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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1914)
-TTT TV , German Dramatic Club Tonight-Temple The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIII. NO. 74 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1914 Price, 5 Cents .i. h:jt U i 'v. T.Jt ' ISRAEL RIDETH ON ASS 'STAR REPORTER GETS INSIDE DOPE ON DISGRACEFUL CON DUCT OF FAMOUS ACTOR ON EXHIBITION SATURDAY NIGHT Headliners of Vaudeville Bill in Spharo Styx Fun Festival Are Also Discovered. HADYN'S SYMPHONY DRAWS APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCES Unusual Crowd at Convocation to Hear First of Series of Musi cal Treats. Pity 'tis ' tis true, but the name of Russ Israel will forever hereafter be associated with that of the jackass. Much as the "Rag" hates to do it, there seems to be no other way out of It. For be it known that old star re porter that is, he calls himself the .star, Wednesday night, gained access to the Oliver dress rehearsal of the .Spharo Styx Fun Festival to be given .Saturday night at the Oliver theater, and there saw with his own eyes the aforesaid Israel riding, or attempting to ride, good specimen of a snorting and bucking species of the family of mules. This reporter swears and deposes that Russ rode the animal's back and forth across the stage several times, and that during the process he lit on his head not more than the consider able number of three times. The young journalist made a desperate attempt to find out the why of such a strange performance, but he could gain no information. Yesterday, however, a rumor gained credence on the campus that Russ was doing it for a purpose, said pur pose being his appearance bofore 2,000 university people at the Oliver tomorrow night. Just what will be the nature of his act has not been revealed, hut it is stated on good au thority that Russ lias found all the soft spots on the stage floor, and that no serious results are anticipated. And so, if our latest little "Broncho Billy" does succeed in lighting on his cranium at the Spharo Styx Fun Fes tival tomorrow night, it will not cause any hard feelings, but will only add to the general hilarity of the even ing. The headliners in the vaudeville section of the Fun Festival will con sisit of the following acts: A Stygian Incident. Father Charon, a boatman T. Erie Keefer The Spirit of the Evening L. O. Chatt Scene: A Rocky Pass near the River Styx. Tebrazlne and her own opera com pany, In their first triumphant. (Continued on Page Four) GIRLS SHOW KEEN INTEREST IN CLASS BASKET BALL TEAMS Competition for Places 8eems Stead ily Becoming Greater. Memorial hall was filled by the largest audience which has assembled for a musical convocation this year when Haydn's "Opus 98" was given yesterday morning. Members of the faculty were present who have not been seen at a university convocation for years. One entire department was represented, while students put off other matter and turned out in numbers. It was the first number of the symphony course which is to be continued thruout the year and it was an encouraging curtain raiser for the remaining numbers. The regular condensed orchestra, which has played at many convoca tions before, was on the platform, Ed Walt, first violin; Mrs. Molzer, second violin; Will Quick, viola and Miss Eiche, cello. Mrs. Raymond, who is in charge of the musical pro grams, was at the organ. The symphony started with the Adagio, a slow and sustained move ment. This was followed by a sec ond Adagio, also slow but with a dif ferent rendition of the theme. Un like symphonies, however, there were few outbursts of crashing chords, and thruout the whole movement there was a lightness and gladsome ness which the stringed instruments executed to a nicety. The organ ac companied with the deeper tones, or occasionally carried the solos of the flute and other wind instruments. A Minuette was the third move ment, essentially cheerful and bright. In fact, the entire composition wa8 of this type and there was no minor strain. In the finale the theme, which was carried In the entire com position, was most evident. Mrs. Raymond spoke briefly at the beginning, explaining the principle of a symphony and illustrating the theme. However, it is the plan to have printed programs in the future, ex plaining a few of the points which arise in connection with the study and appreciation of the symphonies. The next symphony program will be given on February 5. It is the plan to give one of these programs every other week, but on account of final examination week it has been found necessary to postpone thin next one for three weeks. Mozart's "Jupiter Symphony" will be given at that time. In view of the selection of class teams In girls basketball next week, much Interest is being shown In the practices nnd the competition for places, on each class team is keen. The freshmen players show remark able Improvement. The Sophomores have a large number out, who are eligible for the team. Not so many juniors and seniors are trying out yet the number is sufficiently great for the selection of good teams. Miss Gittings states that there Is a prospect that the games will be played in the evening. The date Is not entirely definite but will probably be the thirteenth of fourteenth of February. She says that something of an Innovation will be furnished in the way of entertainment between the matches. UNI COSTSJAXPAYERS DAILY MAINTENANCE EPEN8E PER STUDENT IS 8EVENTY CENT8. SHORTER COURSE COSTS SAME Would be Little Difference In Ulti mate Expenditure if Curriculum Were Shortened. REVIEW THE K. C. CONVENTION Girls Who Attended Annual Mission ary Convention at Kansas City Tell of Impressions. Every chair In the Y. M. C. A. rooms was taken by five o'clock. On Thursday evening, that being the meeting at which the girls who at tended the Kansas City convention gave interesting glimpses of their trip. Betty Knieshaw was the first speaker. She emphasized the splen did treatment received. Florence Ma lone spoke especially of the inspira tion, while magnitude of the conven tion brought with it. Cablegrams from the Old World were read by Miss Park. They brought home some of the truths of Christianity, and what It may mean in the future, through out the world. Miss Park made an application to the University of Ne braska. Elizubeth Gordon stated as one of the strongest impressions that of the change Christianity has made in the position of women. Prayer and its power was emphasized by Esther Bennett. Genevieve Lowry told what the missionary and missionary spirit really means. Miss Graham spoke of the largeness of the convention, em phasizing the fact that all sorts of types were represented. She spoke briefly of John R. Mott and his power as a speaker. The coHt of maintaining the uni versity, according to the report of the treasurer of the university was a lit tle over $417,000 for the year ending March, 1913. Divide UiIb amount by the 3,800 students at the State Uni versity and the result, an odd $19G, la the annual maintenance cost per stu dent. Again, divide this amount by the 252 days the university runs and a little over 70 cents is found to be the daily cost of maintenance for each student. Sometimes murmurs are heard from Nebraska taxpayers who insist that they are paymlng much too much for the maintenance of the state univers ity. They assert that it is not run at all on economical lines, but that the expense Is extravagant, even pro digal. They have been led to believe that this university proposition is all a big graft. They are all too often led into this conclusion by statements published as retaliatory measures by disgruntled persons who for one reason or an other are at variance with the uni versity sponsors. Persons who are active in originating attacks on the University of Nebraska and in at tempting to mislead the public and distort the popular estimate of the great work the university is doing for the people of the Btate by putting into circulation the assertion that the cost to the taxpayer of educating stu dents at the state university is en tirely too high.' One of the much dwelt-upon "argu ments" 1r that the student spends too much time and incidentally too much of the taxpayer's money at college. But whether or no college courses are too long, whether they should stop at twenty or twenty-five years of ago, is, of course, a mere matter of opinion; upon which educators have not as yet generally expressed themselves and which Is not capable of a satisfactory answer from the facta. Even admit ting that some means might bo de vised for shortening the college cur riculum, there is no indication that lessening the number of years spent at college will be accompanied by (Continued from Page One) Spharo Styx Fun Festival THE OLIVER JAN. 17 SATURDAY NIGHT u