THE DAILY NEBRASKAN SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE Of all high class men's wear will begin Tuesday morning. The discount is from 20 to 30 Per Cent and includes all our fine suits, overcoats, odd trousers and every thing in the furnishing goods and hat departments, (except Man hattan shirts, collars and Stetson hats.) Do not miss this opportunity to buy the high class men's wear sold at this store at these prices. Sale begins Tuesday morning and ends Saturday night, January 11. The Home of FA RilflHA R 1325 O Good Clothes CLOTHING COMPAAY Street FIRST CHANCELLOR DEAD DR. A. B. BENTON SUCCUMBS TO OLD INJURY ON NEW YEAR'S MORN. GUIDED U. OF N. IN FIRST YEARS As the First Chancellor In 1871 He Held the Helm Firmly for Five Years Resided in Lincoln. Mini Kiciuu ilson Hi nl mi . I'll 1 . l.ii-l chancellor ot I lu- Ni lir;i-K:i Stat I ui ei sit , ,inil lor loi t eais one ot 111"1 most pi oiuiin'iit edin atoi s ol llic west. (In l on tin- M das of the in w ear lit the re-nleiK e ol 111 tl.iuuhliT. MiJ- ' Hales, !"'' -iicri. Ill- (hiiih which was due o old iik1', hail been epectt d loi sonic time. Despite Hie I. ii I the death o! Chancellor llcnton was expected it a shadow In many a home in Lux oil) when the sad news was an nonin I'd on New Yeai s morning. Ill 1S71 I) i- Henton eaine to Ne braska from an Indiana university ami was elected first chancellor ol' tin Unhersity of Nebraska. He held the po-t at this institution until lKTt". when lit' returned to Indianapolis to renew his conneitlon with Hutler uniersit For the past live eurs ex-Chancellor llcnton has lived in retirement al the home of his daiihhtcr. Mrs. Dales, on street. Five ears ago while await iug a street car In Indianapolis he fell heavily to the pavement. It was the end to an active career and since that day Mr. Henton has been con lined almost continually to the home The body was taken to Indianapolis for Interment. Howard Expresses Regret, l'rof. (ieorge Klllott Howard ex presses the reverence and respect felt by all when he says: "It was for tunate for the state that Dr. A. U. Henton was called to the dilllcult task of organizing the University of Ne braska. He was a refined gentleman; a scholar accomplished in the hu manities of his day; a good Christian and a good citizen. As a result, dur ing his term of service the University of Nebraska was solidly planted. It passed safely through the first and critical stages of constitutional growth. It struck Kb roots deep in the affec tion of the people." Only 5 Days More of Our GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARING SALE This is a great time to buy Winter Goods MILLER & PAINE As a faithful and efficient social servant, as a conscientious and pru dent institution builder, the name of A. R. Benton is forever enrolled among the most honored and most beloved makers of the commonwealth. 44 SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P WE CATER TO STUDENTS Smith & Hurst BARBERS 112 North 13th