The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1914, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Property of
Managing Bdltor
AwHoliut EMItoi
Awwx-liilo Kdltor
... .P. C. Bponcor
.Huth M. Squire
II, V. Koupal
Max Daohr Karl Janouch
Carrie Oomni HurIi H. McVlckor
Olen Bvorta ICrma Nolon
W. K. nngor l-oon Palmor
BiiHlntwi MimiiKiT.. .Fnink H. Torkliui
Amt HuHln Mfimwr. . Ruflnall F. Clark
Hulmerlptlon prion $2.00 por yoar,
payable in lulvanco.
SIiikIu copl'-M. f conta each.
Entered nt tin- poHtofllco at Lincoln,
Nobnmku, hh hocoihI -class mull mattor,
under tho Art of (Nmirtww' of March 3,
Tht) OAII-Y NIOMKASICAN purpoaos to
bo tho fri'ii voli'o of Htudont sentiment;
to bo fair, to In- linpai tlal; to Hock advice
n wUl iu) offer It, to truthfully picture
oolh-Ko llfo; to ro further than tho merti
prlntliiK f news liy fltatullnp for tho
hlKhenl MoAlfl i"sr the University; In short,
to servo tho UnlverHlty of Nobranka.
Thursday. February 5
Are you going to Convocation to
dny? Mozart's "Symphony In C" is
the program. ThlH, tho "Jupiter" sym
phony, Is generally considered his
groatoBt work You know what this
nieana -or nt least you Bhould. Yot
how many will be there? Memorial
Hall should be too Hinall to hold thorn.
But we know it will bo plenty largo
There is something tho matter.
Either the programs are not Interest
ing, not worthy of attracting ub; the
hour is an unfavorable one, or we havo
been grossly negligent. Which is It?
Today's program dlspols tho first
possibility. Urn of the Becond, more
can bo said Kansas University has
mudo an extensive study of UiIb mat
ter Thoy tried the ton o'clock hour,
but thero was no improvement. Por
hapB tho same would hold truojit Ne
braska, and perhaps it would not.
Thero aro probably many more stu
dents on tho compus at ten o'clook
than at oloven. If we had all ten
o'clock cla8BeB at eleven, and no
classes at ten, moat of the students
having early classes would remain on
the campus the ten o'clock hour. And
that might mean moro at Convocation,
and again it might not. We realizo
that It Is a sad state of affairs when
we must resort to such methods as
theso to attract ourselves to this Im
portant feature of a college education.
But if a change in the hour would
mean more students at theso meet
ings, moro Btudonts to take advantage
of Bomothing really worth while, it
would really mean a great stop for
the University
But we believe the real fault lies
within oursolve8 We don't even take
the time to find out what is being pre
sented. We don't care. Wo are en
tirely too busy We must either
"spoof" about the campus, "shoot" a
game of pool, hurry homo for lunch,
just "kill time." or very rarely do a
little work So (mocatlons come,
and Con vocations no. but we pass
thorn by foreer ud what is the
real reason? Kansas Is advocating
closing the Librarv and absolutely for-
Suitable for Ring. Cuff ButtonB
La Valllers, Bracelets, Bar Pins
Est 1871
1143 O
bidding all conferences during tho
hour. PorhapB this might help sorao.
But at tho bottom of It all Is the fact
that wo don't want to go, and bo wo
won't go. And this because we do not
roallzo what it should mean to uh.
Did you over go and como away fool
ing that your tlmo had beon waatod?
Ilarely. Tho troublo 1b, you havo, In
most cases, nover gone. What you
don't know about, you don't miBH.
How many Htudonts wo havo hoard de
clare, with some air of distinction,
that, barring football rallloR, they had
nover boen to Convocation Why
don't you go onco and give It a fair
trial? We believe you will go ngaln
Lot's turn out today and fill old
Momorlol Hall to the doors What do
you Bay?
