Mi f n m m m M v. .M "yr THE DAILY NEBRASKAN v-vfl'.'srs ?ww "W 5MJM ISffiSSS vS & S VJ 'Sfl i' i' ? S'jfi s& m maA 5 rs. S&ftKZfl (E2jii3i233 ttn.viJj i l, I., Iffy 1 VI''"'C) : HH Your Winter Overcoat Your Winter Suit VOU can buy both now for only a few dollars more than either one would have cost you before this Clearance Sale brought the prices down. Mm si 11 I Youiig- Men who ;ippreci;ite the ;il ;iut;itfr of wearing cloth m: of the Kudo & (Jumc Co c j ti.i I il slaudiird. find in tins Clear niKT Sale t In ii- chiincr to wear the YKKY PKST ;it prices SO ti) that no man can afford to risk hiiinc; the ordin.i r sort SHIRTS $1.15 These ;n e $L 01) and $1 ."ill Laundered anil Negligee Shirts, made ul domestic M a (I r a s Percale Cistal Cloths and 1 1 i K li 1 y Mercerized Fabrics They have either Stiff or Soil Tin n Hack Cult's and FAC1I II S Till'! Hl'lKiK (ll'KN 7.VA. CO 'S ('.CAR NTKK OK KNTIRF S VTIS FACT ION Youi hoice for $1.15 WE ARE NOW SELLING Our $1 1 .")() Suits & Overcoats lor Our $1 !..")() Suits tfc 0ercojits for Our $IS.:,() Suits fc () ercojits for Our .j: o() ;inl ijrj.s .",() Suits $9.14 $11.14 $14.14 WINTER UNDERWEAR e are selling dut inn this .lanuai Clear a n c e Salt-, which lasts FOUR MORF DAYS $L (K) Wool a ii d Cotton 1' n ion Suits for $1.35 ALL OUR CFLK HRATFD SUITS and TWO PIFCF U N DFROARMFNTS aie selling fm ONE-FIFTH OFF Clearance Prices on I laberdashery offer savings of from 20 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent. HBrH G wmm rf ..!! faVLJV; 'ywr. m r$8w:i' uenzel Gam zi W vn w. w f . ,V-1 TJVI, THREE PLAYS SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPTS ENTERED FOR KOS MET CLUB PRIZE BY STU DENT DRAMATISTS. FICTITIOUS NAMES ARE USED Contest Closed Last Night, with Plays in and Lyrics Yet to be Entered Club Will Now Make Decision. Student playwrights, to the number of three, Jumped at the hundred and fifty dollar offer of the Kosmet club and submitted plays for the annual production of the club. TheBe were due yesterday afternoon, to be left In The Daily Nebraskan office, and by evening it was eident that the three would be the sole contestants for the prize money and the honor. The club will meet In judgment over the manu scripts dining the week, and announce ments will be made as to the winner as soon as possible, probably the first of next week. Fictitious names were prescribed by the rules governing the contest. Conse- Hienth, the names of the contestants will not be made public until the final decision has been made Fictitious names evidently had no terrors for the ompetitors tor they submitted famous ones and common ones alike, such as Henry W. Savage, .lr, Hiram Pathe, and Harry B. Smith. Try-outs for the cast and the actual work of the presentation of the play will not begin until after a thorough drafting and revision of the manu scripts. Lyrics accompanied one of the plays. Uy the rules of the contest, lyrics may be submitted later than the date for the plays, but a notification by letter should be sent the Kosmet cluub, care of Harold Miller, by the ones intend ing to compete for the music piize (Continued from Page f ) gien the best possible, chance to se cure all the seats together which they may desire. These reservations will be held till Wednesday night, Jan nary If), when they will be sold to all comers. Rehearsals started again last night after the holiday vacation. John T. Prince .Ii who is duecting the pio dm lion is back from a tnp to New Voik and is full olenlluisiasm lot hi woik Krom now on, the cast will be put through their paces e cry eeniiiL' with no regard tor anything but actual illness AT THE MAGNET THEATER. Dramatic critics hae agreed that "The Third Degree" is one of the st longest plays to go on the boards in recent years. Although much of its strength lies in the dialogue, a great percentage of its gripping intensity is in the dramatic situations. This fact allows an exceptionally strong presentation in pantomime, and the play has been completely reproduced in motion pictures These films hae been procured by the Magnet theater and will be pro duced at that play house, 1511 O street, for three afternoons and even ings beginning Tuesday afternoon Al though many motion picture houses in the east have raised prices during the days that this picture was fea tured the Magnet prices will remain the same while the film is on exhibition. LYRIC THEATER MON., TUES., WED.. JAN. 5. 6, 7 An Elaborate Production A BACHELOR'S DREAM ED GRAY PHOTO PLAYS "HI3 SECOND WIFE" i HELLO TROUBLE" "PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY" The World's News in Motion Views "THE MYSTERY OF THE MILK" "THE JANITOR'S REVENGE" THREE SHOWS DAILY, 2, 7 and 9 MAT. ALL SEATS 10, NIGHT, 15c ORPHEUM THEATER THUR., FRI., SAT., JAN. 8, 9 and 10 First American Tour CHUNG HWA COMEDY FOUR Clever Exponents of Harmony & Fun THE THREE ELLISONS ARMSTRONG & CLARK TWO CARLTONS BIANT AND MAC THE BLANK FAMILY THE KELLI DUO NEBRAKA ANIMATED WEEKLY Mat. Daily at 2:15, Prices 15 & 25c Night, 8:15, Prices 15, 25, 35, 50, 75c