KAT ri , v ru, s - : - . c i,- THE DAILY NEBEASKAN TA "J. ' 'i " A W Iv t . The Daily Nebraskan rropi'rty if TUB I'NIVIOKHm K NI2BKA8ICA Lincoln IlICKI) II HAW80N Elltoi-ln-'lilcf Manng-inR Bdltor Awoclnrto Ifolltot . Afwocluto KdltoV. .1. C. Sponoor Until M. flqulroe ..II. V. Koupol HBPORTOHIAI- STAFF" Mnjc Baohr Currlo Cornan Ulon Bvort W. B. Hiuror ICllwibKh llyl- Karl Junouch MukIi IL McVlckor Ir M. Alorrlmii Knna NoIhom I, con Palmar DunlncBfl MnniiRor. . Frank 8. Porklna Ajwt. HuiilneHH MantiK'T KuuhpII K. Clnrk Hubflorlptlon prlco Vi 00 por year, payiiblo In lulvunco. HIiikIo copl', i cents oach. Kntorod at tho poHtodlco at Lincoln, Ncbnwka. iih M-conil-i'IiiHfl miUl mattor. under tbo Act of n ! of March 3, 1879. Tho DAILY NKMinSKAN purpom-a to bo tho frm' vole of Htutlont Bontlmont; to be fnJr; to be Impartial , to Hook advlco ixa woll no ofTor It, to truthfully plcturo ooIIoko life, to ko ftn tlnr than tho moro prlntlnK of iiwh by Htandlnff for tho IrlRhcHt WIwiIh of tho Unlvorslty; In Bhort, to Horvo tho Unlvcrnlty of Nbnukn, Thursday, February 6 STUDENT COUNCIL Havo you read tho nrtlclo on tho Btudout council movement In thlB 1b buo? If not, turn to It at onco. It contains enough of the constitution of tho Michigan Student Council to give you an Idea of Kb working principles. A Blmllar council 1h advocated for Ne hraska. Familiarize yoursolf with tho Hkoloton of all such bodloa, well ropro Bonted by this one. Thle Ib tho flrHt of a Borles of arti cles on tho student council movement to bo published In the Nebraskan. Wo are going to print many moro selec tions from constitutions, and many letters from people who havo Been, llrst-hand, Blmllar systems at work. It 1b your duty to understand tills pro posal. You must nay whether or not wo aro to adopt It It Is of vital im portance to tho University. Wo givo you the' facts. Make your own con chiBlonB. CADET ENCAMPMENT Officers In tho cadet regiment aro circulating petitions among tho mon for tho reinstatement of cadot en campment. Wo understand that this cuBtom was discontinued last year bo caueo of certain unpleasant happon lngB at Croto tho year beforo. No matter now who was right and who waa wrong, tho question 1b, Will thoro over bo another camp? It is practic ally up to tho cadets. If thoy sign tho petition there is llttlo doubt about it. Encampment Is a good thing. Of course, thero aro excesBos both on tho NEW STOCK Of FRAT and SORORITY CRESTS MONOGRAMS and LETTER8, In SILVER AND GOLD Suljiblo for Ring. Cuff Buttons, A Valllers, Bracelets, Bar Plna. Etc. HALLETT UNI JEWELER Eat 1871 1143 0 Gaby Doll $0 0 WOMAN NEW SHOE M " w Spring Showing Complete """ BUDD - 1415 O St. part of tho commanded, and tho com manders which aro bad. But, in tho mnln, camp 1b ono of tho beat Influ ences in studont lifo. OutBldo of tho moro fact that tho boys alwayB havo tho "tlmo Qf tholr Hvob," thero aro positive morlts to bo considered. It 1b tho "molting pot" of Univoraity llfo. "Barb" and "Qrook" Ho down togothor. Thoro Is no distinction other than military rank. It Ib at camp that a truo Unlvoralty spirit Is formed. It Ib horo that all of ub havo a common In terest, a common bond to hold ub to gothor. It Ib nt camp that wo como to know moro mon than at any other yoB, at all othor events of tho year. Cadets, voto for camp. Jones' OrchoBtra. Phono L-9606 TODAY IN NEBRA8KA8 HI8TORY February 6, 1913. Inter-Sorority Council abolishes prosent rules. Iecldo that fair com petition is impoBBlble and give up bad job for this Bomofltor. Fobruary 6, 1904. Sophomoro olectlon will be Influ enced by Junior Annual. Interest groatly IncreaBlng. W. H. Smith of Tobias, C. M. Mathowson of Winne bago, and C. Q. Hrubosky of Geneva havo announced themselves as candi dates. President Stoln will not run again. February 6, 1912. Froahmon trying to provo them selves not so sophisticated by moans of moro moonlight dances. Also limit ing thoir dances to 100 couples. 8TUDENT COUNCIL (Continued from Pago Ono) Tho exorcise of these powers shall bo limited to the acadomlc year, exclu hIvo of tho Summer Slaslon. Soctlon 2. LeglBlatlvo. Tho Student Council may mako rules and regula tions affecting student customs, elec tions, celebrations, ceremonies, special games und contests not under tho con trol of tho Athletic Board, and tho gon oral bohavior of tho Btudont body, ox cept insofar np tho rogulatlop of Btich mattors is now, or horoaftor may be, providod for by tho University au thorities. Soctlon 2. Executive. Tho Student Council shall administer its rules and regulations, or provide for their ad ministration. Section 4. Judicial. Upon written roquost of tho President of tho Unlvor Bity, or of tho Dean of any department thereof, tho Studont Council may, at Its discretion, mako an investigation Into any mattor of concern to student lifo and roport in writing tho facts ascertained to tho officer