",? THE DAILY NEBBASEAN WE HAVE JUST OPENED Practical Showing of Committee Work at Y. M. C. A. The third weekly "Hound Up" meeting of the committee force of the Young Men'H ClirlHtlan iiHHoclntion will ho held In the Banquet hull of the Temple, Saturday at twelve-thirty. Dr. T. W. Jeffrey will lead the devotion al part of the program. Reports will bo made by the committee and several of the delegates from the Kuiihuh City convention. The unique part of this meeting will be the practical demon stration of committee service. The men will take part, on acting aa a committee man the other taking the part of a student. Tho demonstration will he in the form of a debate in which the committee man will endeav or to enlist the student In bible study. After the debate the General Secre tary, Mr. Ewlng, will conduct a dis cussion on tho methods used. All committee men are urged to help start Ihe new year right COMMITTEE FORMULATES PLANS Seniors Will Obtain Necessary Infor mation from 15 Schools Drake Facing Similar Problem. The committee of live seniors ap pointed to ascertain the practibility and need of a student council, met last evening and formulated plans to en able them to gather the desired In formation from other schools. Ac cording to present plans they will in vestigate the systems of student gov ernment in about lf0 schools, from all parts of the United States. The committee will then present the sali ent points of the information in such a manner that It can be readily un derstood by everyone, whether ac quainted with the subject or not. Drake has been puzzling over the same question of late, and during tho holidays the librarian made a collec tion of various articles on student government, Including some twenty volumes varying from "Proceedings of the National Educational Association" to articles In the more popular articles. HOARD (Jood home cooking. :!.ru per week. f)24 No. 13 st. 1-7-LH. ED'S TOGGERY a well known local fumishinggoodsstore decided to quit busi ness. We offered him 50c on the dollar. He accepted. Watch for the big bargain event of the season in the near future. KLINES 1132 0 Street "THE EVANS" DRY CLEANING PLANT TELEPHONE B 2311 CLEANERS, PRESSERS, DYERS 333 NORTH TWELFTH STREET Organization Pictures Must Be Taken by February 15 Is Ruling Continued from page 1 kinds are solicited and all those who have any of the informal photos are requested to bring them to the Rag ofllco and drop them into tho Corn husker box. Swift aBserts that with the pictures all in on schedule tlrne, the publica tion will make its formal appearance about the first of May. The book will 1)0 full of the best obtainable In the way of contributions and pictures, the snapshot department will be one of the big features of the 1914 book. The prediction is that the new Cornhusker will be the best that the students have ever seen at the university. For the benefit of those who have not had their pictures taken for the book, Swift announces that arrange ments have been made whereby Town send will receive the tardy ones until January 24. It is urged that the juniors and seniors who have not had their pictures taken as yet attend to Jt at once as the time is limited. Program for Union Literary Society, January 9, 1914. First Chapter or Union Serial Miss Vera Stuff Vocal Solo Mr. Barnes "Our Wast"- A History of Union Miss Doris Slater Pantomime "Mother Goose Rhymes Followed by social hour. MANHATTAN Shirts at discounts which average almost 30 per cent it's the big feature in our Fur nishings Dept. right now. If you've worn Manhattans, this hint should be enough to bring you in on the run. If you haven't, here is a splendid and economical chance to make their acquaintance. They are "known as the best the best known." $1 .50 Shirts now $2.00 Shirts now $2.50 Shirts now $3.00 Shirts now $3.50 Shirts now $4.00 Shirts now $5.00 Shirts now $1.15 $1.38 $1.88 $2.25 $2.65 $2.85 $3.55 p?nwnalfl Kennett Warner of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting friends in Lincoln. S. II. Fullaway and L. 10. Miller of Missoula, Montana were campus visitors tills week. MAGEE & DEEMER Delivery Free Anywhere by Parcel Post AMUSEMENTS j James K. Hackett will apear at the Oliver theatre, Monday, Jan. 12 in "The Grain of Dust," a play that he has established as one of the most pronounced successes of the past few seasons. A slight story of the play is as fol lows, and concerns Frederick Norman, who is a member of a New York Hrm the junior member, yet conceded to bo its most vital force lie has grappled with mighty problems of corporation law, and has become a past master in the art of looking in a cold blooded way upon the crushing results of bus iness and upon Josephine Hurroughs, daughter of the firm's chief client, and the girl he was supposed to marry, in the same way. He realizes suddenly, after months of fighting, that Dorothy HalloweU, a stenographer in his firm's employ, lias ' cast a spell over him ttiat he cannot escape. In spit of (lie pleadings of ids own family, of his business associ ates and of other friends, lie gives up the woman of his own social status, sacrifices his legal connection and places himself on a footing with the little stenographer. Later he breaks with his law partners that he may win the girl for his wife. Hurroughs in tho meantime threatens him for casting Ids daughter Josephine aside. True to Ills revengeful prophesy ho has brought the young man to the brink of failure. All that Norman lias at tempted, after leaving the firm, has resulted in failure, but at tho moment when tilings look blackest, a client the enemy of Hurroughs, gives Nor man carte blanche in a fight against the latter, and snatches him back from absolute bankruptcy by means of a I large retainer. Those who like a play of purely American motives, development and inspiration, treated in a broad and powerful manner typically American and portraying purely American types, will enjoy Shlpman's dramatization of Graham Phillips' powerful story. For Cab or Taxicab For Parties, Call ENSIGN Best Cabs, Best Service Get Your Call in Early GUaaBtfiri (Htflumn LOST An Alpha Theta Chi watch charm. Return to Rag office. l-9-3t LOST Waterman's fountain pen, on or near campus. Return to Rag office. 1-9-31 WANTED 10 experienced furnishing salesmen to help us sell Ed's Tog gery stock. Apply at Kline's, 1132 O St. 1-9-3 1 LOST A bunch of 5 keys on a silver chain. Finder leave at Rag office. l-9-3t LOST A sabre belt was missed from, the captains' and majors' dressing room yesterday evening. Please re turn to Nebraskan office during the day. 1-9-lt u a r ' js-- II ' 1 1 -