lien ICvrrtu
W. K IIiik'T
lllr.ili-lh ll(li'
IlllRllK-Hft Milium1!
K.irl Junouch
HiiKh II. McVlckor
F M. Morrlum
Krma Nelson
Leon I'ulnior
Fnink H Pork Inn
Aiwt ItiiHlnotiH M,iiihkt KuhhcII V. Clurk
Hiitmcrlplliin pi Ire $2 00 per your.
imy.ilil- I" iwlvanco
Hlntjlo ropli h f conl ouch.
ICnteird at tin- poHtutllcu lit Lincoln,
Nrlmmku. ii8 n'( oihI clusfl mall niattor,
under tho Act of Ninrro8s of March 3,
wo will print tho dotalls, tho merits,
and tho demerits of both. What do
you think of them? Hnvo yon any
BUggoBtlonH to mako? How should tho
roproBontatlon bo mado? Write an
opon lottor In tho "Forum," or tell tho
commlttco what you think Thoy
want to know, theBtudentB want to
know. Lot's havo your IdoaB.
February 12, 1902.
8. E. Black chosen president of tho
Junior claHB aftor a spirited contest
Ho urges unity In all claBB enter
prlBOB. February 12, 1904.
Sophs clreulato a petition for tho
oloctlon of tho editor and manager of
tho "Sombrero." Tako tho Btand that
tho "Sombrero"' la for Sophomore
claBB and rest of UnlvorBlty aa well
as for tho Junior claBB.
University Calendar
11:00 a. m. Convocation, Memorial
7 00 p m. "SnakeB In the Grass, "
by Prof. P. J. Pool, Tcmplo.
7 30 p. m. Botany Seminar, room
110, Nebraska Hall
7 30 p m Architectural Engineers
meeting, Mechanic Arts Hall 20G.
Freshman Y. W C. A. Vesper Temple
bo tho free voire of ntiiilcnt snntlinont; $
to br ful r. to be Impirtial, to nok ndvlca
an well an offer It. to truthfully piCTUro
poIloKe life, to k further than tbu mero
printing' of iicwh bv Btandlnff for tho
hlKhent IdenlH of tho Unlvorslty; In nhort,
to nerve tho UnlverHlty of Nebraflka.
T T Jfi r 'P" p- jj "W" "" "p" fv fv
Thursday, February 12, 1914
Mr. Carl Ktockelberg la to play at
Convocation thin morning In tho Tom
pie theater It In uhoIosb to tell you
what this means, what an opportunity
1b offered to nuiHlc lovers. Look at
tho program Isn't It worth your
while? Such attractions at Convoca
tion should be overflowed. But wo
are going to quit appoallng to your
House of duty If you don't think It's
worth while, don't go
Thursday, February 12, Temple
Theatre, 11 A. M.
Carl Stockelborg, Violinist
Mrs. Stockelborg, Accompanist
Schubort-Wllholm. .Avo Maria
M ozart Menuet
Dvorak HumoroBquo
Krolslor Caprice Vlennols
.A. k ik. .k. ' 1 U .l 1
r r T 'r
XI Delta houso party Homo
Jeannette Finney.
Phi (ianinin Delta Informal Temple
Today Is Abraham Lincoln's birth
day. It Is not a holiday. Wo of tho
University mark it not as u day of
special note, as a day to stand ever
sacred In the calendar College work
grinds on the same, chiBBes are unin
terrupted We go ahead In our llttlo
spheres, never stopping for a moment
to pay tribute to the memory of a llfo
so Bacred to tho American nation.
But let us for a brief second con
sider In reverend thought him whoso
birthday !b today Think of him tho
boy- with scarcely on opportunities
offered for an education, for n busi
ness training Think of him tho
oung man rising from a rnll-spllttor
to an adversar on tho stump to
Stephen A. Douglas. Think of him
the President whoso sorvlco to us
can never be dehcribed. Ho Is a na
tion's hero. Honor him on this his
The student council committee is
working nights and Sundays trying to
pull hoiiu thing tangible out of a mass
of twisted f.icts gathered from every
college and university In tho country
where a council is or has been used.
