" . : "' V, THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ?jj THEATRES OLIVER THEATER TONIGHT, WED & WED. MAT. OLIVER MOROSCO PRESENTS PEG 0' MY HEART Night. $1.50 to 50c Mat $1.00 to 50c SAT, MAT. &NIGHI, JAN. 31 SARAH PADDEN IN "LAVENDER AND OLD LACE. ORPHEUM THEATER THURS.-FRI.-SAT.- JAN. 29-30-31. MLLE, DAZIE in "Pantaloon" A Plea for an Ancient Family By Sir James Matthew Baric KENNEY & ROONEY EDNA MUNSEY MABELLE LEWIS & PAUL M'CARTHY HANLON & HANLON LOA DURBYVILLE NEBR. ANIMATED WEEKLY Mat Daily at 2:15 Prices 15 & 25c Night at 8:15, Prices 15,25.35,, 75c LYRIC THEATER MON.-TUES.-WED., JAN. 26-27-28. In An Original Comedy. VAN & RINHART. "Her Husband's Experiment." "The Last Scene of All" "Pathe's Semi-Weekly" The World's News in Motion Views Smiles of Fortune' Three Shows Daily 2, 7 & 9 P. M. MAT ALL SEATS 10c NIGHT 15c Again we say it's your loss if you don't attend Kline's Toggery Sale Some lines are now very limited, sizes missing short ranges of colors, etc. These are now sacri ficed to the limit. A per sonal inspection will con vince you that this "Eds Toggery Sale" is really the most remarkable event of its kind ever held in this city. pii. fail to take JLJUI1 I advantages of this opportunity to supply your future needs now. KLINE S 1132 6 STREET Open Evenings Eds NERVY REPORTERS HAVE A GAY TIME AT GIRLS' PARTY Learn How Black Masques Run Par ties on Five-cent Assesments And Make Money. The neie of some people! To think tffnt two men would In nd( the domains of the girls' party on Satin da ntternoon whore the girls dipped and twirled to their i hearts content In all the latest mazeB ol the tango, oi lost interest in all else but the lurious game of auction dom inoes Hut curiosity is a strong mo tive power, and so 1b the hope of eats And the Hag Reporters' thirst foi news lias led them into and out of several odd scrapes. Once there, enconced on a box in the cubby hole of a kitchen and try ing to balance those tlnvc lux-olate tups on a slippery plate. they learned how it was done. That the Hlack Masques were managing the parties, with Miss Graham's time ly assistance, and that the girls were coming out in numbers to the " sun light" dances And furthermore, that they were making money on the side Imagine charging five cents for an aftei noon's enjoj nient, serving re freshmen! s, and (leaning a neat pi ofl t in the bargain It would make bomeiThe Girl that Dreams of Me, From of the class hop manager ad orate women's lights to see their coed con temporailes handling the pocket-book in so fortunate a manner. All things considered, it was a gieat experience for the reporters The made a quick exist while the girls were resting a moment from the exertions of the tango, and while the refreshments were being passed in m some refreshments! But already some of the enthusiasts had slipped away fioni the tables and were in venting new glides, for futute refer uicih l lie chocolate tango is the latest, the say, and they're even con sldering the athisabilit of a tango tea FORMAL DANCE DATESFOR REST OF YEAR ARE GIVEN OUT Two Parties Scheduled for Same Night I Remember Pioneer Dairyman. With Probability of Other I Samuel (May Passet, founder of the Conflicts. ! Nebraska Dalrj men's Association, waB I well remembered in an address of up Well boys its out at last. Formal ' preclation delivered by Professor Pes fussing doesn't need to be a matter of I sey Friday evening, before this as speculation any longer for the list of I sociation. Professor Bessey spoke of annual formal parties is published by i him as a pioneer of Nebraska, who The Daily Nebraskan this morning i has given his physical and mental Almost every Friday and Saturday ! and moral strength for more than night fioni now till late in May is filled fort years to the upbuilding of this with the annual dance given by some commonwealth." oi Hiwii.;i mm. un unu uc(.iisiuu, iwu parties are st heduled for tho same date and as several have not yet an nounced their final selections, probablv this will tuiur in a number ot casts. Formal Calendar. Junior Prom Januar .iO Kuppa SIguia February (I Oil Omega February 7 Alpha Tau Omega February 20 Alpha Theta Chi February 27 Sigma Alpha Fpsllon March 6 Delta Upsilon March 13 Alpha Omit ron Pi March 27 Senior Prom March 28 Sigma Nu April 3 Alphu Phi April 4 Delta Zeta April 11 Iron Sphinx April 11 Alpha Chi Omega April 17 Kappa Alpha Theta April 18 Kappa Kappa Gamma April 24 Pi Beta Phi April 25 Phi Gam ma Delta May 1 Alpha XI Delta May 2 Delta Delta Delta May 9 PALLADIANS HELD ITS FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL BANQUET SATURDAY EVE The Palladlans held their forty- second antnll banquet at the Lincoln, January 23tb. The Palladlans were fortunate in having two prominent fac ulty members with them, Prof. Stuff, guest fo honor and Prof. H. W. Caldwel to.i8tmaster, or "umpire" the toasts carrying out the idea of a football JUNIOR PROM PLANS ARE COMPLETE FOR BIG DANCE Tickets Will Go Off Sale Thursday With Big Demand Still Unfilled Classy Music on Program. Last word from the Junior prom in dicates that all plans