The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIII. NO. 59 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1913 Price, 5 Cents AUTHOR MUCH PLEASED WRITES PERSONAL LETTER COM MENDING EFFORTS OF DRAMATIC CLUB. AT TEMPLE SATURDAY NIGHT Cast is Working Day and Night and Promises Great Things for Audience. The Dramatic club will put forth its boat effort Saturday night when they present to the public the "Servant in the House. " The play in itself needs no introduction as it is one of the best known vehicles on the stage to day it will speak for itself on Saturday night. Tho- who attend will die loud in their praise of the play and the cast presenting it. The cast has been rehearsing the play for the past six weeks under the able direction of Miss Howell, who states that they have mastered their parts to perfection. The cast as se lected is an all-star aggregation, being composed of the best talent in the Dramatic club. The cast includes Mr. Otto Sinke who will take the part of the Servant in the House, Mr. Cloyd Stewart, playing the role of the Vicar, Mr. Neal Brown in the role of the Drain Man. Mr. Loni- Home as the Cockney Servant Boy. The feminine parts will be assumed by Miss Marion Preece who will appear in the part of Auntie, and Miss Clara Wilson in the! role of Mary. This cast represents the best that the club can choose and they will bo at their best in the parts for which they have been chosen. The advance sale of seats has been very large assuring the club that a crowded theater will greet the players when they appear in this, the first play of the season. There are more seats on hand, thosx' who desire them should attend to the matter as soon as pos sible as they are going fast. They are on sale at the Temple and from mem bers of the Dramatic club. Permission to Use Comes. Pinal permission to play the "Serv ant in the Hou-e" was received by Miss Howell yesterday in a personal letter from its author, Charles Pann Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy was very much pleased that the Dramatic club wished to produce the play and requested that it be played as to it-; original meaning. In this respect the cast will follow the manuscript, as originally produced. The letter reads in part: "I shall be glad to let the Dramatic club give the amateur performance of "The Servant in the House" under the circumstances you name, it being un derstood, however, that the play bo given in its entirety as written by me, and with the stage business and sym bolic significances (Manson as Christ) indicated and implicit in the text. I have to make these provisions in these days because I find that in some cases when I have granted permission to pro duce the play, liberties have been taken with it making my meaning into something other than that I in tended." Ruth Cull of Oakland, Neb., Is visit ing at the Chi Omega house. TALKS TO RAG STAFF ON PRACTICAL JOURNALISM Lawrence of Daily Star Addresses Sec ond Seminar Meeting on the De velopment of News Story. The second meeting of the .Journal istic Seminar was held last evening in the editorial rooms of the Dally Ne braskan. Mr. J. E. Lawrence, city editor of the Lincoln Daily Star, ad dressed the staff and those interested in journalism, upon the development of the news story, partlculnry in the relation to college newspaper work. Mr. Lawrence graduated from the Law College of the State University in l'.tll, and has been engaged in some form of journalism for the last ten years. He spoke first of the technical side of reporting, especially of the develop ment of a simple news story, em- phasizing the necessity of using short,' to give or organizations or groups terse sentences. He found that college who will have Christmas trees that students who took up reporting expert- may be used, will leave their names in cured their greatest difficulty in avoid- Miss Graham's olllce. ing the use of flowery and bombastic Plans are being made to begin buy expressions, He next mentioned the ing the provisions and toys next week. lrcul as containing (he essence of the story, and that it should bo treated accordingly. The one thing of greatest value to the new -paper writer if he is to be- come at all successful is individuality of style. Every piece of writing should reflect the personality of the author and this should be especially true in newspaper work. He was thoroughly optimistic in r gard to the future of the would-be journalist and felt that outside of its nnanciai aspects me proiession wouiu more than repay a man for the train ing and insight in to human nature he would receive. This is the last Seminar meeting before the holidays. Another lecture is being planned for the second Wednesday in January, when an edi tor from one of the Omaha papers will be secured. The staff decided to hold a Hag formal sometime during the latter part of the semsster. This is an annual event and has proved to be one of the most enjoyable dances of the year. FACULTY RUSHING PARTY A R.rt. Innn,.ln In llnl"1'" ItOr-ClaHH