Second Symphony Program
Symphony in (' (Jupiter)
Allegro Vivace
Andante Cantabile
Men net to
Finale Allegro mollo
Fdwnrd J. Walt. Ilrst violin
Mrs. August Molzer, second
William" T Quick, viola
Lillian Elche, 'cello.
Mrs. Raymond, organ.
This is the second of n series
of Symphony programs to be
given it Convocation 1 lav
den's Symphon, the tlrBt ren
dered, wab well attended by
the student lovers of good
music, and It is exported that
tho remainder of the ten iniiii
bers will bo even more popular
Mozart was born In 1758 at
Salzburg nnd died in 1791. His
musical ability us a child was
most remarkable. Both he and
his sister wore considered prodi
gies, ills first Symphony fol
lowed by three otbors were
composed when ho was only
nine years old. Ho bus written
forty-one Symphonies in all
Tho last throe, In E fiat. (J
minor and C (Jupiter), were
composed in 1788. The Jupiter
Is generally consldored the
greatest of his works.
February 5, 1913.
Mystery concerning long awaited
comic University magazine is out.
First Issue out February 17th To
be on the order of "Tho Cornell
Widow." Harvard Lampoon," etc. Has
since come to be known as "Awgwan "
February 5, 1909.
Women aro good voters as discussed
by Mies Lexon at convocation. The
presont government Is not fuir to half
of the population. It puts women In
tho position of a disfranchised labor
ing population having no purt in the
laws. Look what they stirred up!
Nebraska Publication Completes Data
on the Papers of the West.
The "Dully Nebraskan" recently
published some interesting data on
college newspapers In the west. In a
list of nine, the Daily Mlusourlan leuds
wltli a circulation of 2,400, while the
Purdue Exponent Is sixth with a cir
culation of 1,000. Michigan, which has
' an enrollment of 5,500, supports the
Dally Michigan with a circulation of
1,900. Purdue, with an enrollment of
not quite 2,000, supports tho Exponent
I with a circulation of 1,600. Tho Ex
ponent .is as largo as any daily men
tioned, In. tjx list, htoi includes from
tho leading schools of the middle west
I Purdue Exponent.
The Forum
Grenoble, France, Dec. IB, 1913.
Editor of the Dally Nebraskan:
Dear air While still at Lincoln I
promised somewhat rashly to write an
account of how the "collegiate sys
tem" which exists in Oxford and Cam
bridge solves some of tho Boclal and
educational problems which are press
ing in our own unlvorBltloB. Lest I bo
misunderstood, let mo Bay now that
Oxford, too. Iiub its problems, and very
acute oncB. but they are. for tho moBt
part, different In nature and origin
from' ours.
For those who did not read the
former article, I must rehearse very
briefly wbnt I mean by the Oxon
Cantab "collegiate system." The uni
versity is broken up Into twenty-one
colleges of eighty to throe hundred
and fifty men each (lenerally speak
ing, the university Is only the collec
tion of these colleges, bound together
about as closely as the states before
the Constitution
The university exists primarily to
'examine you and, perhaps, to give you
a degree. Into the nature and extent
of thcBe examinations we need not go.
They, too, are very interesting, especi
ally to the pedagogue but from our
present object
But, besideB these two all-lmportant
functions, the university does some
teaching. University professorships,
highly endowed ns a rule, are given to
men of experience and learning. Ab
prizes they mean much In the way of
honor and not a little In the way of
money As a rule, the professor must
deliver two or tbre? lectures a week
during each of three terms of eight
weeks, and must meet any students
who desire it once a week in Informal
conference .Most professors do much
It was not long ago that this was
all that the university did to prepare
students for exams With the growth
of experimental science, however, the
Inevitable Inadequacy of college lab
oratories was foreseen and the univer
sity somewhat reluctantly, for science
has had to force Its way, Into Oxford
at least established what my scien
tific friends, American and English,
Insist are first-class labs.