But the amount is so groat, and tho
Umo so shoit. that no definite plan
can be submitted at tho coming elec
tion. But light is beginning to show
through. Results are soon to be forth
coming. Some of us have acquired tho idea,
not strangely, that this committee, ap
pointed by whom we know not, was
working in secret, trving to "put some
thing over on us." Tnoy didn't toll us
what they were doing. But thoy
couldn't. They had nothlnc to toll.
Their meetings aro not secret, nor aro
they public. Thoy cannot be hampered
by many questioning and advice giving
onlookers. But now that results aro
beginning to Bhow, they aro telling
you what they can find out. They aro
saving you hours of time and trouble
pouring over masseB of detail.
In today's paper you will find an
account of their meeting last night.
(Continued from Page One)
ly pleased with tho material selected
This will bo the third annual musical
comedy to bo produced by tho Kosmet
Rehearsals will commence next
Week. Tho play and music Is tho pro
duction of students. It has been pro
nounced to bo highly commendable by
those who havo seen and heard It. It
will be staged at the Oliver Theater,
Friday night. May 1.
Tho following Is tho membership of
tho cast: JuIIub Hurpham, Ruth
Evans, Russell Israel, Freeman Pen
noy, Genevieve Weesner, Robert
Drake, John T. Carroll, Cordelia Con
dra, Russell Clark, Ramona Troup,
Isabel Coons, Margaret McIIenry,
James D. MUiken, Phebo Folsom, Reed
Dawson, Mary Challis, Helen Carroll,
Loulso Chnce, Betty Doyle, Florlnda
Young, Spray L. Gardner. Osa Hanoi,
Harriet Ramoy, Alice Brooks, Lucille
Loydn, William M. Locke, Burko Tay
lor, Cornelia Crittenden, Hazel Sabln.
Paul Grlswold, Robert Flansburg, Ray
Doylo, Catherine Atwood, Carrie Co
man, Morwln Svvaynle, Clyde Krause,
Victor Backland. Arthur Chace, Ar
thur A. Emley, William L. McMullen,
Florence Angle, Mary A. Collins,
Wanda Klmmol, Harold Krause, Tan
zon Manker, and Phillip McCullough
Sad News-Glad News
Sad for us glad for you -and why? Our inventory tellfl
uh we've got more New Fall and "Winter Suits and Overcoats
right now, than any two Lincoln stores have to begin the
season. But not for long not by a long shot.
They're going to go and if you don't get in on the good
things we hope your relations do if it pleases you.
1,702 Men's and Young Men's Suits and 805 Men's And
Young Men's Overcoats that's what the inventory sIiowb.
But here's what we intend to do with them.
ArtlBtlc danco programs and menus
for particular people. George Bros.,
Printers, 1313 N street.
(Continued from Pago Ono)
Of the first plan, tho student coun
ell of the University of Colorado pre-
1 acuta a good example. There lkc
council controls everything, publica
tlons, athletics, social organizations
all. Tho plan employed at the Univer
sity of Michigan Is, on tho other hand,
an example of tho second typo of
councils. Tho question of student de
portment seems to bo the bono of con
tention In most every student council.
In nearly every case tho council is
tho dictator. It regulates how many
times a week a young lady may havo
a "date," whether or not she should
be chaperoned, and many other close
ly related subjects. This Bort of thing,
in the opinion of the commlttco, Is
the greatest, enemy of tho student
council Idea, the thing most likely to
kill the movement For this reason,
they deem it advisable to leave out of
consideration such systems as dele
gate these powers to the council
Representation Is one of the most
serlouB problems confronting the com
mittee. Of whom shall tho council be
composed? Any suggestions will be
thankfully received. One plan receiv
ing moro than passing consideration
is the ono In use at the University of
Arkansas. Thero every organization
and every line of college activity has
representation In the council. It Is
stated In tho constitution tho exact
number of representatives alloted to
each college, each class, tho Y. M.
C. A., tho Y. W. C. A , each fraternity,
athletics, etc In this way a truly
representative body Is formed.
