The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 03, 1914, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Convicts Refused.
(Contlnuod from Pngo One)
PiiijuTty of
Kdltoi -I n -Chief
ManiiKlnff Btlt'
AHSOClmtc Bdltoi
ABcliito ISriltor
P. t Hpuncor
. . .Ruth M. Squirts
It V. Koupnl
Miuc Ilaohr Karl Janoucli
Oirrl Ooman Hugh H. McVlckor
(Jlcn Kvortii Krma NuIhou
V. B II wr Loon Palmor
HuBliicne MannK'T ....Prank S. Perkins
Ahhi. HuhUiohh M.imitfcr. .RubhcII F. Clark
Subscription prlco 2.00 por year,
puyiiblo In advance.
Single copl'-B B contA each.
Entered at tin- poHtofllco at Lincoln,
Nebraska, hh cml-cla8 mall mattor,
under the Ai t of (Vmsreun of March 3,
The DAILY NKUHASKAN purposes to
bo the fre volo of qtudent flentlment;
to be fair, to be Impartial; to seok ndvlco
as woll as offer It, to truthfully picture
college life, to go furthor than tho more
printing ot nw by standing -Xor. tho
highent IdealB of the Unlvorulty, In short,
to nerve the UnlveiHlty of Nobrasko.
Tuesday, February 3, 1914
for sorvico; It 1b hero to sorve you, to
Horvo the UnlverHlty. In shaping our
policy, thlB shall always bo pro
eminent. "What can wo do for tho
University?" Is tho watchword.
To bo of real Hervlco wo must bo
more than a recorder of events past.
Wo must become a factor In those yet
to come. To do this we must put bo
foro the University public thorough
UlscuBBlonB of all general subjects.
Tho Editor can present his views. But
this Is not enough Wo want to know
what you think. We want you to toll
us what you think In this way the
subject may bo treated from every
standpoint, giving studonts the whole
of tho dlBCU8Bion that they muy form
an intelligent conclusion.
The Editor invites signed criticisms
of any editorial mattor. If you don't
agree with the stand tho paper has
taken, lot's know why. Then .and not
until then, can we got to the bottom
of it. Tho paper must take a stand on
important questions, a stand which It
considers tho best for tho University.
But perhaps It has overlooked Impor
tant considerations. Perhaps you are
better able to know tho facts. All
signed articles shall at all times bo
printed in tho "FORUM," and if of
sufficient lniortanco, shall bo given
front-page prominence.
In a word, we wish to encourago
sano discussion on all questions of
University importance. We wish to
mould student sentiment by present
ing a topic from all angles, by showing
each other what wo think, what we
desire for the best of the University.
Inter-class Debates.
Contestants for places on the class
debating toamB must turn In their
names, together with the class and
side taken, to their class committee or
Professor Fogg by Saturday, Febru
ary 7. H. AGOR,
Chairman Senior Committee.
Juniors and 8cnlors.
Proofs for 11)14 must be
accepted at once
Cluetl Flannel RQp
$1.50 always, NOW..UUU
BUDD 1415 O St.
factj.hat a convict cannot enjoy civil
rights, of which nttonding tho Univer
sity Is one, unless ho Is pardoned of
tho crlmo for which ho was convicted.
Studonts of tho UniverBlty and some
officers of tho sUo house believe
thero is no difference in tho civil
rights of a convict and of a foreigner,
as far as attonding tho University Is
concernod. Foreigners enjoy all tho
rights of a citizen oxcept tho right of
voting. Convicts do not enjoy any
civil rights. Our profeBBors were not
classed with tho German convicts, for
instance, when they worked for higher
dogreos In German universities Thero
aro Boveral convicts taking correspond
ence work, but are in no way classed
as students. Their names do not ap
pear on any official record. They pay
no fees. They receive no credits for
tholr work. They have no more
claim on tho University than they have
on tho congregation of the minister
who preaches to thorn each Sunday.
If at any time Murphy, or any other
convict, shows a full pardon and suf
ficient entrance credits it would not
bo necessary for the University au
thorltios to pasB on tho propriety of
admitting him Murphy will not bo
ublo to register before he Is given a
a full pardon. He will then be eligible
to any rights a citizen may enjoy
p " r "" "" r "n r ""
Jupiter Symphony . . . Mozart
Edward J. Walt, first violin.