COIlHct it Is expected Y. W. C of Faculty Entertainment Pro ceeds for Decoration "Shower. Under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A. Edith Bobbins is planning a Christ mas party for Saturday afternoon, De cember 13. at 3 o'clock. The party is to be in the nature of a Faculty Rush ing stunt, Edith Robbins urges every university girl to attend and to bring a faculty lady if possible. Each girl should see Miss Fannie Drake for the name of a faculty woman who is to be her guest. An admission fee of 10 cents will be asked from all but the guests. The proceeds are to go toward a "shower" for the Y. W. C. A. rooms. R. A. Graham of Superior Is visiting friends In Lincoln. CHRISTMAS TAGS WELL RECEIVED BY STUDENTS Names of Needy Families and Those Who Will Donate Clothing and Toys Wanted. The Christmas tags being sold for the purpose of obtaining: a fund to make Christinas a possibility for the poor, have been so well received on the campus that those in charge have felt warranted in having 1.000 more tags printed. Of the 2,000 first printed onl a few hundred are now left. It is hoped that the committees may get in touch with many families who at pre-ent have no prospects of Christ mas accompanied with its 'usual joys. Names of poor families and the num ber of boys and girls in each family may he left with Miss (iraham. The committee has also requested that any one who has clothing or toys These will be purchased at wholeu'i!e from Lincoln firms. I Yesterday there were sixty girls on. the campus with the Christinas tags for sale. With this number of en- thusiastic workers it is impossible to escape, so everyone H asked to come prepared with the necessary 10c in even change to save time and lncon venience. The campaign will last un til ( o'clock Friday. Cf En BASKETBALL BEGINS Tournament Inter-Class Games and Festival Being Planned for Last of January. The co-ed basketball practice will begin this week and those who wish to play on a class team must sign the schedule in the gymnasium. Belong ing to a class team is one of the qual ifications far an "N." The hours of practice will be 10:30 oii Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; 1 p. in. on Monday, Tuesday and Fri day; 2 on Wedensday, and 2:30 on Tuesday and Thursday. A tournament will be held the latter part of January and in connection with that there will be a revival of the girls' festival, which will give another opportunity for the co-eds to give vent to their enthusiasm along athletic lines. Temple 11:00 a. m. The Canoe Male Quartet. L. A. Wickland, Rex Truman N. C. Wicklund, L. F. Garley Boys of the Old Brigade, Parks. - Fairy Moonlight - Solo Queen of the Earth -4- Piusuti. L. A. Wickland The Winds are all Husked -fc Wilder. The Reaper and the Flowers - A setting of Longfellow's poem. -fa STIEHM ENJOYS HIMSELF RETURNS FROM BEATRICE WITH SMILE OF HAPPINESS ON HIS BROW. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE COMING Four Games Are Arranged for With Others In Process of Contract. (By Fred L. Babcock.) Coach Stiehtn returned Wednesday morning from Beatrice, where he at tended the annual high school football banquet Tuesday evunhiK. Mr. Stiehm brought back a glowing report of the way they do things down at the Gage county capital. The whole town Booms to be back of the team, he says, and at least half of the town was present at the banquet. Although both Purdy and Ruther ford, the two Cornhusker stars sent up from Beatrice, were scheduled to be present, the former could not leave his work in Wichita and the latter couldn't got away from his studies in Lincoln, so that the Beatrice bugs contented themselves with seeing the coach In stead of their old favorites. Mr. Stiehm found that four of this year's stars are planning to attend Nebraska next year. The list includes Captain Cook, Rlddell. Adams and Sihultz. Cook Is looked upon as one of this year's shining lights in Ne braska high school football. is a son of Daniel Cook, who, together with the Kilpatrlek Bros., donated the fa mous Beatrice stadium. C. Kilpatrlek, son of one of the "Bros.," was chosen captain for next year. The Cooks and the Kilpatrlcks have put Beatrice on the map, and Stiehm Is "unanimous" in saying that it's the livest football town he has seen In many a day. Now that the past gridiron Beason is gradually losing its hold upon his mind, Stiehm Is turning his attention to the all-Important basketball work. And, as usual, he is announcing that the prospects are "gloomier than they have been in years." Only two of last year's men, Haskell and Hawkins, are out for practice, and Hawkins is still suffering from the broken leg which put him out of football early this fall. However, if Mr. Stlehin dared to spreud anything but bear dope, he would admit that Hawkins' leg will be in working order by the opening of the season, and that some promising material has been seen on the floor in the persons of Warren Howard, Ruth erford, "Seven" Meyers, Ed Hugg, Louie Meier, Shields and Nelson. