rmmmtmimim I'l ' illM niilmiii CTcn-rait7Tr'ffTiraBfriw,ariiViiMi wii miwmmmf0mmimmitMX . N -- v r - - h- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN CLEARANCE SALE K. .f I M MAGEE STAFF WORKS ON 1914 ANNUAL Many Spend Holidays in Preparation of Big Senior Book Last Chance to Get Photos. The woik on the 1 ! 1 1 edition of (he (.'onihiis-kT h:is h'H-n carried on dur ing the Xnuis vacation inasmuch as Business Manager Swift spent his va cation soliciting advertisements Ed Itor-in-C'hief Trimble has the book nearly in the form in which it will be published, and taken as a whole the work of the staff has been so good that it is hoped the 1914 Oornhusker will be on sale by the first of May as was predicted. The work so far is said to be ahead of that done by any pre ceding staff. For the benefit of those juniors and seniors who have not had their pic tures taken as yet: Townsend will make these pictures up till January 24, any time during the day. The special Xmas rates will continue up till the above date, which is positively the close of the season in which these pictures will be made. Remember, January 24. Date of Vesper Service Changed. The Y. W. C. A. vesper service will SUITS, OVERCOATS, FURNISHINGS TENDING Thursday night just three days more. Get busy! The greatest clearance sale we ever had. Our store is more than doubled in size by the addition of two new departments (Kenmor medium-priced clothing and our Boys' Dep't). Decided reductions of from 1-5 to 1-3 are the rule in these departments as well as everywhere else in our store. It will certainly be worth your while to attend, and you'll find the selection better if you come during the early days of the sale. occur on Thursdaj evening'at 5 o'clock hereafter instead of on Tuesday. Mrs. Dwight Potter, who is student secretary in New York and New Jer sey, will have charge of the Thursday service She has been a missionary in Syria Her wide experience and delightful personality guarantee an interesting talk Will Dance at New Lindell. The senior hop which is scheduled for January 1G is to be the first dance given in the New Lindell ball room. On the 17th, the Catholic Students' club have scheduled a dance, and this is all that has been definitely sched uled so far. There has been a little trouble in making out the schedule and it is due to this trouble that the entire schedule cannot be published at present. University Students Hear Bryan. Secretary of State W. J. Bryan, in troduced by his old college chum, Mr. Talbot, spoke last Sunday afternoon before an immense audience in the Oliver theater on the Bubject, "The Making of a Man." This was one of the largests men's meetings ever held in the Oliver and the-Interest shown was that which only such a man as Mr. Bryan is entitled. DEEMER The Third Degree CHARLES KLEIN'S BIG SUCCESS New York's Surest Drama tic Hit Now Produced for the First Time in Lincoln in 5-reel Photo-Play at The Magnet. Tues., Wed., and Thurs. Matinees and Night. No finer Photo-Play was ever produced The Magnet Admission 10c 1511 O Street SIMMONS, THE PRINTER Good Printing 317 S. 12th St. Phone B-2391 SATURDAY JAN 17 Spharo Styx "VodviF- Minstrels The Newest, Classiest, "Originalist" Cleverest Ever in University Shows Tickets on Sale Now Reservations Open January 13th.