The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1914, Image 4

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University Authorities Deny Implica
tion They Tried to Throw
Printing Job.
(Llucoln IMlly Star.)
Concornlng an Implication of unfair
noBH In tho drat lottniK of tho contract
for tho printing of the University Cata
log to otnor than tho lowest bidder,
as convoyed In recent newspaper artl
cIob dlBOUsainB the letting or public
printing, the following explanation Ih
made on bohalf of the UnlvorHitj au
thorltloa by one who Ih oonverHant
with tho factH
"Tho Hull or Jacob North & Co
against the 1 often Is to prevent their
representatives, namely, the purchas
ing agent, the University publisher
and the Chancellor, from lotting a
certain contract excopt through the
Btato printing hoard, was originally In
tended to prevent the University au
thorities from letting tho contract to
the Woodnifl Iianknoto company,
whose bid for the entire Job was a
trifle less than $1? more than tho North
company Tho University publisher,
howovor, rogardod tho oxtra work or
roading proof in his ofllco and making
corrections whon tho typo was sot
set with a linotype machine, such as
the North company usos, instead of
with a monotype machine, such as tho
Woodruff Ha-iknoto company uses, aB
representing about $75. In other
words, IiIb estimate, taking tho labor
of reading the proof and making cor
rections Into consideration, was that
tho University would save about sev
enty odd dollars by accepting the
Woodruff Banknote company's bid.
"Aftor tho temporary Injunction had
been Issued by Judge Stewart, In ordor
to avoid dolay, and without waiving
any of its rights, tho University re
quosted tho state printing board to lo.
the contract, the University cancelling
all bids In letting this contract the
question was discussed whether, In
order to avoid any future misundor
standing, tho bids should call fo
monotypo work. In ordor to get thlb
in deflnlto sh.ipo for consideration, the
Chancellor told tho purchasing agen
that he might draft a specimen con
tract containing this clause. Mr. Lud
felt that this would cut out compet.
tlon. While tho Unlvorslty had men
tlonod It In deference to the Unlver
sity publisher, it was not to be urged
und they were perfectly w'IMng th
this clause should be stricken out
Tho University authorities did not put
it in their own specifications on which
tho first bids were called for.
"The specifications upon which com
petition was pecurod by the state print
mg board at the University's request
wero essontially the same a peel Ilea
UoiiB as tho purchasing agent had
originally sent to the several printers
Irom whom bids had been obtained
"The reason h the bldb obtained
by the state board were lower than
those obtained by the University was
simply that some feeling in regard to
the securing ot the contract was gen
erated among the printing houses. In
their endeavor to secure the bid they
cut their ottlmaW't, as some of them
, allege, below oht, and made tho se
curing of the bid .i matter ot pride, not
of business.
"The contract is, as has been an
nounced, to go to the Woodruff Bank
note company This linn uses the
kind of type-setting machine that the
TJntaerslty publisher appiocs The
only netreBull, of the trouble is that
the University prohlh a few hundred
dollars by the cut rate war engen
dered. Any insinuations that the Unl
voralty authorities have consciously
, had anything to do with un plan to
throw the work to the State Journal
company are entirely without founda
tion In fact"
Forsaken 8hlp, Practically Unalnk
abls, Can Rarely Be Perceived Un
til Too Lata to Avoid the
Fatal Collision.
The dlsmaeted, battered hulk of
dorollct, floating bo low in tho wator ai
to bo almost lovol with tho waves, Is
of course, a vory groat danger to navi
gation, especially in foggy woathor.
The majority of dorollcts are sailing
shipB laden with tlmbor. They may
havo boon dlBtnaBted and rendered ab
solutely holplesB in storms, partly do
mollBhod by fire, by collision with an
Iceborg, or by the more forco of tho
waves thomBolvos Tho crow, unable
to make their ship seaworthy, may
havo abandoned It in tho boats, or
hare been roscuod by somo passing
vobboI, but, whatovor their fate, tholi
forBakon Bhlp, if laden with wood, ro
malnB practically unBlnkable and 1b
driven hithor aad thlthor over the
ocean, at tho mercy of tho winds and
Now and again a steamer may be
rondorod helpless owing to Kb ma
chlnory becoming disabled by Bhortage
of coal, by flro or by tho Iobs of lti
ruddor or propollor In heavy woathor
Its crow may docldo to abandon It and
tako to the boats, but if they neglect
to open tho seacocks on their depar
ture tholr Bhlp may float for many n
long day. Tho orratlc movoments ol
Bomo dorollctfl aro almost uncanny
Not eo vory long ago a Norwegian sail
ing Bhlp called tho Crown left Nova
Scotia for a South American port. It
was laden with timber, and while Btill
In tho North Atlantic ocoan whh over
taken by a terrlblo storm, which dlB
masted and loft it a battered wreck.
