i - THE DAILY NEB&ASKAN 2,480 $1 AND $1.50 iirts 69c The assortment includes "Arrow," "Ely and Walker" and Monarch" perfect fitting Shirts. Serviceable, fast color fabrics, in the latest winter patterns. Range of sizes is complete, 14 to 17 1-2, with sleeve lengths from 33 to 35. At this price-SIXTY-NINE CENTSyou can well afford to anticipate your Shirt Needs for a year in advance. RUDGE & GUENZEL COMPANY OLIVER THEATER Mon, Tue. Wed. Jan. 26, 27, 28 Matinee Wednesday. Oliver Morosco Presents THE COMEDY OF YOUTH by J. Hartley Manners. Mo6t Successful Plan in the World. Night $1.50, to 50c. Mat. $1.00 to 50c. CALENDAR. Friday, January 23 I'alladian Banquet I'm Men's Banquet Sigma I'lii Kpsilon lplia Sigma I'hi Phi Delia Theta V M (' A rooniH Undell Hotel Music Hall House Party 0RPHEUM THEATER THUR., FRI., SAT., Jan. 22, 23, 24 HARRY FOX & YANCSI DOLLY Smart Fooling, Songs and Dances 6 MUSICAL CUTTYS 6 DAVE GENARO & COMPANY GEORGE ROLAND & COMPANY THE THREE COLLEGIANS THE LA TOY BROTHERS BOLLINGER & REYNOLDS Mat. Daily at 2:15; Prices 15 & 25c Night, 8:15; Prices 15, 25, 35, 50,75 Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Hall Sigma Nu House Party Saturday, January 24. Alpha Zeta Music Hall Last chance for junior senior pictures LYRIC THEATER THURS., FRI., SAT., JAN. '22-23-21 A Big Circus Offering. The Riding Connors. THE mTnISTREL FOUR. Charcter Singers and Dancers. In "THE DAY AFTER." PHOTO PLAYS. "A THIEF OF HEARTS." "PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY." The World's News. "The GIRLTnTHE MIDDY." THREE SHOWS DAILY, 2, 7 and 9 MAT. ALL SEATS 10c, NIGHT 15c L . Mst- Abbcj fepfcWl JKJB6cnS?3BBHHHi4SHHBBBlHHHHB5Sjrj MR. HARVEY NEWBRANCH Who addressed the Journalistic Sem inar Thursday night as caught at the station by The Nebraskan's staff photographer. 1 SPA' Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P A meeting of the Scandinavians is scheduled for Saturday evening the 1 24th, at 8 p. m. in room 104, Law building. Dean Bessey will talk on "Linnens, the Founder of the Swener of Botany." This will be a rare op portunity. Everybody out. Jones' Orchestra; Phone L9666. ALL SOULS' CHURCH A Free Religious Society CORNKR II AND 12th ARTHUR L. WEATHERLY, Minister This is a religious society with the University ideal, "the search after truth." It has no creed or dogma to defend. It seeks to develop the reverent attitude toward life and the sprit of service among men. Problems of life are discussed frankly, and freely in the light of modern knowledge. , Service, 10:45 a. m. "RESPONSIBILITY, THE CONDITION OF GROWTH" Students' Liberal Religious Union, 12:15 Dr. II. B. Alexander will lead the first of a series of discussions of the Philosophical Problems of Life. YOU ARE INVITED '15 HUNDRED" '15 HUNDRED' The University School of Music Established 1894 Third Regular Term Begins Feb. 2. Ask for full information now Willard Kimball, Director Phone B-1392 11th and R Sts. .