Attendance at IabB (except In tho
case of medics) and at lecturoB is en
tlroly voluntary. There is no trouble
about cutting classes. In fact, since
very fow men in Oxford have even tho
sllghtost notion of how to speak inter
estingly before studentB, most lectures
are poorly attonded, eapociully from
the middle of tho term on, when the
dullness is seen cloarl) to be habitual.
But lectures need not be dull, as somo
professors Illustrate.
Meanwhile, what of the college?
Well, each of theso has, besides execu
tive officers, a certain number of Fel
lows, usually called "dons." These
also lecture to members of the college
and any others who cure to attend.
But thoy do more They are tutors.
Each student Is assigned to somo
tutor. There are tutors who specialize
In each of the branches of unlverslt
study and these are indeed multi
tude and If your own college hasn't
one in your branch, they Bend you to
a tutor in another Each tutor has
about ten or twelve pupils. I believe.
Once or twice a week you make a
little business call on your tutor. He
asks you what books you are studying
or what lectures attending, tries to
help you solve any problems arising
therefrom, and advises upon your fu
ture procedure. Finallj, you read him
an "eBsay" or theme us wo should call
it, upon some phase of the subject in
hand. A student in economics writes
a criticism of bimetallism, or a student
of modern history writes of the results
of tho Treaty of Utroct, etc. This
essay is then discussed with the tutor.
The wbqle is delightfully informal.
You call on him n hlB room and sit
In a cosy chair before the open fire
Men's & Young Men's High
est Grade Suits and Over
coats at Four Prices:
THIS IS A HIGH TONED SALE and will bo attractive to men
who pay Undo Sam good plamp sums as Income tax tho clothes
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tho price 1b tremendously cut. TIiIb Is Indeed a far reaching sale, it's
good for the rich, helpB the salaried man and Is truly a blessing to the
poor. We Tell the Whole Story Below:
Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats that formerly sold at
$32.60. $30.00 and $27.50. Qil ic
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Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats that formerly sold at
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Men'H and Young Men's Rults and Overcoat, that formerly sold at
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University School of Music
Established 1894
Opposite the University Campus, I 1 th and R Sts. In
structions Given in All Branches of Music Students
may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted.
while he( my own tutor at any rate)
walks nervously up and down, pulling
at his pipe In deep thought as to tho
best means of answering jour attack
on his favorite philosopher It is
rather fun Incidentally, since you
have to read the original work and
two or three authorities In comment,
you UBiially do a fair bit of work for
each essay Naturull) it Is written in
a great rush the last two hours or so,
whatever it takes, jUBt before your
"private hour" with the tutor
Such is the method employed. Most
of your work you do by yourself. You
are much more independent than In an
American university, while at the
same time your relations with your
instructor aro such that you can gel
much more from them including the
flavor of personality. My own case, if
I may bo pormltted a personal word, I
regard as peculiarly fortunate. In
philosophy my tutor is a brilliant
young upholder of Hegelian obscuri
ties and paradoxes and it is a pleasure
to fence with him even when he wins,
aB he usually does in psychology, 1
have the university professor himself,
one of tho leading psychologists in the
world, William McDougall. To have
known well such a scholar and man Is
Indeed a rare privilege.
I am not proposing that we should
substitute this system for ours. But
I do feol very keenly that It has
features which can very well be added,
and with advantage, to our American
method- One of the great complaints
of our professors is that they have no
personal touch with the great majority
Overcoats that formerly Bold at
Clothing Co.
of the srudonts. How many students
there are who go through their four
yoars without over getting into vital
relationship an lth any of the big men
on the facultj It is a pity for the
student and worse for tho professor,
who tends to become a teaching ma
chine Had I dealt with tho Oxford
method more In detail, I could have
shown how the greater thoroughness
of which we hear comet) from this
tutorial system And bo on with other
(To be continued.)
BHq. Gen, Geqrge H. Tqrflyy It the
retiring surgeon general oj h irmy.
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