?- i .r , -,; -jt - ' r. Jt. i--- p i r- - ff. &1 . 'iij . . JT - i h V. t- ;i T THEATRES OLIVER THEATEft TODAY 2:30 -TONIGHT 8:15 The Musical Comedy Succeaa The Rd Rose Lottie Kendall & Co. of 50 Mat., $1 to 50c. Night, $1.50 to 50c Frl., 8at A 8at."Mat., Feb. 6 & 7 Lyman H. Howe Travel Festival ORPIIEUM THEATER THUR8., FRI 8AT., Feb. 6, 6, 7 O EC1 L LEAN Assisted by CLEO MAY FIELD BILLY QOULD & BELLE A8HLYN JOHrJ E. HAZZARD "MABELLE ADAM8 & CO. THE BRAD8 ' "MUR E "L & ' F R A N C E 8 LENNETT & WIL80N Mat. Dally at 2: 15, Prices 15 & 25c Night, 8:15. Prices 15,25,35,50,75c LYRIC THEATEB MON., TUE8., WED., FEB. 2, 3 A 4 FOUR MU8ICAL KLEI8E8 THQ8E THREE ENTERTAINER8 PHOTO-PLAY8 "DOLLIE OF THE DAILIES" "THE PERFECT TRUTH" PICKLE8, ART &. CAUER KRAUT i7PATHE'8 SEmTWEEKLY" CO M I NG--C H I L D'8" H AW A 1 1 AN 8 Three Shows Dally 2, 7 & 9 P. M. MAT. ALL 8EAT8 10c NIQHT 15c For Cab or Taxicab For Parties, Call ENSIGN Best Cabs, Best Service Get Your Gall in Early MATINEE DANCE The Matinee dance to bo held at tho Uindoll Hotel next Saturday afternoon Is for tho purpose of teaching those who desire to know how to dance tho latest dances, such as tho tango, one-Btep, hesita tion, adolalde, etc. Prof. Chambers of Omaha, who has chargo of dancing at tho Omaha Country Club has been secured. He will bring with him his dancing parties and musicians. This is limited entirely to Univer sity -Students, and will be chape roned as required by University rules. It is guaranteed by those In charge. Informal dancing will fol low tho instructions, 2 to 5 p. m., SAT., FEB. 7, LrNDBLL HOTEL. PRICE, $1.26 A COUPLE. WHITMAN'S OLASSY CANDY MEIER DRUG CO. 13 And O Streets 4 f ,Ti5T ty Y, H, 0. A. LtuwU THE University Calendar Wednesday, February 4. 2:00 p. m. Basketball team leaves; Rock Island station. 4:00 p. m. Track practlco Nebras ka Field. 6:00 p. m Association girls' suppor Y. W. C. A. rooms. 7:10 p m. Kofimot Klub tryouts Temple. 7:30 p. m. A I. E. E. E. E. build ing. 7:30 p m. Civil Engineers' moot ing M. E. 206. 7:30-10:00 p. m. Observatory open to publie to view the moon. Thursday, February 5. 11:30 a. m. Convocation Memorial Hall. 6:00 p. m. Officers' Club meeting Armory. 7:10 p. m Kosmet Klub tryouts Temple. 7:15 p. m. Pershing Hides drill- Armory. 8:00 p m - Phi Delta Phi- Slg Alph house. $1,000 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR AMBITIOUS 8TUD8 (Continued from Pago One) scholarships to ambitious students. A certificate of such endorsement Is placed in the handB of every student whose application for enrollment as a scholarship candidate is accepted. Threo scholarships are awarded not for class room proficiency, but for practical work In the summer months or In spare time through tho school . year, college employment, mireaus from Maine to California endorse and recommend this plan as a sure means of meeting college expenses for self supporting students. The work pos sesses a dignity and distinction which invariably appeals to the Ideals of col lege men. It Is alwas congenial and , eminently satisfactory. iuy Bou-uuppui iiiii, Hiuumii v;uji Di- cure full particulars of this scholar ship plan without obligation or cost by dropping a postcard at once to Tho Review of Reviews Scholarship Fund, 30 Irving Place, Now York City. AT THE THEATRES. The Oliver. Wednosday Matinee and Evening "The Red Rose." Friday, Saturday and Saturday Mati nee Lyman H. Howe's Trave logues. Coming Next Week Harry Lauder. The Orpheum. First Half of Week The Parisian Revue. Second Half of Week Advanced Vaudeville, with Cecil Lean and Cleo Mayflold. The Lyric. Vaudeville and Feature Photo-plays. The Magnet. Feature FllmB and Orchestral Music. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bros., Printers, 1313 N street. NOTICE TO 8UB8CRIBER8. The increased circulation of tho DAILY NEBRASKAN will make it inconvenient for all subscribers to secure their copies through the distributing windows at Station A. In or der to cause tho 'least amount of Inconvenience during the ten o'clock hour, after next Tues day all subscribers who havp lock boxes will secure their NEBRA8KANS through this means. Also the subscribers who live at the Y. M. C. A, may receive their paper through the association postoffice. Notice of this will appear later. ui k k k l. ik. i k. k k c k a. k tf n P n W n r & DAILY NEBBASK4N JUNIOR GLASS PRESIDENTS ANNOUNCED DARK HOR8E EXPECTED DRIVE UP LATE. TO POLITICS GETTING WARM Reese and Baumann Are Out for the Leadership of Their Class Both Men Are Prominent In Uni versity Activities. The political bosses are again