The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 06, 1914, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
Price, 5 Cents
Successful Business Season Has
Prompted Suggestion that "Rag"
Enlarge Student Sentiment
Must Be Behind Proposition.
In ( i lebi at ion ot a successful (in. in
rial sfjisu'i (lining the fust -eniestoi.
The Dail. 'hiaskau is taking under
( onsnli'i anon plans lor the enlaige
incut ol til paper next emc-Mei A
change 1 1 tii a foul column to a li'
(oluniii hi ( t is jiiojioscd with a cot
lespondini: mc tease in the amount of
reading ipmU i '1 he plan is still undei
considei.ition and 1-. to he ticted on
bv the "-tiideiit )iihlication hoaid this
week In the event of student opinion
favonng the change and activel) boost
ing foi it the chances ate good for
the adoption of the plan
IIoweei the ( hange will not he
made dnloss theie is thought to lie a
student sentiment faoiing it Along
with a student, sentiment theie must
he a student suhsciiption li-t Foi
tin1 change would he an expensive one,
whuli would need careful financing
and active student smpath
Tin business department i assuin
ing the n spr)iisihilit foi suggesting
the ( h.uitri' 'I he finances ot the fust
semest i haw been ei successful
Letteis -int out dining the vacation
to studtiit- possessing unpaid sub
sciiptions ami asking loi lenuttaiues
fiist sugt;t sii'd the idea and bespoke
the need of a 'bigger and bettei" pa
pei Five columns is as much better
for the advertising men to vvoik with
as it l. lot the editonal staff And
it is infinitelv bettei loi the leading
public f
Hovvevei until action lias been
taken bv the publication boaid on the
change nothing fuither will be done
Anv expiession ot -tudent opinion will
be gladlv nceived bv The Nebiaskan
Vacation Pleasures Hard to Forget on
the Campus and that "Twango"
Will Up But Remember
Those Finals.
"Gieet ings'" How are you? Did
you have a good time during the holi
days?" These and similar queries were ex
changed on every hand yesterday as
friends met each other about the cam
pus after spending a glorious Christ
mas vacation at home. Everyone had
a heart v welcome for everyone else
and some even had a fairly well pie
pared lesson for their professors. It
was also a noticable fact that, inter
spersed among this superfluity of
greetings, were several remarks In re
gard to that swell "twango" dance
last week. -wi-
"Hut say, did you see that couple
dancing the "hesitation" In the far
corner of the hall. They were simply
Dull Times in Cornhusker Camp Pend
ing Arrival of Stiehm From
Eastern Conference.
Things aie piettj quiet ov ei in tin
annoiv just now, pending the lotuin
of Coach K () Stiehm fiom New Yoik
city The basketball squad is again
at vvoik, but nothing tangible will de
velop until Stiehm's anival lie will
ptobablv blow in toda.v
Mr Stiehm lejiiesontcd Nebiaska at
the inteic ollegiate athletic confeience
Decembei I'.ll Just hefoie his dopni
tun', one 01 two Nebiaska dailies
lluew a !)ig scale into the Coinhuskei
camp bv announcing that the coach
had leceived an oflei 1 1 0111 the Cm
veisilv ol Indiana, and that Nebiaska
would have to nuse his s;ii,lt jn
oidei to keep him next veal
s a mattei o fact Stiehm leceived
no sUch oiler and does not claim to
have leceived it He did get a lettet
fiom Indiana, asking him if he would
consi'ler such an offer, hut dial is as
fai as the negotiations have gone The
coach will likel.v ask for a thieeyeai
conttact fiom Xebiaska, but he is not
tiving to obtain it b) misreptesent ing
the facts in legaid to better offeis
fiom othei schools Indiana is under
stood to he haul up foi a new coach,
the piesent one having quit because,
as he claimed, the entile root ball
eleven gave up coinpletelv in the Iowa
game aftei the Hawkeves had scored
the (list few points on them
Condition of Dr. Clapp Still Serious
Not Able to Resume Duties
for Some Time.
The condition of Dr R G. Clapp is
not iinpioving as fast as his physicians
had expected Since his operation of
about a month ago he has been con
fined to his bed in a Lincoln hospital,
and while his condition is not alarm
ing, he is not mending nearlv as fast
as he ought to It is piobable that he
will not be able to lesuine his duties
in the gvmnasium foi another month,
at least
grand Oh, I do wish the) would let
us tavvngo heie at school" And then
the conversation would diift to a dis
(Mission of some coming event or
"what all did you get for Christmas"
ftut not a word was mentioned in re
gard to the coming "final exams"
which willl he here in onlv .three
weeks, or the quantities of hack work
which was conscientiously intended to
have been completed by the close of
vacation. Yes, one co-ed was heard
to exclaim rather discouragingly,
"Why, do you know, I had two themes
to write and three to revise over the
holidays and T simply haven't touched
a one I don't know when I'll ever
get them in."
No doubt there were good time a
plenty during the two weeks recess
but the dally grind has started again
and it behooves everyone to buckle
down in a strenuous effort to success
fully wind up the semester's work and
start anew with a clean record.
