f ." i '."'"7" ' i p n . - m i. .: u " " ll "! II I II flTll l.imihMfiiBhi wi ji ii i in ' iili"'i p.11,.11.11 'Hi ii 'i mMmimmiidmtmimtfmmmmimm 4? THE DAILY NEBRASKAN H..-. ' ' , ,1 .. r : ' i" o POST-GRADUATES IN SCIENCES ARE MANY Cover Entire Field of Research and Study With Varied Subjects for Final Thesis. The following statistics have heen compiled to show what the postgrad nates and seniors are doing In tlie various scientific departments the thesis subjects working for a I'll. I), degree are: C. J. Elmore "A Synthetic Study of Nebraska Diatoms." M. It. Gllniore "Plants Used by In dians." M. II. S( liwenk "Relations Between Flowers and Insects." For master of science degrees: Elsio Day "A Pharmaceutical Study of Botunical Groups." Paul Evans "What Is Cultivation In Plants." Rachel Holmes "Origin of Cavity in Hollow Grass Stems." Bertha Kramer "A Study of Dlelin iouh Flowers." Bessie Noyes "Study of Plant Path ology." T. .1. Fitzpatrick-"History of Bot any in Missouri." Mayme Dvorak "Study of Black Knot of Plums.' F. W. Nelson "Moisture Require ments of Pine Trees." J. F. , Weaver -"Kcology of Snake Itlver." Physiological ' Paul II Sears Study." ' Herbert Markwood No subject. Mollie McComb No subject. Seniors in the department are Luclle Hager, Lorctta Given. Those taking chemistry for Ph. D's. nro: F. H. Currens "Separation of Cerl- inn From Gadoltmte." George Borrowman "Clays of Ne braska." G. F. Lewis -"Splitting of Cerium." For master of science degrees: Fdna F. Miller, William Kirk. B. L. Jacobs, J. C. Itipperton. F. F. Thur licr. F. F. Walker. Seniors majority in chemistry are: A. F. Allyn, Jr.. A. B. Coleman Ftta B. Carpenter, P. . Adams. .1. .1. '.v glenian, It. H. K"ilii"t A. 10. N'lrdr.n, 1). I). Iteavis, Jr., Ruth M. Squires, J. E. Scliott. It. G. Batty, M. C. Tcwk 1 ury. Zoology department for Ph. D's.: Fdna Mantor "Fffect of Alkaline Waters Upon Fish." Victor Dacken "Seasonal versus Nutritional Variations in Brachionus nnd Bosmina." W. C. Becker "Parasites or Bermu da Fishes." H. L. lOwing "Chromosomes. " G. E. Burman "Trematode of Blue Heron." For master of science degree: Bertha Kramer "Parasitic Turbel laria." A. II . Hiltner "Parasites of the Cat." Seniors: Susanne Parsons "Parasites of Tur tles." It. P. Westover "Trematode of Fish." Geology department for master of science : A. C. Chapline. C. C. Whiteford. Anna Hlnterlong. Seniors: Delbert Williams. AGRICULTURISTS ADVISE CONSERVATION OF CROPS First Day of Organized Agriculture Spent In Meetings and Visits to Ex hibit Movies Tomorrow. The flr-d day of the general sessions of Organized Agriculture week pasesd yesterday In meetings at the farm and at the Commercial club. The preven tion of needless loss in crops and stock was the subject of the discussions. A number of the visitors to the conven tion spent part of the day inspecting the exhibits in the auditorium, and in the evening viewing the motion pic tures of beet sugar industry and of Nebraska Irrigation. The program for today is as follows: State Board of Agriculture, Commer cial club rooms; State Horticultural society, Lindell hotel; State Dairy men's association. Plant Industry build ing; State Swine Breeders' association, Judging Pavillion; Nebraska Pure Seed Growers' association. Plant Industry building; Nebraska Bee Keepers' as sociation, Agricultural hall; State Home Fconomics' Association, Agricul tural hall; Nebraska Sheep Breeders and Wool Growers' association, Judg ing Pavillion. On exhibition tonight at the audi torium will be motion pictures from the headquarters of Dr. Condra,- sfate conservation commission. Iteel No. 1, Better Babies, is the most live and complete showing of the subject ever luai'(- ' w"' 'H followed by films illustrating the state fair and the apple industry, and likewise a general film showing among other features the work of the State Food and Drug com mission. Tomorrow night will be presented the films which have been exposed at intervals on -the campus. Pictures of the Olympics, football games, promi nent professors including Chancellor Avery and Professor Fossler the de bating teams, and The Nebraskan Staff, together with other films show ing campus life will be thrown on the screen. It will be university night, and an overflow meeting of students is ex pected. COMPLAINING OF SPRING FEVER Pleasant Weather Makes Cramming Impossible and Exams Only One Week Away. The weather man is working hard day and night in opposition to the coming