THE DAILY NEBRASKAN gH?g Satlg Ncbraakan Proporty of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. ' M. V. REED EdltoMn-Chlof ManaglriK Editor ...Kenneth M. Snyder AMOdato Editor Frod N. WoIJb Associate Editor Clarence T. Spier REPORTORIAL STAFF. Fred li. Hubcoek Athletics Ktliel Arnold ..Women Knth Squires, IloiteiiHe Kaufman, Rob ert Holland. Louis Home, (lien Everts, Clara Dodds, Win. F. Noble, K. V. Konpal, I. II. EvaiiH, Max Maehr, Kos well Weeks. Act. HusT Mngr. .Frank S. Perkins Circulation Manager J. C. Heard Subscription price $2.00 per year, payablo In advance. Single CopleB, 6 cents each Bntored at the poatofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, aB BoeondclasB mail matter, under tho Act of CongreBB of March I, 1878. Tuesday, January (, 1914 THE FINISH. The vacation jiiHt passed lias been n break in I be -form, so to speak. It enabled tlme sho were so inclined to catcli up in back work It has made it possible lor some lew practical jok ers lo studs' a week or so in advance, tlien bae ihe ;nit;h on tbeir toiling classmates It appealed to the ma jority because it meant a half month of rest, interspersed with joous tango piirlie-, days of idleness, and wee, Hina' bouts. There ale four weeks of this first semester rtinainiim, and they will be busy weeks. They are the finish of the semester's effort And just as the race lias been run, so will it be fin ished. Those who have conserved their sirength and have run wisely will find no difficulty in crossing the tape, represented by l lit final examinations. Others will make a frantic effort and cross over nearly exhausted. Some will not cross at all. Where do you belong? WE WANT ROOM. In another pane of this issue we are presenting the statement of a consid ered ehange from the four-column to the five-column style. This statement is still somewhat previous, inasmuch as the publication board has not yet passed upon the merits of the sug gestion. Hut even before the board has met, there should be an expres sion of student sentiment oer the change. Not so much as to whether the students would like to see such a change, but whether they will sup port it. Hast experience has proven, to tho bitter disappointment of busi ness managers, that the management of a five-column dally on the cam pus Is not to be taken lightly. Ad vertising hnB failed in paBt years to provide for this desired change, but a long line of business managers has worked to finally place a fair-sized sheet permanently before the student public. One lesson which experience has taught, further, is that an increase in the subscription list does not nec essarily follow an increase in the size of the sheet. It is this lesson which we hope to disprove now, for we be lieve that the financial condition or the paper, with generous student back ing, can support the change. It is not necessary to dwell upon the advantages which lie in the larger paper. Increased reading space, a bet ter balanced appearance to the entire sheet, and unlimited room to cover the many fields of student activity can be met in the five columns. On the other hand, an increased cost per isue, the absolute need for adequate advertising, and essentially a greatly increased subscription list must be met. It is "up to" the students who read the "Hag"- whether it be their own or their neighbor's to take a hand in this question. Those who would discountenance the change should express their views, together with those of the friends of the move ment, through the medium of the "Forum." The Nebraskan will try any thing, do anything that the readers re quest. And the publication board would be greatly enlightened on the question if the subscribers will state their case. We want room, but we want you to help us get it. Hmurrmht Nnttrru The Forest club will bold a meeting at 7:'.i tonight in room - Nebraska ball. Professor .M.Morrill will talk on "Forest Taxation." LOST Large beaded hand bag on campus Monday afternoon, contain ing small amount of money and own er's purse. Finder kindly return to Nebraska office 1T -'M Artistic dance programs and menuB for particular people. George BrOB., Printers, 1313 N street Ted Marrlner Cleaner, natter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold annks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14th O Street MAHOGANY TAN THE NEW IN STREET FOR MEN SHOES, $4.50 VALUES $3.50 BUDD 1415 0 St. V KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE I WILL" MAN You Will Find Him At ARMSTRONG'S The University School of Music Established 1894 Third Regular Term Begins Feb. 2. Ask for full information now Willard Kimball, Director Phone B-1392 11th and R Sts. WELCOME BACK HOME BOYS Also wish to remind you that we are in the Clothing Business for your good. A Special Offering in a Chincilla Overcoat Shawl Collar, Patch Pocket, Flannel Back- $12.50 KLINES - 1132 O Open Evenings Patronize our advertisers J