Tho mass of material is so great
that tho committee can not have Its
report and proposed council plans
ready to submit to tho University
public at tho coming eloctlons. A
special election will be held ns soon
as some definite proposals can be pre
sented. In all probability, two pro
posed constitutions will bo drafted,
representing the two oxamples, and
placed before tho students for their
approval or rejection. In tho mean
time, If you havo any suggestions, the
committee, whose headquarters aro In
Guy Reed's office In tho basement of
Administration building, will welcome
any and all of them.
7(H) New Fall and Winter
Suits and l,H7.r High Grade
Overcoats which we sold for
$20, $18, $16.50 and $15
942 Highest Grade Suits and
4'H) Highest Grade Over
coats which we sold for $30,
$27.50, $25 and $22.50
Armstrong Clothing Co.
Ames Not to Stage Intercollegiate
Matches Meet With Nebraska.
According to tho communication re
ceived by Manager Kellogg, Iowa
wrestlers will not meet tho Aggies this
years. It has been decided by the au
thorities there that no matches will bo
scheduled with other Institutions.
This has somewhat dashed tho hopes
of tho Hawkeyo squad because it was
confidently oxpectod hero that a re
turn match would bo pulled off.
Thero will, however, bo a match!
with tho Cornhuskers at Lincoln. Tho
date has not yot boon settled. Mana
ger Kollogg Is trying to secure a
wroBtllng moet to bo held In the
spring. Just what he will be able to
People We Know.
Please note that tho phono number
of tho Dally Nebraskan haB been
changed and is now L-7451.
Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter, and
Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th.
do In tills matter Is not known. Tho
Two general plana are outlined. Later Dally Iowan.
University School of Music
Established 1894
Opposite the University Campus, 1 1 th and R Sts. In
structions Given in All Branches of Music. Students
may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted.
sure she was getting the disease, and,
although getting ready for a dance,
sho called in a doctor. The doctor
convinced her that she had no symp
toms. Hut she was so badly fright
ened that she was vaccinated before
going to tho dance.
Moro than half of the girls at the
Chi Omega house havo been vacci
nated and the others aro waiting until
It Is mado compulsory.
Tho glrlB at tho Phi Mu houso are
all going to be vaccinated In a few
Tho Alpha Phi, although living in
tho same block as tho boy quaran
tined for tho disease, havo no fears,
and aro not going to bo vaccinated
until It is compulsory.
Tho Delta Gamma kept tho doctor
busy until midnight. When tho doctor
was sent for only two girls had
planned to bo vaccinated, but before
ho loft, twelve were vaccinated. They
called It a vaccination party, and all
members wore Invited In. University
; of character. Girls who slug soprano
should marry tenors. Tho old thoory
of opposites marrying is no good. It
Is in tho discard.
"Tho girl with tho contralto voice
should marry tho fellow who sings
"Tenors aro shrewd, successful In
business, good mixers, cordial and
"The girl with tho contralto volco
makes tho best mother; sho lives
longer, is true, honest and dependa
ble." Tho Dally Cardinal.
Vaccination Parties In Vogue at So
rority Houses Now.
Tho girls at some of tho sorority
houses wore excited when tho report
was heard that a case of smallpox had
boon discovered at tho high school.
At ono sorority houBo, ono girl was
Leavo your order for Senior An
nouncements at George Bros., 1313 N
St., by Saturday, February 7th.
Jones' Orchestra. Phono L-9G66.
How to Choose Your Life Mate.
Prof. T. E. Fltz, head of the music
department of tho State Teachers' Col
lege, Greeloy, Colo., says:
"Volco Is surest and best criterion
Since thero aro only flfty-flvo per
sons In tho Junior and Senior classes
who have not had their pictures taken
for tho 1914 Cornhusker, wo havo ar
ranged, In order that you may bo
reprosonted In tho book, to havo your
sittings taken from now until Febru
ary 14. This is being dono merely to
allow thoso who for somo reason could
not possibly havo sittings during tho
required tlmo and who BtlJL desire to
bo reprosonted in tho book.
If you want to tako this last oppor
tunity to appear In tho big year book,
havo your sittings taken at onco at
Townsonds. Very cordially yfcurs,
BuBlnoBB Manager.
I ' .
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