astir and the powers behind tho throne havo their heads together. Tho most advanced campaign is tho race for tho presidency of tho Junior Class Her bert S. Rooso and William H. Bau mann have both announcod their can didacy for tho position and It is ru mored that there is a possible dark horso In tho field. ClasB elections will be held on Tuesday, February 17, ac cording to tho notice from the Regis trar's office William H. Baumann of Omaha Is a member of the Silver Lynx fraternity and has been activo In school affairs. He Is registered In tho Engineering College and has for two years played on his class football team. Baumann was chairman of tho Junior Prom. Herbert S. Reese Is best known by his activity in track work, having made a good record In this lino of college-Bport. He Is a mombor of the Teachors. College and Is affiliated with no frntcrnUy organization. Heeso was also a member of his class team in his Sophomore year. Both men have a strong body of supporters and a close contest Is ex pected by their friends. WE WANT TO KNOW? We Want to Know Wa8 t Ever Thus? In th "pre-law building" days ono of tho fixtures, If not ornaments, of the campus was a large group of law stu dents communing with bulldog pipes at tho Eleventh street portals of the University. Rains might rain and snows might unow, but not one of the band allowed his lovo for Lady Nico tine to withor. Co-eds might dive through tho battle smoke times with out numbor, but not one of the valiant group deserted his fellows. Whon tho now law building was completed, oerslstent rumor had It that tho lawB were to have a royally appointed smoking room in a quiet corner of their now habitation. The rumor was published in Lincoln dally papers and wrath fell upon those who had "queered" the smoking room. It was said that the project had been abandoned and that the laws would be forced to amoke outside the portals as of yore. The sun may shine with a kindly warmth and blossom-scented breezes may caress the cheek of the lounger at the gates, but seldom Is the lounger a law student. Academic devotees of tho weed look about wondering and ask in whispers, "Where aro the law pipe-rushers?" Contributed. $700 a Year Too Much for Education. "If I had my way 1 would put out of college evory boy who spends more than $700 a year. He is doing him self no good and Is a bad example to others." These wore tho words of President Stryker of Hamilton at a recent alumni dinner. College authorl Hon nt Hamilton have nrnriuced figures showing that $513 a year Is sufficient 1 to take a hoy through college. Thel Dally Callfornian. Ted Marrlner--Cner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-17B9. 25 No. 11th. LOST Sunday, in or near Temple, bunch of keys. Return to Ray offloe. Reward. University Notices Civil Engineer. Tho Civil Engineers will moot at 7:30 o'clock Wednosday, February 4, in M. E. 206. Professor Mickey will talk on "Paving Construction at Nor folk." Everybody out Chorus. Registration is still open for tho big special chorus which is being assem bled by Mrs. Raymond to sing on the May Festival program. Practices aro being held on Monday, Wednosday and Friday. A special class for men has been arranged for 7 o'clock on Mon day ovonlng. Registration for Chorus gives tho studont freo admission to the May Festival entertainment. Y. W. C. A. Don't forget tho association girls' Bupper tonight at 6 o'clock at tho Y. W. C. A. rooms. Tho campflrc girls will dress In costume and each com mittee and class will wear a dis tinctive color. Tlckots aro 16 cents Cornhusker Notice. All organization pictures must be taken by February 15. JunlorB and seniors must accept their proofs at Tpwnsend'B at once Y. M. C. A. Meeting. Mr. J. P. Williams, a down-town business man, will speak at tho regu lar Y. M. C. A. mooting Thursday evening on "Motive In Life " The Observatory will bo open to the public Wednesday, Fobruary 4, from 7:30 to 10 p. ra., If tho skies are clear, for a view of tho moon. A. I. E. E. Meeting tonight at 7:30, Electrical Engineering building. "Lightning Ar resters," by Prof. O. J. Ferguson, F. O. Qunther and R. C Jenkins. Officers' Club. Important meeting of the Univer sity Cadet .Offloors' Club, Thursday, In the Armory Immediately after drill. Plans for cadet encampment will bo considered. PEOPLE WE KNOW Elmer Hansen, student In the School of Pharmacy, left at 4:30 p. m. yester day for Columbus, Ohio, to attend tho national convention of tho pharmacy fraternity, Phi Delta Chi. Mr. Han sen's father, N. P. Hansen, also a member of the fraternity, accompanlod