semester exams. He is in co operation with the fusser and is ac commodating him as much as possible. The fusser too is hard at work, but not with cramming. Instead he wastes no time taking advantage of the Ideal weather. Students all are levelling in the sunshine and loudly exclaiming the joy they feel in the spring weather. Of course it is too early to prophesy anything definitely concerning the "no winter" theory. Yet the South Da kota Indians said early last fall that there would be no real winter tills year. The Indians have lived close to nature for so many years that their weather prophecies should be approx imately correct. Pauline Killlan of Walioo spent the week-end at the Pi Phi house. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bro.. Printers. 1313 N utxoeL THE FORUM The NebrmUnn Does Not Necettarily En dorse the Sentimenta Ezpreurd in This Column Wliile a wave of political reform Is sweeping over the student body, it seems fitting that some consideration bo given by the reformers to the smaller but more insidious evils. It Is a well known fact around the cam pus that some students are stealing the property of others. In this way, stationery, books, overcoats and doz ens of similar articles have been lost. The names of several petty thiefs are already in the hands of various teach ers. The only thing that seems to prevent these perpetrators of little robberies from being looked upon as outlaws Is tile strange and negative fact that student sentiment lias not yet bestirred itself agains the culprit of this stripe. Is it not the peculiar province of some influential group of students, be they Innocents, student-council, or a less formal but more formidable body, to stamp out this small but aggravat ing sin? It seems hardly fair to the oflicial end of the university to throw upon t tint branch of our educational arrangement the full burden and pub licity of punishing a form of crime, which, in less enlightened communities than a student community, is effective ly stamped out by the cold, hard pres sure of cultivated public sentiment. Imprisonment or expulsion are not the only means of isolating the offender. Why cannot the students get together and punish the thief by the glance, the grimace and the cold shoulder? C. L. It. Verna Coryell of Norfolk spent tl.el week-end at the Chi Omega hou-'e. Sigma Plii Fpsilon announces the withdrawal of the pledge of F. W. Lelir. AMUSEMENTS The nianagenment of the Magnet, not satilied with past achievements, announces another added attraction. Commencing Monday evening, the Loeb orchestra will entertain Lincoln's amusement loving patrons at that the atre. The music rendered will be of a quality in keeping with the excellent photo plays which the management is endeavoring to show. Owing to the splendid partronage at the production of "Quo Vadis" during the past week at the theatre, the management feels sure that large feature attractions usually seen in the larger places appeal to the theatre loving people of Lincoln and as a result it will be the policy of the theatre to engage these large feature productions whenever possible. (ttla00titp& (dnlumtt WANTED Two 1229 S street. more boarders at l-21-3t WANTED Will the man who bor rowed sketcii of draftsman at senior hop return same to Unl Book Store. 19-3 LOST German silver mesh shopping bag containing valuable keys. Bag lost In gallery of Oliver theater at performance of the "Firefly." Reward for return to Western Union offco. 19-3 HKwflHHIIHHHHHHH ARROW 3&SGOLLAR Cluett, Pcabodr & Co., Ino. Maknra A "Square Deal' for everybody is the " Spalding Policy. " We guarantee each buyer of an article bearing the Spalding Trade Mark, that such an article will give satisfaction and a reasonable amount of service. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1616 Arapahoe St. Denver, Colo. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 125 North 13th, Lincoln, Neb. Preserve Your College Work The L. C. Smith & Bros. Type writer is invaluable to college stu dents who want a record of their college work after graduation. We give special attention to tie needs of students. We have type writers to rent, as well as to sell. A few rebuilt machines at a bar gain. For Cab or Taxicab For Parties, Call ENSIGN Best Cabs, Best Service Get Your Call in Early "SPA" I Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room I Cafeteria Plan I City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P I , ,.-N-i