llHMWHlllrt'MH W i,W,,i',C,flt-,'l THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 2 lath Jfabraakmt Proporty of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. mTv. "reed Edltor-ln-Chlef Managing Editor. ... Kenneth M. Snyder Aisoclato Editor Fred N. WoUb Associate Editor. Clarence T. Spier FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON OCCURS TO-NIGHT Basketball Team Will Run Up Against Former Stars Who Hall From Omaha. REPORTORIAL -STAFF. Fred I,. Hancock . .. AthletlcB Ethel Arnold .Women Ruth Squires, Hortense Knufmiin, Rob ert Holland, Louis Home, Glen Everts, Clara Dodds, Wm. F. Noble, R. V. Koupnl, L. II. Evans, Max Haehr, Ros well WeekH. An. Rub. Mngr. .. .Frank S. Perkins Circulation Manager J. C. Board 9ub8crlptlon prlco" J2.00 per year, payable In advance. Single Copies, 6 cents each Entered ar tTuT poBtolhco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Becond-clasB mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March I. 1879. Saturday, January 10, 1914 The formal opening of the basket hall season will occur at the artnorv Ibis evening with a game between the regulars and the "ex-Uni" team or Omaha At Hint time the unl veisity bugH will get their first idea of what tills year's stars are like. Conch Stlehm has not announced his lineup, preferring to keep the public and the players themselves ig uoiant oT the personnel of the quintet until l lie actual time for the llrst whistle to blow. The Omaha line-up will consist of Naul, Haskell, Amber- 1 son. nihes and Hutchison, all for- inci tnis on the Nebraska lloor All except Haskell were members of the team which journeyed down from Omaha last jciir to take the Corn- busheis- nien-urc. but failed to make good The si ore in that event was I'l to 13 in ravor ol the 'Huskers. With the addition ol Haskell, one or the! fast -si players seen here in niiiiij a A COMBINED PROM. Last year there was an agitation tor ii combination of the two expensive class proms, resulting In the junior senior combined prom. It was wldel advertised as the one expensive prom of the ear. and It was priced at only four dollars. Thru a lack or support, and the newness of their Idea with i.r.i-iinim :i little extravagance on tin' i" i pint of the committees in charge -the prom was not a suet ess, llnancial ly Hut it did gain the name ol" being the "clasttiest" dame ol' the year The decorations, the tormallty, and the room all contributed toward mak ing it a success from .the standpoint of value received. The junior and -eiuor classes this enr. cvidenilv shying away from any llnancial failure, are going ahead with arrangements for the old formula of separate proms. So far as could be learned, the have not considered the idea of combining. And so far as can be learned, the opinion on the campus is that this ear is just tlie lime ior one good prom, rather than for the two proms as planned. The two proms combined last year with the idea of starting a precedent, that succeeding classes should likewise contribute to make one good dance rather than two ordinary ones. With the support which would be extended to one good prom this season, it seems as the ef forts should be made to bring about a combination, if necessary by vote of the two classes. The llnancial dis aster of last year will act as a safety valve for the committees this year. Finnanaclally one prom would be a better Investment than two, both for the dancers and for the classes. Any action, If there is to be any., should be soon. The Nebraskan would advocate a combiyed prom, rather than the two ordinal1 formals which have in the past been dignified to the name of "prom." Finished Mounting Specimens. Assistants In the university her barium have finished mounting over f(,(i00 specimens of plants which were collected by Dr. R. J. Pool and assist ants during the summers of 1911 and 1912 when they were studying the vegetation of the Nebraska sandhills and other parts of western Nebraska. dav the Omniums are expected to put up a stronger game this time. NORTH GETS INJUNCTION Continued from pnge 1 records show that my bid for all the specilic ations, ailing for 1,000 cata logues and 7:1.000 reprints, was $3,070, !. The bid submitted by the Wood rult Hank Note company of Lincoln was $"..07:!. 17. That makes mine a little less than $3 lower than Wood rull's. And yet the regents have as good as awarded the contract to my competitor." Mr North will be represented at the hearing by H. 11. Wilson of the law 'ir:u ol Hurkett, Wilson K Drown. Mr. Wils .ii is a professor of law in the university. In serving his papers Sheriff Hyers swooped down upon the campus in his new uutinobile. He had no trouble in finding Messrs. Rutledge and Evans, hut he almost missed the chancellor The latter was upon the point of leaving for the Hurlington depot, there to take the train for Chicago, when the sheriff entered his ofllce. Had (lie officer come a few minutes later he would have missed the chancellor en tirely. The sheriff did not serve any papers upon the regents for the simple reason that none of them are in Lincoln at the present time. C. S. Allen, presi dent or the board is wintering in Cali fornia. C. H. Anderson, who former ly resided in this city, has moved back to Crete. The other members are at their homes in different parts of the state. QUaamfafc dalmtm THE FOLSOM BAKERY AND CAFE 1325 - 1331 N STREET Asks a share of your patronage. We are equipped to serve you and serve you right. A trial is all we ask. THE FOLSOM BAKERY AND CAFE 1325 - 1331 N STREET The University School of Music Established 1894 Third Regular Term Begins Feb. 2. Ask for full information now Willard Kimball, Director Phone B-1392 11th and R Sts. HOARD (lood home cooking. 3.S0 per week. rL'4 No. 13 st. 1-7-2L Ted Marrlnei Cleaner, natter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bros., Printers, 1313 N street. University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St, YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Far Cab or Taxicab For Parties, Call ENSIGN Best Cabs, Best Service Get Your Call in Early I "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plnn City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P IHHHHBHIHiiMBHBIHI LOST- An Alpha Theta Chi watch charm. Return to Rag ollice. l-9-3t LOST A hunch of 5 keys on a silver chain. Finder leave at Rag ofllce. l-i)-3t LOST Waterman's fountain pen, on or near campus. Return to Rag ollice. 1-9-31 WANTED 10 experienced furnishing salesmen to help us sell Ed's Tog gery stock. Apply at Kline's, 1132 O St. l-9-3t A "Square Deal' for everybody is the "Spalding Policy." We guarantee each buyer of an article bearing the Spalding Trade Mark, that such an article will give satisfaction and a reasonable amount of service. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1616 Arapahoe St. - - Denver, Colo WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co 13 AND O STREETS Special Students Rate $5.00 Remainder of School Year City Y. M. C. A. Membership Hot and Cold Showers, Swimming, Gymnastics Credit given on University Y. M. 0. A Membership SIMMONS, THE PRINTER Good Printing 317 S. 12th St. Phone B-2391 uuiiM'iMMMMiy'akiU1 mm&iwiiivzzy p.