The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 21, 1914, Image 2

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    "J""" ;" ni mi iiflmwiim imimtumiit$impiitiimtmiBqta
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Sty? latlg Jfabraakan
Property of
Managing Editor Kenneth M. Snydor
Associate Editor Fred N. WellB
Afisoclatc Editor ....Clarence T. Spier
Fred L. Dnbcock Athletics
Ethel Arnold Women
Ruth Squires, Hortenso Kaufman, Rob
ert Holland, Louis Home, Glen
EvertB, Clara Dodda, Wm. F.
Noble, R. V. Koupal, L. H.
Evans, Max Baehr, Ros
well Weeks.
Act. Bub. Mngr Frank S. Perkins
Circulation Manager J. C. Beard
Subscription price $2.00 per year,
payable In advance.
Single Copies, 5 centB each
Entered at the postolFloe at Lincoln,
Nebraska, an Becond-claBs mall matter,
under tho Act of Congress of March
S. 1879.
Wednesday, January 21, 1914
of the book one month In advance of
the time set by former managements.
This ran be done, provided tho upper
cloBBinon and women realize that it is
up to them. All personal sittings
ore to be arranged for by Saturday.
All organizations ore duo within n few
weeks. The last call has been sounded.
During the meeting of the agricul
turalists of the state this week, the
university campus will probably bo
more or less under surveillance. The
question of campus removal or exten
sion naturally arises, with so large a
number of Influential citizens of the
state within the city. Following the
ad Ice of the lumbermen last week,
the farmers will probably take advant
age of their chance to view the cam
pus The question of removal to the farm
campus iff one which is of considerable
importance to the farming element In
tho state. As the situation is now,
Nebraska has a fine and modern plant
at the farm campus. It Is designed for
college, s-chool, and short course stu
dents. The college of agriculture stu
dents divide their time between the
farm and city campus. But the plant
is essentially an agricultural one.
Consequently, not a little objection has
been raised to locating the other col
leges at the farm by the farmers over
the state. They feel that the farm
campus Is more a part of them than
the city campus, and hesitate to divide
honors with the other colleges. During
the week, they will compare the two
sites, with reference to casting their
ballots for or against removal in the
fall. It may be that their attitude
when the leave the city will reflect
the final decision on the location of the
It is with a feeling of tho slncerest
pleasure that we are able to congratu
late ex-President Andrews upon reach
ing his seventieth birthday. Although
his health Is broken, we are having
constant proof that his mind is as
keen and olert as ever it was.
While none of the undergraduates
knew Dr. Andrews upon the campus,
all Broun men reverence his memory,
and his name never falls to arouse
enthusiasm. It is fitting that every
Rrunonian should have a feeling of
gratitude toward him who did so much
for Brown Brown Dully Herald.
Grade Schools Patronize Art Gallery.
Grade school oungsters are vying
with tin1 unhersity students for places
anions tli" patrons of art. Every af
t'rnoon under the skillfull manipula
tion of their teacher, a whole grade,
fifty or sixty pupils, is piloted thru
the art exhibit now in progress at
the University library. Great is the
fit-Win of ovnrv vmiiii llMnofill vvlion
I l W. . I .T .. .,,.. f, ..W,V . ... .......
I Ills turn to go to the exhibit arrives
lit Is the intention of Mr. Hunter, City
Superintendnnt of public schools, to
have every grade-school pupil in the
city to see the exhibit before It closes
January 21st.
The business management of tho
1014 Cornhusker has issued a last call
that all photographs for the annual
be arranged for by the end of the
week. Their object Is the publication
Many Students
are behind in then studies, not be
cause they are stupid, but bernuse
of Eye Strain, which makes it hard
er for them to see and study.
Registered Optometrist
advise you about, your eyes.
Est. 1871 1143 O St.
Band Concert February 2.
The annual concert of the university
cadet band Is to be given at the Oliver
theater, February 2. This is a Mon
day night, and special dispensation has
been extended to the band to hold
their musical festival at this time.
The band is in prime condition this
year. With forty-five pieces and daily
practices the men have gotten a larger
swing and spirit to their work than In
the case of former bands. The con
cert this winter promises to be a rec
ord mark.
Why Editors Go Insane.
Gary, Ind. To satisfy his subscrib
ers who were unable to understand
any language but the dialect spoken
in the foreign country from which they
emigrated to America, A. H. Sako,
editor of a Polish daily has started to
issue liis paper in six different language-.
Proof readers on the paper
have gone on the strike and the rest
of the btaff are looking for new jobs.
Drake Daily Delphi.
Foresters Elect Officers.
At a meeting of the Forest club last
night, Prof. R. J. Pool spoke on tho
"Ecology of Conifers."
Following the program, an election
of officers resulted in the following
slate- For president, L. C. Hurt; vice
iri'H 'ent, C L. Forslint:; secretary, J.
!-' Biooks.
Methodist Lead at Ohio State.
Among the students at Ohio State
"Diversity reliulous beliefs number
thirty-four and range from Christianity
fo Confucianism and Theosphy. Of the
3,708 students 1,134 are Methodists.
The next highest denominations are as
follows: Presbyterian, 655; Lutheran.
238; Catholic, 219; Congregational,
'JOG; Raptibt, 1G4; Episcopalian, 155.
Our Regular
$35 and $32.50
Suits and
Our Regular
$30, $27.50 & $25
Suits and
Overcoats now
Our Regular
$22.50 and $20
Suits and
Overcoats now
Our Regular
$18 and $16.50
Suits and
Overcoats now
Our Regular
$15 and $12.50
Suits and
Overcoats now
He's doing a lot of things that will
interest you
University School of Music
Established 1894
Third Regular Term Begins Feb. 2.
Ask for full information now
Willard Kimball, Director
Phone B-1392 11th and RSts.
Cornell Expenditures Soar.
Eight cents a second, $4.84 a min
ute, $l,967 a day and $2,544,137 a year
is the astonishing summary of ex
penses required to maintain and ope
rate Cornell university. An average
of $403.12 per student per year Is spent
while tho average student only pays
tho university $81.43.
Michigan Has the Most Graduates.
Michigan university has nyre living
alumni than any other institution of
learning in the country. There are
today 22,000 men and women who
have received degrees from Michigan.
Harvard is second with 21,000 living
graduates, and Yale is third with 18,-000.
W. E. McCourt, formerly of Cornell
and now professor of geography at
Washington university, visited the
local geography department yesterday.
Professor McCourt Is Washington's
representative at the Missouri valley
conference meeting held yesterday.
Meier Drug Co
Applications for election to the po
sition of editor-in-chief, managing edi
tor, two associate editors, business
manager and assistant business man
ager of The Daily Nebraskan for the
second semester of the current ear
will be received at the ofllce of tho
secretary of tho Btudent publication
board, basement Administration build
ing, until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, Jan
uary 23, 1914.
Applications to be made on form
which will be furnished by the secre
tary. A full statement of your qualifi
cations for the position for which you
apply should accompany your applica
tion. T. A. Williams, Secretary.
t-t m t imm
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