- . JTI ,.'U , ' 'A 'Vj T "Si.' VW . - , M - - V , i1- t - O '&'. t A '"-' ,,-j I THE DAILY NEBEASKAN v 'i " OS T;rT7. jr- ;.5yipjyv; J V 1 I THEATRES OLIVER THEATER Frl., 8at. and 8at. Mat., Feb. 6, 7 LYMAN H. HOWE'S TRAVEL FESTIVAL Panama Canal, Yellowstone Park, and Many Others Night, 50c, 35c, 25c; Mat, 35c, 25c Feb. 11 HARRY LAUDER ORPIItllM THEATER THUR8., FRI., 8AT., Feb. 5, 6, 7 CECIL LEAN Assisted by CLEO MAY FIELD BILLY GOULD A BELLE A3HLYN JOHN E. HAZZARD MABELLE ADAM8 & CO. THE BRAD8 MUREL & FRANCES LENNETT'&TWILSON Mat. Daily at 2:15. Prices 15 & 25c Night, 8: 15. Prices 15,25,35,50,75c LYRIC THEATED THUR8., FRI., SAT., FEB. 5, 6, 7. FOUR MUSICAL KLEISES THQ8E THREE ENTERTAINERS PHOTO PLAY8 "DOLLIE OF THE DAILIE8" "THE PERFECT TRUTH" PICKLES, ART& CAUER KRAUT nPATHE'88EM.WEEKLY" CO mTnQ-CH rLD'8H AW A I JAN 8 Three Shows Dally 2, 7 & 9 P. M. MAT. ALL 8EAT8 10c NIGHT 15c For Cab or Taxicab For Parties, Call ENSIGN Best Cabs, Best SerVice Oct Your Call in Early MATINEE DANCE The Matlnoo danco to be held at the Undell Hotel next Saturday afternoon is for the purpose of teaching those who desire to know how to dance the latest dances, such as the tango, one-step, hesita tion, adelaido, etc Prof. Chambers of Omaha, who has charge of dancing at the Omaha Country Club has boon secured. He will bring with him his dancing partioB and musicians. This Is limited entirely to Univer sity Students, and will be chape roned as required by University rules. It is guaranteed by those in charge. Informal dancing will fol low the Instructions, 2 to 5 p. ra.( SAT., FRB. 7, LINDELL HOTEL. PRICE, $1.26 A COUPLE. WHITMAN'S GLASS Y OANDY MEIER DRUG CO. 13 and 0 Streets a F 99 Try $hq Y. M. q. A. Lunch 3om Cafeteria. Plan OitrY. M. 0. A. 13th & P - University Calendar Thursday, February 6. 11:30 a.m. Convocation Memorial Hall. 6:00 p. m. omcera' Club meeting Armory. 6:00 p. m Y. M C. A. meeting. J. P. Williams on "Motlvo in Life" Temple. 5-00 p. m. Y W. C. A. veBper ser vice Y. W. C. A. rooms 7:10 p. ra. Kosmet Klub tryouts Temple. 7:15 p m. Pershing Rifles drill Armory. 7:30 p. m. --Agricultural Engineers Mechanic ArtB building 20fi. 8:00 p. m. Phi Delta Phi Slg Alph house. Friday, February 6. Kappa Sigma formal party Lincoln Hotel. Phi Kappa Psl Informal Music Hall. Catholic Students' Club Prat Hall Beta Theta PI informal Folsom Hall. 7 00-8 00 p. m Y. M C A Cabinet meeting Temple Theatre. People We Know. Delta Chi announces the pledging of Orville Chatt, Enid, Okla.; EI wood B. Chappell, Osmond, Nebr. ; Merle E. Wade, Lincoln Kathryn Mockett recently returned from California. It was rumored that Rex Uavles was Been running for a Bound-bound car a few days ago. Wonder, is it so? The Forestry Club held a meeting in Nebraska Hall, Tuesday evening Mr Shoemaker, '13, spoke, on "Fire Fighting." His talk was Interesting as well as educational About twenty five men remained for tho business meeting Dr O. P. Hay of ihe Smithsonian Institution is visiting the geology de partment. Prof. E. H Harbour leaves today for Fremont to Bpeak before the fifth an nual convention of the State Municipal League on "Parks and City Planning." Mr. L. J. Colin, a mineralogist from Colorado Springs, Colo , visited the University this week. Bertha Spear of Seward is visiting friends in Lincoln. DRILL SUIT for sale at bargain; worn but onco; will pay for refit ting. Call at Magoo & Deemer's. AT THE THEATRE8. The Oliver. Friday, Saturday and Saturday Mati nee Lyman H. Howe's Trave logues. Coming Next Week Harry Lauder. The Orpheum. Second Half of Week Advanced Vaudeville, with Cecil Lean and Cleo Mayfleld. The Lyric. Vaudeville and Feature Photo-plays. The