Mrs. August Molzer, second
Mr. William Quick, viola
MIbb Eiche, 'cello.
Mrs. Raymond, organ
Professor C. II Barbour will
give an address on the subject,
"Fossil Man," which will bo 11
lustrated and which promises
to bo very interesting as well
as instructive One week from
today Harry Cain, Secretary of
the International Prohibition
Society, will deliver an address
Professor Grummann is plan
ning a sories of very interest
ing lectures, but Is unable as
yet to give the names of all the
Kosmet Club.
Tryouts for KoBinet opera Wednes
day and Thursday evenings. Contest
ants are requested to call at Informa
tion Desk, lobby of Temple, between
12 and 2, Tuesday and ednesday, to
register for tryouts. Five-minute as
signments will bo made Any selec
tion, preferably musical, may bo used.
A pianlBt will be In attendance to ac
company those who wish to compete
for tho musical parts.
Registration is still open for tho
hie special chorus which is being as
sembled by Mrs. Raymond to Blng on
the May Festival program.
Peru Club.
A meeting of the Peru Club will be
hold February 14th at 8:30 p. m., nt
tho residence of Superintendent J. E.
Delzoll, 2541 N street. There will be
oats and a good time.
Mrs. Do Vote No Longer Attempt to
Make Her Family Eat
"I did not see you at the domoatli
science lecturo yesterday," said Mrr
"No," answered Mrs. Do Vote
"Thero is no use in my studying do
meatic science."
"Why not? They toll you Just whaj
foodB are to bo fed to children to maki
them grow in a healthful manner an
develop properly."
"My children don't want to heai
about foodB
that aro good for thorn
s my husband. I don't dar
Neither does my
tell them that a certain food is good
for them. They will novor touch it if 1
do. Thoy think It in the medicini
class. v
"I UBed to feed them rlco. Rico, ai
I learned when I attondod the lectures,
Is rich In protoln, and tho body re
quires a certain amount of protein.
"I explained It all to my husband and
the boys and that settled the rice ques
tion forever. They said they didn't
care for drugs with tholr meals. They
said they ato for tho fun of tho thing;
not for their health.
"They made all sorts of fun of mo.
Mr. Do Vote would flay: 'Have some
proteidB, boys,' and tho boys would re
spond, 'Sidetrack 'em, dad.'
"It was the Bamo with albuminous
foodB. They wouldn't eat eggs. They
said they didn't care for albumen. I
quit Just In tlmo or they would have
abandoned tholr cereal in the morn
ing. "Some people want to be 111, anyway.
It would bo a deprivation to them not
to be ill. Suppose old Undo Wltter
kop should cure himself of all his all
monts by eating proper foods. What
a lot of good fun he would miss!
"Undo Wltterkop likes to take modl
cino. He can have more fun with BUch
symptoms bb he can extract than he
can with a Japanese puzzle or a cheml
can experiment. It 1b sclonce, philoso
phy and mental exercise to him to find
out hlfl Bymptoms. Thoy are his com
panions morning, noon and night.
"When ho discovers a new symptom
ho foelB that life Ib worth living. He
hurries to the medicine chest with an
elastic step. He 1b anxious to see what
hlB favorite remedy will do to that now
symptom. If the remedy wins he
Bmlles with delight. If the symptom
wins ho rubB his handB. It Is a splen
did game.
"It would bo a shame to feed Uncle
Wltterkop properly and thus deprive
him of all that sport.
"So I have decided to drop the lec
tures and let things take their course."
Japanese Superstition.
If a guest leaves a Japaneso hotel
without paying his bill a broom 1b
dressed up, his name 1b attached to it,
and It is inverted as a sign of disre
spect, W. L. Hildburgh Bald in a lec
turo on Japanese popular magic before
tho Japan society, a London corre
spondent of tho Now York Sun writes.