making such request, with or without recommenda tion aB tho request shall state. Tho Studont Council may decide, subject to an appoal to tho Sonato Council, any diBputo referred to it by nny undorgraduato organization, not otherwise provided for. No member of the Studont Council who is person ally Interested In tho result may alt in such trial, Bald question of Interest to bo decided by tho Student Council without debate. All official communications from tho Unlvoralty authorities to tho Studont Council or from tho Student Council to tho University authorities shall bo in writing. Article VI. Voto. Tho authority of tho Senate Council to voto any action of the Studont Coun cil Is hereby rocognlzed. ... In omorgoncy cases tho action of tho Studont Council may bo mado effec tive immediately with tho consent of the Prosldont of tho University. Article V. Membership. Section 1. Number of Members. Tho Student Council shall consist of not Iobb than twenty nor more than thirty mombors. Soctlon 2. Dopartmontal Represen tation. Representation shall bo ap portioned among tho aoven depart ments of tho University according to tho number of undergraduates on rolled In each department on the first of November of each year. Section 3. Qualifications. Only men from tho Junior and Sonior classes who have boon members of tholr classes for at loost throo BomeBtors may bo elected to membership in tho Studont Council. Articlo VI. Elections. Section 3. Nominations and Elec tions. ... No solicitation for fiupport for nny candidate, or elec tioneering of any kind, shall bo car ried on by candidates or by any other person. This gives a person a fair idea of what is going on at Michigan. Wo aro about to conBlder Buch a plan. Watch the Rag for more material SENIORS HOLD MEETING FQLLOWINGJONVOGATION Mid-Year Graduating Exercises to Be Held at St. Paul's Church. Yesterday morning at 11:50 o'clock just half of tho forty mid-yoar gradu ating claBB assembled to discusB and decide Bomo Important remaining do tails. L. T. Skinner actod as chair man of tho meeting and ably conduct ed tho buslnoBB of selecting announce ments, ordoring gownB, etc. Mid-year graduating exercises havo usually been held In Memorial Hall, but this year's claBB Is fortunate in having the prlvilogo of holding com mencement In tho St. Paul's Methodist church. All orders for announcements must bo In by Saturday of this woek in order to havo ovorythlng in readiness by February ICtli. Tho advertisement of tho printer will bo found in another part of this paper. A RU8HEE'S FATE. Rushing days have como at last, Tho strangest of the yoar, Some folks aro glad and Bome aro sad Pledgo day is drawing near. Tho halls are filled with maids and mon In classes throo divided, Tho first are thoBo whose fate is still By others undecided. Tho second class of worried souls, You know, aro those who rush And try with might and main to make A frat pal of thoir crush. Tho third aro those who merely watch Tho ways thoy seem to know, And when tho pledges aro announced They'll say: "Wo told you so." GENEVA SEEGER. Artistic danco programs and menus for particular people. George Bros., Printers, 1313 N street. Utah Freshmen Get Too Fresh With the Green Paint. Freshmen at tho University of Utah who painted tholr numerals on a large boulder on tho campus woro tried by tho Student Council. To right tho misdemeanor thoy woro compelled to acrub off every bit of paint and alBO to make humblo apology before the Btudont body of that institution. Wouldn't that havo boon a good stunt for tho folks who palntod up the -campus tho woek beforo tho Amos game? Of course not Wo need school spirit, and lots of It. Drake Dally Delphic. TAKE YOUR PICK OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Men's & Young Men's High est Grade Suits and Over coats at Four Prices: THIS IS A HIGH TONED 8ALE and will be attractive to men who pay Uncle Sam good plump sums as Income tax tho clothos aro as good as money will buy. nothing wrong with tho clothes only tho price Is tremendously cut. This is indeed a far reaching solo it's good for tho rich, helps the salaried man and is truly a blessing to the poor. Wo Toll tho Wholo Story Below: B So". wmSm Sal1" aml 0vcrc""B tbat '- at N $17.65 mm, T220 aUd2oono" su"" "d 0vau tbat '"-ly ,,d at Now $13.65 "So. 5J? ', 00 " Sult" "d vorcoa" Uml ' N $9.65 Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats that formerly sold at $12.60 and $10.00. v N $5.65 Armstrong Clothing Co. GOOD CLOTHE8 MERCHANT8 Spring Goods In Many Departments NOW C7Yrt- r77? THE University School of Music Established 1894 Opposite the University Campus, 1 1 th and R Sts. In structions Given in All Branches of Music. Students may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted. WILLARD KIMBALL, Director mii& "1 . h -. . '... stshe m& VT rr 'Vf,'- frrl:g'jl'llJv!i'', vr '. .- .i --- .-v-m .i . ..". -fr