Magnet. Feature Films and Orchestral Music. NOTICE TO 8UB8CRIBER8. The increase'd circulation of tho DAILY NEBRASKAN will make It inconvenient for all subscribers to secure their copies through tho distributing windows at 8tation A. In or der to cause tho least amount of Inconvenience during tho ten o'clock hour, after next Tues- day all subscribers who hav lock boxes will secure their NEBRASKANS through this means. Also the subscribers who live at tho Y. M. C. A. may receive their paper through tho association postofflco. Notice pf this win appear later. . - COSMOPOLITAN CLUB WILL BE REVIVED First Meeting to Be Held Next Week. Discussion on Amerloa. Rocently a number of UnivorBlty people met in the alumni headquarters to reorganize tho Cosmopolitan Club. This club was first organized In this Institution In 1908, but was allowed to die out in 1910. It was found that very fow of tho old members aro still connected with the University, and henco practically a new club miiBt bo organized Such clubs aB this exist in many of the largo universities of tho United States and foro gn countries. Tho I Club was organized on account of the great number of foreigners attending the colleges and universities of this country. Tho purpose of tho organiza tion can perhapB bcBt bo stated in tho words of tho constitution: "Tho objects of the Association shall be to unite and strengthen tho existing chapters, to promote tho organization of chanterB In other coIIoeob and mil- versltleB, to cultivate the arts of poace, to establish strong International friendship, and to carry out the motto of the Association, 'Above all Natlon is Humanity.'" An international meeting of the As sociation was held last summer in Ithaca, and the national convention convened at Iowa City, Iowa, during the Christmas holidays. Nebraska could send no legal representative to this meeting, but Miss Hrbek, Cyril Hrbek and Job B. Kuaka of the Uni versity were present. On account of Its nature, the Cos mopolltan Club Is attempting to ab sorb all foreigners cluhs already or ganized in the various universities Any club bo absorbed will not lose its Individuality, but will merely become a subdivision of the larger organiza tion. Some agitation has arisen In regard to absorbing the Komensky Klub, of which we have a chapter at Nebraska. Nothing definite has been accomplished. Prominent among those who aro working for the promotion of the or ganization at Nebraska aro Chancellor Avory and Guy Reed. The three stu dent pastors have aiBo become mora bers of the club and it is thought pos sible to reach tho student body through them The constitution makes no ruling as to tho percentage of Americans who may belong, but it Is thought best to allow one-third of the membership to be Americans. Only those will be ad - mltted who aro Interested and will work for the betterment of the asso ciation. Tho next meeting of tho Club will be hold on February 11th In tho European History room of the Temple. The subject of the evening's discus sion will be "America." Tho plan of the Club being to devote one evening to a talk on each country. One of tho features of the evening will be an ad dress by tho Chancellor. Anyone who Is Interested In the work of the organization Is requested to speak to Guy Reed or one of tho University pastors. JUNIOR HOP AT LINDELL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 (Continued from Page One) cause it found this made possible by the cheaper accommodations afforded by tho Llndell. Tickets may be ob tained from K. M. Snyder, chairman of the commltteor" Phil Southwlcke, master of ceremonies; R. Ross, Rus sell F. Swift, W. H. Bauman, Reed