The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIII. NO. 62 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913 Price. 5 Cents J REJOICE IN VICTORY ATTENDANTS AT LEAGUE CON TESTS SUMMARIZE ARGUMENTS OF OPPOSING TEAMS. NEBRASKA DEBATERS EXCEL Surpass in Stating the Case, Support ing their Arguments, and the Use of Brilliant Rebuttal. The features of the Central League debates at Minnesota, Iowa and Ne braska were discussed and dissected at the post-mortem held last night in U IOC Professor Fogg presided and the role of assisting surgeons included such names as Maxey, Taylor, Foster, Le Rossignol and Garrett. Their talks were short resumes of the substance of the individual speeches as well as a general criticism of the debate as a whole. Hear Better Debates Here. Professor Le Rossignol was one of the judges at the Minnesota-Wisconsin debate. Mlnesota held the af firmative of the question but lost to the Badgers by a two to one vote. "They did not do as well as they could have done," said Professor Le Rossig nol, "and the debate was not as good as some I have heard here. But, then, we have one of the best coaches in tho country." Prof. Lanuworthy Taylor, who was another one of the judges at the same deflate, spoke of a number of points that made it an extremely difficult de bate to decide Cletz and Fraze of the Wisconsin team 'wore not in g'ood form and had some trouble in pre senting their case clearly. Foster, their third speaker, was, however, an exceptionally strong debater, a man of unusual eloquence and force. Both judges united in praising the ease, grace, and delivery of this man and declared that lie won the decision for Wisconsin. lowans Good Rhetoricians. R. W. Garrett represented the Ne braskan interests at the Iowa contest, and brought back some nineteen pages of note taken between glances at the timekeeper's watch. Iowa's argu ments, he declared, were character ized by their assertiveness, and their tendency to run into short perorations, which might have been good rhetoric, but lacked the force of logic. They were better elocutionists than the Ne braska men but not nearly so well in formed on the question mid they failed to quote authorities or in any way to support their asertions. They expected a constructive negative plan and when Nebraska faiLpd to introduce one were thrown somewhat into confusion. Professor Foster of the Law col lege summarized the important points of the local debate with Minnesota. The arguments of the Gophers were scattered, in his opinion, and they failed to concentrate their efforts on any one line of thought. The debate was won on a clear case, ability to establish the facts, and unusually good refutation. Dr. Maxey, the official timekeeper of the local debate, agreed largely with Professor Foster that the Minnesota men were not primarily de baters and that they were poorly or-, ganlzed. Professor Fogg has been wearing the smile that won't come off ever since last Friday night, and those who know him well declare that he is e tremely happy over something or other. From the Press. "The rebuttal was especially hril limit "-Omaha Bee, in regard to the Iowa game. "Nebraska wins by skillful rebuttal Daily low an. They added further that Nebraska narrowed the question down to one of economic conditions, and that it was much to their advant age The Iowa City Daily Press, Dec 13. under the caption of "Nebraskaiis Low er Flag of Iowa Debaters Cornhusk ers Follow up Gridiron Victory For ensic Arena is Scene of Another Vic tory Over Prostrate Hawkeyes De scent is Severe " "Iowa descended far and heavily last night when Nebraska won the annual debate by a score of 3 to 0. To be 'licked' was cruel, and to be licked by a unanimous decision was especially severe. The Nehraskans, victorious on the gridiron, lass than a month ago, were ready for gore and they drank it, in deep, satisfying drafts" PHI ALPHA CONVENES Public Speaking Fraternity Holds An nual Convention in Lincoln During Holidays. Phi Alpha Tau, the public speaking fraternity will hold its annual con vention at Lincoln during the holidays, he dates set for the meeting are Mon day and Tuesday, the 29th and 30th of December, 1913. The local chapter will act as host to the visiting dele gates, one of whom will be Bent from each chapter in the country. Mr. II. C. Hathaway of Nebraska is the na tional secretary of the organization. Sophomore Caps Are Here and Go on Sale Last of This Week The much heralded Sophomore caps are coming. They will be on sale the latter part of the present week and every Sophomore is expected to have one as a part of his holiday equip ment. The cap will be very attrac tive, being a dark check, not loud but distinctive. The class numerals will be under the flap that snaps to the visor, so that the numerals can be either displayed or invisible as the wearer desires. The pattern is the latest, the order being made up in New York and the caps will include the latest wrinkles in capdom. The place of sale will be announced within the next two days together with the price. Sophomores are urged to wear the new and individual head dress home for the holidays. Mandolin club