are set for a dan e beautiful. Naturally tho com mlttee in charge is working to outdo prei cdent, but further than that the seem to be conservative In tlulr state ment8 regarding the plans. The grand march is to begin at 8:30. Tickets are to be called In Thurs day, and after that time none will be sold by the committee. A number of promises have been made, and it Is possible that some may be obtained through failure to claim these prom ises. However, Chairman Pauman In slsts that no tickets will be sold, once they are called In. The programs and music are to be of formal class. Leather programs have been ordered. The music for the dant e is to Include the following so lections Irom popular song-land: Nights of GladneHS, Cross the Mason Dixie Line; From "I'uppchen," from "The Little Cafe," I Don't Want To. Tres Moutarde; Adele, Honey Moon Lane, Pullman Porters on Parade, "Adele," Sailing Down Chesapeake Day, Oh, Oh, Delphine, Peg-o'-M Heart; International Hag, Un Pen d'Amour. The committee In charge of the prom is as follows: W. H. Mailman, chair man; Russel Swift, master of t ere monies; D. D. Mapes, Q. Crimson, Erma Nelson, Helen Thomas. Old Student Pleased. Dean Stanton, Vice president of Ames college, spent two dayB in Lin coln retentlv investigating the met hods ol pretedure in several of the various departments of the university He expressed himself as very much pleased with the different systems em ploed by this institution. D an Stanton was in Professor Pes sev s first botain class Ted Marrine Cleaner, natter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th (t "Procrastination is If you realized This is a Good Place to Buy Good Clothes WANTED Five live hustlers to assist In the cirt illation tampalgn for l.f.OO new sub st rlbers. Capable men will re ceive good pay for their sorv i( s. Appl Frank H. Perkins, Dalh Nobrusknn ollli e. CRAMMING TAKES PLACE OF FUSSING LAST SUNDAY Laws as Well as Other Students Put in Anxious Hours at Work. Sunday, the last day of rest before the finals, was spent In a way very different from usual. It was not, how ever, passed In rest and meditation nor In visiting at tho "open" houses, but in mental labor severe and long. Everywhere students wore seen hur rying along with notebooks under their arms. They were going to confer with other stuenls, to compare botany notes and contemporary history notes, to finish the last home economics paper and the rhetoric 7 themes, and to cram generally for the approaching finals. Law students every wlieie were go ing toward the campus with slacks of heavy volumes. The city library was t rowded with students making a final brave effort to finish the "Pol-Econ" paper and to learn some German. Without a doubt more studying was done on Sunday than has boon done any one day all semester. But tho good work did not terminate Sunday It will continue all week and will not begin to let up in tho least until Fri day noon, when finals aro taken and students registered. PERSHING RIFLES ATTENTION. The PerBhing Rifles drill company will hereafter be limited to four full squads. All Pershlngs and men who have tried out for the company will report at the armory on Thursday evening, February 5, at 7:15. The names ol the accepted men will be road and regular positions In the company will be assigned. Also on tills date the last tryouts before April 1 will be held. Hereafter all fines for unoxcused ab sences must be paid upon the first appearance at drill af tho ubsonce. The nnnual Initiation will be held at the armory at tho usual drill hour, Thursday, February 12. Col. H. F. Kramer, Capt. ArtlBtlc danco programs and menus for particular people. George Bros., Printers, 1313 N stroet. of Time" But you still have time enough before our sale of our very bestjiigh grade suits 1 4 OH the quality of these Suits you would appriciate theV '' J r i i rr f3iY r.V wonaerrui vaiue we are orrenng DISCOUNTS ON ALL FANCY rUEJv CLOTHING CO . ... We must get Inventory , out of the way soon." J , ' Before then weYepw? "' xious to clean up in allude payments the broken lines" and odds and ends ,left from the season's selling'. a Suits and Overcoats all remaining numbers t trom broken lines -mis, season's regular stock of r ii 1i ( V il high-grade Kensingtons, ', Kenmors and Kuppenhei- mer8 now discounted 1-5 1-4 and even 1-3 Off. A few morrof the -extreme -- -styles are 1-3 Off. Quality considered, we don't believe a week's ' search would disclose any better values tran these either in Lincoln or el$e-'';' where. 'o Can't you take a few moments today or tomor row and let us show you? $1.50 and $1 Shirts 69cT V Boys' Dept. Brojcen lines of Suits, Overcoats and everything brand new this season. MAGEE & DEEMER SIMMONS, THE PRINTER Good Printing 317 S. 12th St. Phone B-2391 the Thief , closes to get one at . v T vjb ;1 t i t , 15 i you. SHIRTS - '. .".T4A 1i ..?. 1 V" x r c r 12366 "S -, i Vwl i i mamt&J .al. . i - )-vnnK.j 7. ". t - .a n $ r - 7 ' t", " f - x. vffir V -V, y& a I game in a very unique manner. v i " fT '' " 's-j T . "" r. i V H?lwS, . f I. 'T K ' ' : ,: . . fr- r,. t$ SJ- . -