Tho crew, realizing It was useless to
remain on board, abandoned it and
took to tho boats, never to be heard
of again, but their Bhlp, although it
vanished completely for no less than
three months, wao sighted at tho end
of this tlmo on tho edge of tho Sargas
so Boa, a good 700 inllf'B away from
where disaster overtook It. Soon aft
torward it was sighted off Bermuda,
but then disappeared again, and may
still be drifting about the ocean
DorellctB aro sometimes salved and
bring in u largo sum in salvage monoy
to tho crews of the ships who tow
them into port. On one occasion an
American steamer bound for Liverpool
with a cargo of cotton ran out of coal
off tho north coast of Ireland. Tho
Boa woe running high, signals of dis
tress wore made to a passing steamer,
which passed a tow ropo to the help
Iosb Bhlp. But tho towing wire snapped
und the crew wero accordingly taken
on board the newcomer, while the dls
ablod tobboI waa left to drift
A Liverpool tug heard of the affair.
j v. i v..i ... .1
and being doubtless aware of the great
vuluo of the cotton cargo, determined
to flud the derelict and to tow It Into
harbor. Aftor a protracted search it
(a mo upon It and eventually took It
Into Belfast, little worse for its buffet
lng. The-'enterprlsing tug netted no
less than 7,960 for Its share in the
proceedings. By un act of parliament,
passed in 1896, tho master of any Brit
ish ship sighting a derelict 1b bound
to report the fact to the nearest
Lloyds agent, eo that If the abandoned
ship 1b in the traok of ships u man-of-war
may be sent out to destroy or
bring It Into port.
He Married the Beneficiary.
"Yes," said the retired Insurance
agent, "I once got a man to take out n
$50,000 life policy only the day before
he was killed", and it took a lot of coax
lng to do It "
"Gosh! that was tough on the com
pany I expect you wished your per
uiaalvo powers had not been bo sue
:easful." "Well, hardly. You nee, I married
.he widow."
"GladyB paid you a compliment yes
terday, Felice."
"What did she Bay?"
"She Bald you were very Intellectu
al "The cat! She Just said that be
sause Bhe was expecting Tom Cheejr
ers to take her to the football game
and he took me Instead."
Miss Rose, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Wlckllffe Rose of Washington, Is one
of the season's attractive debutantes.
The family formerly lived It) Nashville,
Girl Advocates of More Equal
trlbution of Honors Investi
gating System.
The Girls' Club Board is bus with
Investigations of the point sjstom of
grading student honors This sjstem
plans to allow a certain number of
points for each honor, and to establish
a maximum number which any indi
vidual may obtain. The Idea Is to pre
vent a monopoly of honors by a few
people. This plan Is to be advocated
for young ladles only, so there 1b no
cause for concern on the part of the
men who have half page write-ups in
the Cornhusker
Miss Jeanette Finney, the Xi Delta
represontatUe on the Board, has dl
rect charge or the work. She has
written to a score of colleges and unl
versltles where this system Is used
h received much valuable Infor
mation in return. It Is expected that
she will soon make a report to the
Board with her recommendations.
The Girls' Club will take active meas
ures to have the system Installed at
Percy Say,
ills father
aory note.
Pop, what's a time
(absently) A proml
Jones' Orchestra. Phono L-9666.
B?aB?aB?aBKlllF' bTbTB
bbbbbBIzIPF' HbbI
BBBBR5'?';;' " ' "BBBbI
W "
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.Possibility That the Wonderful Colleo
tlon Made by Ivan the Terrible
May Not Have Been Destroyed
In the Great Fire of 1812.
