The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 03, 1914, Image 4

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At Lea it, It Is Said That Mineral
Known aa Carnotlto Haa Per-
formed Wondara.
Radium mining In tho Paradox Val
ley of Colorado haB developod a very
curious by-product In tho shape of -mn
unlooked-for cure for rheumatism.
Tho government buroau of mines
haa recently undertaken to suporvlso
tho working of somo G7 radium mlnoa
In that valley, which contain the most
Important dopoBltn of radlum-boarlng
oro in tno wonu ine oro is a yoi
lowlah mineral known as "Carnotlto."
and occurs In "pockots" aaBoclated
with uranium and vanadium.
It haa been found that the men en
caged in working these deposits, If
they happen to nufferora from rheu
matism, are cured of the malady. Not
only that, but their general health
aeoms to be benefited in a romarkablo
ThlB Is u matter of no small Im
portance Whllo radium Itself Is the
most costly thing In the world, being
worth over $2,500,000 an ounce, tho
oro from which it Is taken Is by no
meanB bo procioua that anybody of
moderate moaiiH could not afford, to
buy and keep on hand a oonsidorable
quantity of it.
It takes a ton of "carnotlto" to pro
duce a bit of radium no biggor than
the head of a pin; and tho cost of the
radium Is duo mainly to the difficulty
of tho processes Involved in extract
ing It,
Perhaps if the sufferor from rhou
mathim wero to keop a few pounds of
"carnotlte" by him he would experi
ence rollef. Tho matter, of course, Is
wholly one of speculation as yet
There Is no question of the faot that
radium la good for rheumatism. It
has boon used very successfully In tho
treatment of this distressing troublo,
tho method commonly adopted being
to allow the patient to breathe tho
emanations of tho mysterious minora
through a rubber tube entering th
Lcfthandednesa a 8taln?
A German philosopher, Dr. Ewald
,8tier, haB Bet himself with true Teu
Itonlo thoroughness to discover tho In
iwardnosB of being lofthanded, remarks
'the New York Independent. Accord
'lng to the modern fashion, he begins
far back, in fact, with tho monkeys,
jwhich, he Bays, aro completely ambi
sextrous, there being no signs of right
lhandod or lefthanded Individuals
.among thorn Tlio examination of
tools and Implements of the stone and
bronzo agos leads Doctor Stler to be
lieve that, in prehistoric times, per
haps one-half of the population was
lofthanded. Modern lefthanded people
ho looks at uBkance, as a kind of ro
vorslon to stono age manners, as rem
inants of a variety of homo sapiens In
process of extinction.
The characteristics of lefthanded
people as a wholo give them, in his
eyos, an unfavorable, even a degen
erate aspect, and he pours ridicule on
tho attempt to revort to tho ambldex
tery of monkey times, which is now at.
tempted In our training schools.
Incident of War of 1812.
One hundred years ago tho northern
division of the American army had
gono Into winter quartora near Ma
lona, N. Y. Tho British army had en
camped not far distant and a clash be
twoen the opposing forces was re
garded as Imminent. A lettor written
from Plattsburg and dated January 8,
,1814, contained tho following: "For
some tlmo past, It has been strongly
(Suspected that the enomy meditated
;an attack upon this placo. Night be
fore last the commandant received In
formation that the enemy wero In mo
tion that they had cannon mounted
.on runners, and were confiscating all
ke horses within reach. This infor
mation has neither been confirmed nor
contradicted, but tho destruction of
wvmmmffi ( "ft
41 Vft'lft mX-tim. -a?kC
: ur duns ANU uvtifuMia
Men, here's a Record Breaking Value Giving Event that
towers so for ahead of anything, anywhere In Nobraskn,
that wo may well term it "Competition proof"; that's really
what It is when applied to clothes. As you know Society
Brand. Brokow, Fit Form, nnd Sara Pock Clothes aro con
sidered "Headliners" with the men at Yalo, Harvard and
Princeton. Those same high grade cosmopolitan clothes
are involved.
This 8ale Is a Yearly Event, with a Determined Policy Back
of It; No Goods Carried Over from One Season to
Another; Therefore These Price Reductions:
8welleat Patterns
Newest Models in
8uita and O'coats
$18.60, $20.00 and
$22.50 grades for
Correct Styles I
8ults and O'coats
$28.00, $30.00, $35
grade for
The Sale is General and Extends to Every
Dept. of this Rapidly Growing Store.
Mackinaws 1-2 Price Sweaters 1-3 Off
Many of tho fossil animals wore of
a startling order, and a number on-
(this post at the present tlmo, being of tirely now. A considerable amount of
Slight Increase Over Last Year Shown
by Registrar's Figures Mid-Year
Registration System Successful.
The registration for this homester
was accomplished with loss confusion
and with more precision than ever be
fore This statement voices the gen
eral sentiment of tho registrar and tho
several professors who helped with
tho assignmont work. There is no
longer any doubt in regard to the bug
cos's of the now system of mid-year
registration. It Is satisfactory to all.
The total registration number is 2,074,
which is twenty-two more than regis
tered last February.
Team Will Leave Tomorrow on Hard
Week's Schedule, Winding Up
With the Gophers.
Lottie Kendall in "The Red Rose"
The basketball team leaves tomor
row at 2 p. m. for Dos Moines, Iowa.
They play St Joseph College at Du
buque, Iowa, on Thursday night and
will meet Minnesota on Friday and
Saturday. On tho 9th they play Co. G
of Fort Dodge. A squad of eight men,
together with tho manager, will make
tho trip. The squad has not yot been
selected, tho selection depending upon
the eligibility of some of the players.
Tho increased circulation of
make it inconvenient for all
subscribers to secure their
copies through the distributing
windows at Station A. In or
der to cause the least amount
of inconvenience during the ton
o'clock hour, after next Tues
day all subscribers who have
lock boxes will secure- tholr
NEBRASKANS through this
means. Also the subscribers
who live at tho Y. M. C. A. may
receive their paper through tho
association postofflco. Notice
of this will appear later.
Jft k s JJ ?p T T
From the Geology Department.
During the field season of 1913 tho
University of Nebraska had a party
In northern Brown, Holt and Cherry
counties collecting material from a
new fossil field.
tho first importance to the enemy, It Is
reasonable to suppose that an effort
wUl be made to effect it."
Looked Like Business.
Tathftn -"Jane, aro that young
.inah'srf intentions serious 7" Daughter
j vi think so. pa; he says,our carriage
' jsnea coma no eaauy inuutunnuu uiiu
,' garage and the attic would make
Yv,a dandy billiard room and bowling
tho new bones, and teeth' wero sent to
the American MuBeum of Natural His
tory .for the inspection of the many
vertebrate paleontologists of that in
stitution. They are now sending tho
collection back to the University of
Nebraska, and write enthusiastically
about- tho new. material. Tho more
striking of these new animals are two
early mastodons, one of which Is large
and the skeleton complete; one very
largo sabre-toothed tiger, tho first of
Its kind found upon this continent;
one fossil horse, which is easily one
third larger than any of its kind found
hitherto; one extra large and interest
ing turtle with horny ornamentations,
and numerous animals of smaller size.
Tho bulk of this material Is now
freed from rock, and by June It will be
on exhibition. One slab just worked
out yielded twolvo great vertobreao
and ribs of tho new mastodon with
ribs attached.
Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter, and
Repairer. Auto B-1799. 285 No. 11th.
"Rushing" Disastrous to Chicago
Thirty-flvo students of the Univer
sity of Chicago, most of them freBh
mon, were refused permission to reg
ister for the winter quarter classes be
couso of tho loss In tholr studies
caused by tho fraternity rushing.
"Frat rushing'," said one of tho officers
of the university, "haa been more or
ganized, more Concentrated, and lasted
longer than ever before. During the
first three weeks of the fall quarter
practically all tho time of the fresh
men was taken up by the fraternities,
leaving them no time to study." Uni
versity Dally Kansan.
LOST Sunday,
bunch of keys.
in or near Temple,
Return to Ray office.
University School of Music
Established 1894
Opposite the University Campus, 1 1 tfc and R Sts. In
structions Given in All Branches of Music. Students
may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted.
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