iH't 'ywnnj mmiinewtfm rr ''I I'r'Vi i '. m i' 'jk i ! pfifa iiniiniinny "F '!"' 1 , THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ' 'w' 41 -""" wTVwl ' 1 THEATRES OLIVER THEATER THURSDAY NIGHT, JAN. 15 EMMA TRENTINI In the Comedy Opera Triumph THE FIREFLY PRICES FROM $2 TO 50 CENTS JAN. 26-28, "PEG O MY HEART" ORPHEUM THEATER Thurs, Fri., Sat., Jan. 15, 16, 17. S. MILLER KENT & CO. In "THE REAL Q, The Raffles of Vaudeville. AUSTIN WEBB & CO. HYMAN MEYER. "BEAUX-ARTS." HARRY VAN FOSSEN. ELLINA GARDNER. DUPREE & DUPREE. NEBR. ANIMATED WEEKLY. Mat. Daily at 2:15. Prices 25 & 15c. Night, 8:15, Prices 15, 25, 35, 50, 75c LYRIC THEATER Mon., Tues., Wed., Jan. 12, 13, 14. A Unique and Novel Offering THE FOUR LAVALLES, European Entertainers. THE WINTON SISTERS. PHOTO PLAYS: "Wild Beasts at Large." "The Bartered Crown." 'PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY' World's News in Motion Pictures. Life Photos of Parisian Fashions. TH"r"EESHOWS DAILY72, 7 and 9 MAT., All Seats 10c, NIGHT, 15c Spharo Styx Show OLIVER THEATER SAT. JAN. 17 A Fun Festival consisting of up-to-the-minute "vodvil" and minstrel entertainment produced by an all university cast. " OVER SIXTY Tn-CAST WRITTEN BY A UNI MAN DIRECTED BY JOHN T. PRINCE, JR. PRICES $1, 75c, 50c. Reserva tions open Monday at Oliver Box Office. Organizations reserve tomorrow. A& X A. TRAOI .$ A "Square Deal' for everybody is the " Spalding Policy. " We guarantee each buyer of an article bearing the Spalding Trade Mark, that such an article will give satisfaction and a reasonable amount of service. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1616 Arapahoe St. - - Denver, Colo LIEUTENANT STOLL HERE TO COACH THE RIFLE TEAM Expert Rifleman in Regular Army Will Instruct Until Janu ary 20. First Lieut W. ('. Stoll, IT. S In fantry, 1b on duty as instructor and Inspector of the NebraHka national guard, having been detailed by the war department Lieuteinnt Stoll has consented to coach the rifle team or the university until January 20, when he departs on a tour of inspection of the national guard. His coaching has Increased the interest of the men, who have hopes for a successful season. Lieutenant Stoll is an expert rifle man in the regular army. He was a member of the U. S. Infantry army team and also of the team selected to represent the U. S. in the interna tional meet which was held in Buenos Ayres, Argentina. In this meet the United States won with honors. The intercllegiate Indoor rifle com petition will start about January 20 ICach team will fire on its own range, alter which the scores will be sent to the secretary of the National Rifle association in Washington. The sec retary determines the relative stand ing of the competitors. All universities can enter into thiB competition. Y. W. C. A. VESPER SERVICE TO HEAR FROM K.C. MEETING Reports of Delegates to the Conven tion Held There First of Year on Program. The Y W. ('. A. vesper service on Thursday evening will be one of the largest and best of the year. It will consist of short informal reports on impressions of the Kansas City convention. Reports about the campus say that this convention was unusually large, enthusiastic and Inspiring. Those who had the privilege of attending will give interesting glimpses of the things which seemed to them most significent. Among the speakers are Genevieve Lowry, Esther Bennett, Mury Chapln, Elizabeth Gordon, Flor ence M alone and Miss Mary Graham. The service will open with special music at five minutes until five All associate members are most coidially invited to be present. AMUSEMENTS When Otto Hauerbach wrote the book of "The Firefly," Arthur Hamer stein's new comic opera, which comes to the Oliver, Thursday evening, Jan. 1G he did not know nor had he ever met Mile. Trentini, the star of the production He had heard her sing in Mr. Oscar Hammestein's Grand Opera company at the Manhattan opera house, in New York City, and had seen her in "Naughty Marietta," her success of the past two seasons, and had read of the artistry of the charming little Italian prima donna, but he drew the char acter of the little East Side street singer and the great songbird, the dual role played by Mile. Tre.ntlnl In "The Firefly" as piquantly faithful to the singer who has to interpret the roles as If each had been ordered for the other. It Is not Tony, the street urchin, that Trentini plays; It Is Tren- HBW5A77rToNAJ5HHH Ptokow " COLLAR A Graceful Hltfh Band Notch Collar. 2 for 25 oenti Cluclt, Peabodr A Co., Inc. Maker TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold annks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14th O Street tint, herself, known among her fellow artists as "the little devil of grand opera." "The little devil of grand opera," they christened her when OBcar Hani morstein first brought her to Amercia. She became at once the life of the Manhattan Opera company. When ever there was a dlsatisfaction or un happines among any of the great art ists, it was Trentini's effervescent wit and gaiety that scattered the clouds. She is lrrepreseslble, volatile, and has made for herself a unique and charm ing place not only among her fellow artists but with the public as well. Mr. Arthur Ilammersteln has sur rounded Mile. Trentlnl as only a Ham merstein knows how, both from the standpoint of cast and production. MAGNET THEATER 1511 O STREET WEEK STARTING MONDAY, JAN. 12. GEORGE KLEINE PRESENTS QUO VADIS SmMMiWmwmmmwmmmmmW KWMMmmMi0i:::-:JmM rmmmmmmmmmW JSmWJmWimwmmmmmM Mmmgmmmmmmmmmml mm HI MMMmWmmmmmWMMitmlM Hm HI mmsJmmWfamwyTmxmmTmmmmK eSm E&c kvh mm av L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 125 North 13th, Lincoln, Neb. Preserve Your College Work The L. C. Smith & Bros. Type writer is invaluable to college stu dents who want a record of their college work after graduation. We give special attention to the needs of students. We have type writers to rent, as well as to sell. A few rebuilt machines at a bargain. 1 'IMI '' "'" QUaaatftrii (Column LOST MESH hand bag containing watch, money and keys Hag and watch engraved. Finder return to Temple. 1-13-31 PERFORMANCES AT "1:303:45, 6:30, 8:45 ADMISSION : : 25c THE WORLD'S MASTERPIECE In PHOTO-DRAMA "Finer pictures were never seen here." .V. Y. Sun, "A triumph of Realism." .cV. Y. Herald. .