A short tlmo ago a professor ol
theology In the university at St. Pe
tersburg, Russia, purchased at a shop
in Moscow a manuscript copy of the
Gospels dating from prior to A. D.
1000. On examination It waa found to
have belonged to tho great library col
lected in hlB youth by Ivan tho Terri
ble, whon ho believed that he had a
divino miBBlon TIiIb library was sup
posed to have been burnod in the
great fire of Moscow of 1812
On a subsequent visit to Moscow the
professor tracod his book to tho fam
ily of a laboror, who said that ho had
found It with several similar volumea
In a subterranean passage near tho
The famous library of Ivan the Ter
rible Ifl now supposed to be Btill hid
den in some underground vault, which
tho efforts of generations have hither
to failed to discover It was Ivan the
Terrlblo whose reputation as a groat
ruler haB been obscured by tho fas
cination of hla extraordinary oxcobbos
who established tho printing press
In Russia.
There 1b a wldo Held of conjecture
aB to what might not come to light In
tho event of this curious library ono
day bolng discovered Ivan the Terri
ble waB In close communication with
all the rulers of our hemisphere, from
London to Peking, ono branch of
knowledge Is almost certain to be well
represented In this lost library, and
that Is the Bcenco of black magic. It
is equally likely that new codlcoa of
Holy Scripture may yet come to light,
for Ivan the Terrible undertook to
print tho Scriptures In the vulgar
tongue Only ono thing Is certain,
that such a library existed and has
never beon found, nor is It even known
to havo perished in any of tho numer
ous Area that devastated Moacow.
Apart from changes of surfaco feat
ures In the Kromlln, the level of the
soil la six or eight feet above what It
was In the sixteenth century. It is no
doubt tho knowledge, an unpleasantly
vague knowledge, of tho exlatenco of
theao underground paasoges which
causes tho pollco on every occasion of
an Imperial vlBit to Moscow to seal up
with wire and a lead seal every single
oponlng, cellar shoot, surface drainage
grid, to bo found anywhere over the
area of the Kremlin, and frequently to
inspect the integrity af theao soals.
Legends of a labyrinth of under
ground passages have boon current
among tho populace for centuries, but
it Is only within the last decade or so
that tho very extensive building enter
prlsoon modern lines undertaken In
Russia's "premier capital" haB given
substunco to these ancient legends
When tho main drainage BCheme had
been in operation a few years the al
teration of subsoil conditions causod
a sinking of the foundations of many
of tho more massive public buildings,
which had to bo underpinned, whllu
now erections required much deepoi
excavation In order that a secure
foundation might be reached. It was
In course of these operations thai
many underground passages camo to
light, and eventually the nowly fledged
societies interested in the preserva
tion of monuments of antiquity at
tempted to deal with tho matter from
the historical standpoint.
It Makes a Difference.
"Jinx told me of a rlproaring Joke,
that was played on some member ol
your club last evonlng. Were you
"Yes, I waa there! It waa an abom
inable, far fetched "
"O-oh! Jinx did not tell me that
you were the man It was on."
Looking Ahead.
"No, my man, this Is not mine.
was a $20 bill I lost."
"But It waa a twlnty-dollar bill be
fore I got It changed, sot."
,rvVhat did you get It changed forr
"Och, sure, so the owner could con
vaynlentlv reheard ox. or." Puck.
Remainder of 8chool Year
Hot and Cold Showers
Swimming, Gymnastics
Credit Given on University Y. M. C. A.
SH - lilBRiiiiB
bHbbH " -a- .CMmBu iJbMLi ibW'W
.H i - !mm2m
sbtbtJ WtBtBTarflBTBBrararar l.'l
BsW jpMfflSH&BBBW "!
ssW ybKsHSSsIIbW 3
fli is
at the Orphcvm.
A "Square Deal"
for everybody is the
"Spalding Policy."
We guarantee each
buyer of an article
bearing the Spalding
Trade IMark, that
such an article will
give satisfaction and
a reasonable amount
of service.
1016 Arapahoo St DENVER, COLO
University Jeweler and
1123 O St. Yellow Frbnt
Your Patronage Solicited
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