Dawson." Ted Marriner -Cleaner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. liOST Sunday, In or near Temple, bunch of koys Return to Ray office. Reward. """' University Notices Y. M. C. A. Cabinet Meeting. Thoro will bo a Y. M. C. A. cabinet mooting FYlday evening, February 6. from 7 to 8 o'clock In tho Templo Theatre. Chorus. Registration r still opon for tho big special chorus which is being as Rem bled by Mrs. Raymond to Bing on tho May Festival program. Practices are being hold on Monday. Wodnosday and Frlda A Bpecial clasR for men has boon arranged for 7 o'clock on Monday ovenlng IlogiBtratlon for Chorus gives tho Rtudent free admia Bon to the, May Festival entertain- ment. The Unexpected. Tho compoBers of tho 1912 "Corn- husker" prophesied under the heading of "Somo ThlngB You'll Never See," "A Rigger Rag" and "Awgwan " Tho unforeseen has happened and it is hoped that patlonco haH been re waruen. Y. W. C. A. Miss Edith Lucile Hobblus will speak at tho Y. W. C A. vcBper service Thursday evening at B o'clock. Miss Elizabeth Bonnell will sing. Tho sub ject for tho ovenlng will bo "Tho Col lego Girl and Her Musical Problems " Girls' Club. Informal Girls' Club party Saturday afternoon from 3 to B o'clock, Music Hall of the Templo. All University girls are cordially invited to attend. Pershing Rifles. Pershing Rifle drill tonight prompt ly at 7 IB. All PerBh'ngs out. COL. H. F. KRAMER. Intercollegiate Prohibition League. There will bo an Important meeting tho Illtorr.nllnirlatn Prnhllilt Inn 0f League in the Temple at 7 o'clock to night. Everybody welcome. Ag. Engineers. Ag. Engineers will meet tonight in the Mochanic Arts Building 206 at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Iven Wood will give an illustrated lecture on concrete work. Everybody out. Cornhusker Notice All organization pictures must bo taken by February 16. Jun.ors and Seniors must accept their proofs a , Townsend's at onco. Y. M. C. A. Meeting. Mr. J. P. Williams, a down-town business man, will speak at tho regu lar Y. M. C. A. meeting Thursday evening on "Motlvo in Life." Forestry Club Picture. Tho Forestry Club will meet at Townsend's, Friday, February C, at 12 o'clock, for Cornhusker picture. Blessed aro they who work off their conditions before they get them, for they shall bo fed on the salt of the earth. University Daily Kansan. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George BroB., Printers, 1313 N Btroet. Women students of the University of Kansas must learn to swim before they recelvo their diplomas. The I. C. S. Student FOUND-'-Kappa Kappa Gamma stick pin. Owner call at Regents' book store. 2-5-1 POUND Fountain pen. Owner see J Arthur Coleman, Chemistry Depart ment , j-3 f vp-ry-rry EARL OF JWV ! The earl of Klntore Is chairman of tho executive committee of the Anglo American exposition which Is to be opened In England In the spring. He Is now In the United States. ED'S HATS Oh! such Hats Blockheads Boneheads or any other land Get Under Cover! 95c U,' H."rvni'- KLINE'S J f.T.". f... KV. . f1 - "'J 31 .& 1132 0 Open Eeninis ,T(, i. (. Vi -. -.-. , "ji . Try Our Luncheonettes 1 . nULfJ.Ari.w "7.V"V'?'- They aro tMrtfsVfi&w We genre not j&d t j . f t . f ,.V'V') V, v LINCOLN CAMQY KITGHEH 8authvvet Cf.rner4th:o f teir k. lEr2X?.VV''jaMriB V&&Via73B sssH9EBj8sBBi9QiiiiiiiHC" , -i - ' ik ' i i. i. v . -. l -) VJ -r ! " Vki r, , aJ i ( ..iffl r w- a J "-Ji v -'a bJl - V J. y y-,- - ' - V 4v"3,y .if . .. - - J' 'a 4 - ;,, - .. "4 I J II M 1 iy' ,-''' . itk.yroi lHVrf.f ( am- :V . '.yf - -A-V- . 0 r ' "V JT . ftl J.. 'X7&B&& iiMdjUfiMr1 n 1.'.-?). - 1 V."r,J 'k--r aC fJiZ liJ!. - vjr'.v t i xrf t r" rr - - -M zam