Splendid Collection of Paintings,
Sketches and Ceramics to be
Shown in Art Gallery During
The Nebiaska Ait association will
hold its annual exhibition in the Ait
galleiv ol the libiai.v, Januaiv 1 to 21
The doois will be open fiom ! a in
to 10 p in Single admission tickets
"( (cuts, season tickets $1 , hall juice
loi students
The collection includes a number of
open sketches bv lamous attlsts,
studies in coloi vvoik. a choice collec
tion of cei-anues and a nutubei of
fine casts and scul)tuie vvoik have
been leceived lioin New Yoi k and
Chicago The ait students of the Ne
biaska association will have a sjiccial
exhibit ot diavvings and jialntings
Monthly Magazine of the Agricultural
Club Cover-full of Good Read
ing Matter.
The December niimhei of "Agiic-ul
tine," die monthly jniblication of the club, leached the "Rag"
office jesteulav Numbei ? of volume
XI is this issue, filled to the covei
with mteiesting leading mailer "do
voted to agiiuiltuial juogu-ss "
A jiaitial lev lew of the contents
discloses the following subjects and
their authois
Our Roads, I D Wood, dojmitmcnt
of Agi icultuial Engineei ing, illustrated
by jihotogiajihs showing the dragged
and neglected t)jo of Nebiaska loads
Ciossing of Breeds foi the Production
of Market Hogs, Kail L (Jodfiey, 'IS
Farm Forest rv Prof J W Mori ill, do
jmrtment of foiestiv Other aitloles
by J W Whisenand, '11, H C Mor
nck, '11, K Andeison, '15, II E
Yasev, '1.1, C A Helm, dojiai tmeiit of
exjiei imental airionomv, L T Wll
hams, 'i:!, II B Piei, 'It
The dejiai tment of home economics
was rojireseiited b) an aiticle on Pa
jiei Hag Cookeij, b Alma lllandld,
'11, and an aitkle on Onental Rugs,
b Fiances Wjinaii, '14
A veiy neat and attiaclive ajipoai
ance was given to the maga'ine by
the c over design
Mr Frank C Dean has been elected
to a pobidon. as editor of Experiment
Station Bulletins and to abBist in pub
licity work for the College of Agricul
ture Ho is a graduate in journalism
of the Uni of Illinois, and has been
city editor of the Kankakee Gazette.
While connected with the Gazette Mr
Dean has developed an agriculture de
partment in the paper, and has taken
an interest in the promotion of agri
culture in the community. He is ex-
pected to assume charge of this work
about the middle of this month
Large Delegation of Would-be-Missionaries
Represent State Uni. at
National Convention.
Sundaj closed a five (lav session of
the seventh Student Volunlooi Con
leience Delegates weie jiresent. main
I) lioin the I'nlted States and Canada,
ilthougli inanv other nations were
( piesented III all, 800 educational ill
'dilutions weie l oju osenled bv some
r. (tun students Of tho Hlxtuen No
biaska schools iojii esented b 1H9 d"l
. u.ites, the I'tiiveislty of Nebiaska
I'm nished fift j seven
Those who attended the convention
( ould not lail to get a new vision of
missions, and moie full) conijn ehend
the Imniensitv of the juojiositlon, and
to be itnjM essed with the earnestness
and virilitv of those who had boon
on the various fields and who ad
diessed (he confeience
The motto of the Volunteers, "The
Evangelization of the Woi Id In this
Cieneiadon," was exjilalned by Robert
E Sjieor, who said that the emjihasis
should be jdaced on the last tluee
vvouls, the tei m geneiatlon Is a
jirogressiv e one, and that those who
do not lecelve the gosjiel in this gen
eiatlon never will leceive it
Such men weie jiiesent as John II.
Mod, c hah man of the convention, who
shows such masteiful ability as would
succeed In any undei taking, engaged
in such work, and who turned down
a jirofered anibassadorshi) In order
to continue in a work which he
thought to be bigger and nobler
Many piomlnent sjieakers wore pies
ent fiom England, Canada and the
United States, including W J Bryan,
who addressed the convention Satur
day night The custom of the con
vention of no ajiplause was broken
over when Mr Bryan ajijioared on the
jdatfonn The enthe audience fol
lowed the examjde of the Nebraska
delegation, whoso membeiB rose to
their feet and gave the chautauqua
salute Mr Bryan's addiess was log
ical, forceful and effective
The following are those who at
tended fiom the State University P.
K Romer, W. J Houmark, H B Pier,
Fied Liebers, C A Murry, Ross Pome
lo). B. F Morriam, Chas. Houptman,
C II. Anderson, C. W. Smith, F. D.
Koim, A. C Krebs, E. N Samuelson,
T M. Shepherd, It. E Holland. Earl
('amp, W. F Urbach, Herb Reese, Indu
Bannerjl, J. L McMaster, Frank Carl
son, Ira Kindle W. A. Rockle, H. J.
Young, Win. Neuswanger, Chas. Hoff
man, G. II. Lanphere, R. W. Orr, S.
R. Pier, Rev. Howard, Rev. Worthley,
Louis Anderson, Rev. Harman, Secre
tary Luke, Bert Wilson, Rev. Schwab,
Evangeline Long, Genevieve Lowry,
Gladys NeBhaw, Mrs. H B. Pier, Lulu
Neale, Miss Park, Miss Loomls, Esther
Bennett, Esther Warner, Clara Mc-
Kennon, Nellie Maze, Florence Malone,
Esther Gordon, Miss Graham, Graco