meets tonight, Temple, 7 o'clock. Delta Chi announces pledge of Merle E. Wade of Osceola, la. SERVANT IN THE HOUSE UNIVERSITY DRAMATIC CLUB PRESENTS KENNEDY'S PLAY TO CROWDED HOUSE. PLAY CAPTIVATES AUDIENCE Characterization of Difficult Parts Makes Unqualified Success of Play Dealing With Prob lems of Church. Saturday night the University Dra matic club presented, to the entire sat isfaction of a packed house, Charles Rami Kennedy's "The Servent In the House" It was a departure, so to speak, Iroin the line of plays that uni versity cats usually attempt. The play makes no concession to popular themes, but drives home it story of the triumps of the true over false re ligion. In that the undivided attention ot the audience followed the action throughout, however, it made a dis tinct impression. The seat sale was heavy, and just before the hour for the production, seats were a scarcity. A number were turned away, in spite of the fact that an unusually large number of social al 1('aHt f()' ll ,lmt' U"' 1)OIlI(l Pr events were scheduled for the evening ' (M'(1,,(I to 1,K '"'utine business in por The plot bore a dire( t appeal to the r,,(,t 'iuanltnlty of mind. C. C. Rey ymputhies of the hearers. The strug- IU)1(Ih- instructor in physical education, gle of the biilliant young vicar against the mis-directed ambitions of his wife, the pitiful story of the "down and-out- er," and the nieces wish for her father I were the background for the repre sentation ot the Christ-like character of Manson, the "Servant in the House." The dignity of the portrayal of tho latter was not affected by the more hunieroiis, acid character of the Bishop of Lancashire, and this lay the art of the production. The club was ad mittedly undertaking a work on no mean caliber in touching in an ama teur way upon the suggestion of the Christ character and the problems of the church The close attention of the university audience, and the ap preciative applause which followed each curtain was indicative of the success with which the characters were handled. There were but seven in the cast Each one was chosen for his or her ability to become adapted to the char acter as presented by Mr. Kennedy, the author. To Miss Alice Howell, coach of many university productions and known to university audiences, fell the task of rounding each charac ter into shape. The success of the play was evinced by the response of each actor to the part carried. The cast was as follows: Rogers a page boy Louis W. Home Manson, a butler Otto A. SInke The Reverend William Smythe, Vicar Cloyd Stewart Mnry, the Vicar's Niece . Clara Wilson Wife Auntie, the Vicar'B Marlon Preece Robert Smith, a gentleman of nec essary occupation C. Neil Brown James Ponsonby MakeBhyfte, D. D., the Most Reverend, the Lord Bishop of Lancashire Rocky Amerman Stage manager ..Mr. Ralph Northrup 'thirteen "N'S" awarded AT ATHLETIC BOARD MEETING Towle Question Undecided 8tlehm Elected Delegate to College Athletic Association. The regular monthly meeting of tho athletic hoard passed off Into evening without a sign of a squabble over the .Ia Towle affair. No one said a word about the eligibility of the foot ball captain-elect and no one even let out a whisper as to his position on the matter. Dr II K Wolfe, chairman of tho eligibility committee, was present, but more in the capacity of a board mem ber thuu a committeeman. Pror. G. K Barber, president of tho board, asked him before the meeting if he had a report to make He replied that he had none. President Barber there upon dropped the case indefinitely. It is understood that Dr. Wolfe will get his committeemen together before they leave for the holidays, and that a dual solution of the problem may be announced at that time. With the Towle question postponed, ' UilH elected assistant basketball coach Head Coach Stiehm was elected dele gate to the meeting of the national collegiate athletic association, to be held in New York city, December 30. Thirteen "N's" were awarded to this year's regulars and Elwell and BalK both of whom participated in enough conference games to make them elibi ble. The awarding of sweaters, life passes and football watch fobs was not taken up, although it was under stood that the eight new men on this year's team all will be honored at a later meeting. Guy Reed made IiIb monthly report in regard to finances. He was not able to give exact figures concerning the profits of tills fall's gridiron season, because, he Bald, the accounts with Iowa and Kansas have not yet been settled up. JOLLY CHRISTMAS PARTY tr-ir Faculty Women Enjoy Toys, Popcorn Balls and Apples Distributed by Santa Claus. The Y. W. C. A. Christmas party for the Faculty women was a great sucess. Santa Claus and a lighted Christmas tree on which were various sized packages, awaited the guests in Faculty hall. Each lady received a gift suitable to her own taste, which contained a short verse. After the Christ maB tree popcorn balls and ap ples were served. Gladys Dominy is being visited by her bother, Mrs. Edith Dominy, of Hardy. NOTICE. Vacation starts S 5 A-M. Monday morning. All University regulations are in force till that time. Dean Engberg.