him. They will visit with friends In Indianapolis and will return to Lin coln a weok from today. Charlie Hauptman, '15, president of the Y. M. C. A , haB gone to his home In Fremont because of a severe attack of grippe. Secretary Ewlng of the Y. M. C. A. Is In Omaha attending to Association business and meeting his old college acquaintances at the meeting of tho Nebraska Oberlln College Alumni As sociation. Margaret Kiofer has been appointed director of the Beatrice High School gymnasium class which was recently organized thru the efforts of tho Beatrice Woman's Club. Homer Phillips, a sophomore in tho College of Engineering and first ser geant of Cadet Company "O," has dis continued college work this semester. He will probably return to the Univer sity next fall. D. P. Weeks. Jr.. '15. of the College 0, Agriculture, who was operated on lor appendicitis last Tuesday, is get- f ting along nicely. Prof. Hutton Webster of the Pollt leal Science 'department was confined to bis hone yesterday on account of limes and .was hot able to meet his eiasssvf y ! -" j".' ' - T v : v i:r77T : MMMMMlBSSBKl'''' STUDENTS FIND WEATHER KIOSK HiRD PROBLEM L .' ... -' 'm Latin, Greek, MathWateV: alft ' wj Not the Only .P.erpljnf . 'f , Questions.' n'"n rt' Tho government vftattietf - vb'areau kiosk whloh oocuples' consplCUOttB poslUon boforo University Hr'Jb'' r ferrod to froqucrttfy' by 'me'riaber Of - tho Btudont body; Somo jtoateur woathor obsorvor cast,. Jcnowng eyp' upon tho record flWplayV&in.tfKJiJcfoHTc ' and then turn away maklajgrsag6 r marks about the weathervwbl.eti'would mako tho bureau ma& shudder and gnash bis teeth. ' ' - u A studont obBorvor w7k' stood in wrapt attention bofpro (ho cJobX yes- . terday morning explained to. another, "You boo thero's a, 'blgh.' Ip t)io.iorth and In tho northwest It's wanner qp there than It Is hore." TMe ,dther fltu dent nodded undorstandlrity iilit a girl who stood near turned 'author ing glnnce of contempt upon tho lec turer and his audlonoo and, explained that the "high" was a high .pressure nrea nnd that tbe-alr fro-4h4-area rushed Into the low pros SUrOi Area to the eaet, carrying lowered ' tempera tures to the country between tho high pressure areas in the north ahd tho lower pressuro area to the east and south. , ... "Why don't you register for ,raetoor ology?" was tho young ladyte porting remark, and two amateur weather ob servers looked thoughtful. "" CATHOLIC 8TUDENT8' " CLUB 'DANCE Fraternity Hall, Friday, .February . Tho committeo of the Catholic Stu dents' Club danco wish' to announco that the grand march will begin" promptly at 8:45 p. m. This is the. flret big danco of the year, and ar rangements aro complete (pr on,o of the bost ever. There are a few .tickets yet to bo had at fl.00 eacbr Tbey can be had of Joe Johnaon, 'Barney Olll. T. E. Wood and T. J. SnlUvan. Adv. Freshman Rules at Pennsylvania. Standing out as tho principal re strictions and rules for freshmen Is sued at tho University of Pepnsylva-. nla recently wore tbpso forbidding the growing of mustaches; and comajaBd lng the wearing of only black head- ' gear .ties and socks. A fresh Is also not permitted to appear wearing ay of tho University cofors or any Uni versity insignia. The Dally Qalifor nian. Irrigation for Western Nebraska, Washington. A bill Including wesU ern Nebraska in the area under inves tigation by the Intorlor department with referonce to tho building of res ervoirs to bo filled for Irrigation pur poses from flood waters and from' un derground currents has been" Intro duced in the senate by Senator Brls tow. Tho bill also carries anaiiproV prlatlon of $20,000,000 'for The Icon struction of lakes and reaervoifri ' " - Tho discovery that oil mft4 tromr corn can bo used cnnnmMii V'.- substitute for expensive' olive oil and ?? ' '4s cottonseed oil lft-cooklaft haft hi-'-, made by Prof. L. g. Sayr ;0f the '.!' school of pharmacy at the Universltv --'.- UI 11UIIOOO. t ..tc .V,' 4,' i-.f M..I Ci lUku t J. -. r. .'V 4- Try Our Lunctieonittis v, .driaks all wimter. tens.' , , U -miijfiion , ; -J v ' V. 1 o i :a ci rt vl H .. ji ! t 41 1 " ' Sf ' -V - A J ,Vr V-3 ...na tA "i M .-ja ra m ??w 'm,m fV2 .;.' --" TH i " ' .rft. ? ?J 1 T- ' Jifii - - - -v - "A Vv i V. I? "i.l jk J- ' V - ' , ,- 44 - 'Vl 4, .! . T' '?' In , at jj - - flil.TT ?; iA.r'r.f "'.I . i . nrv "1 , o r.m J. J ',) - -, vmf&r A '--. .i fir u "1- ,-,; ir.JRfefc" v'' . 'M V- fr? w;-! Si&stej&k?: &&&k V ef -K --L"- ".'.. v&mm. w- ;n T'f - .i -' ' ' Ok . 'K "t. V t Ml t - ' Xfi -- v.7 UJ-, ft n Tf. . .. -. .. . . t-.?. .,. Si-mFSU .w