Complaint, ho added, Is then mado
to the figure, and It Is ordered to bring
tho money next day. Farmers heat
beans to find out what tho weather is
going to be, and sacrifice a black
horse if they want rain. Paper amu-
letB aro UBed during thunderstorms
and shopkeepers at tho end of each
year conduct demon dispelling cero
monies. To avoid litigation tho person who
fears it bathes In the twilight on the
fourth day of tho fourth month. In
villages woIIb are covered over during
eclipses of tho moon, as tho people be
lieve that polBon drops from the sky
at that time.
Good Help.
A 5 cent lump of smooth or rough
pumlcestoue Is a valuable help at the
kitchen sink.-- Ubo It to remove al
sorts of stains from the hands; oIbo
to scour off burnt food from granite
ware. It will not chip tho ware as
a knife does, not lnjuro In any way.
It also cleans and at the samo time
sharpens steel knives.
On London.
Tourist (in London) "It certainly
took a bunch of bobbles to arrest that
slik-hattod guy! What did he do?"
Cabby "W'y, that bleedin' blither
haln'l pinched. 'D'a a hemlnent Btatos
man goln' to luncheon! Judge.
should go down in history as tho greatest Clothing event ever
held in Nebraska. No "certain lots" sale but a simple case
of "I will sell the entire stock." And "I will man" docs
what the words "T will" mean. , '
now buys
any $32.50,
$30 and
$27.50 Suitor
now buys
any $25,
$22.50 and
$20 Suit or
Varied Lot of Answers Are Received
in Reply to Invitation to Sub
scribe for Daily Nebraskan.
"Have you subscribed for the Hag
Of course you have heard those
words within the past few days and
at tho same time you plunked down
your dollar to make tho Rag tho best
ever. But let mo tell you about a fow
of tho funny characters who are will
ing to show their school spirit in most
anything but honest coin; who will
get out and yell at a football game?
which ruins a perfectly good voice
and who will break a leg to attend a
tango party; but who can't conceive
of tho Rag us a University product or
as a true representative of bcIioo! sen
timent and opinions.
For a study In human nature let mo
recommend you to try to sell subscrip
tions. Take the vantage point of a
tablo placed where a constant stream
of students go by to register. Of
course they spot the graft long before
their portion of the lino nears the
table. They bristle up, gaze at you
out of tho corner of their eyes, pull
their hats down and get prepared for
tho springing step which takes them
out of your reach. With a smllo of
sympathy tho petitioners allow them
to escape to "mooch" thj Rag off
someone else.
Then there are those who spend a
sweet half hour in explaining how
their room-mate is a subscriber and
who pass by with a sigh of rollef at
their story well told. Then thoso who
look at you stonily and lie furiously,
knowing that you know the truth.
Then to relieve the heart-breaking
uncertainty, comes the loyal soul who
bustles up to fork over his dollar, and
smiles while he does it.
Th6re was a touch of humor In what
the Bohemian said to the Inquiry of
the Rag solicitor.
"Have I a Rag?" he brok out, "I
have lots of them at home," and ho
hurried onv wondering at the atrange
ne'as of American customs,
now buys
any $18,
$16.50 and
$15 Suitor
now buys
any $12.50
and $10
Suit or
(Continued from Pago Ono)
entirely apart from doflnlto class as
signments. Tho University Library
has not offered much encouragement
to such reading and to correct this
deficiency a change has been inaug
urated by tho llbrnrlan.
The stocks cannot be thrown open,
but a special collection of books has
been placed In the reading room
where all students can have access to
It. A number of short story collec
tions have been bought especially for
this case and interesting books of
travel, biography and ossayB havo
been placed with them. Othor new
books will bo placed on tho sholves
from time to time. Tho object Is to
have. -a miscellaneous assortment of
books which tho students can examine
and from which they can select books
for homo reading. This collection is
kept In tho book caso at tho loan desk
In the general reading room.
DRILL SUIT for sale at bargain;
worn but once; will pay for refit
ting Call at Mageo & Deomor's.
Cream Tomato Soup and Wafers. 6c
Creamed Chicken on Toast 10c
Salmon Loaf 8c
Fruit Salad ,6c
Blueberry Roll ! ! ! ! ! !sc
Chocolate-Vanilla Nut Ico Croamiec
University Jeweler and
S. S. SHEAfi
1123 0 St. Veliow mt
Your. Patronage 8otyoitd
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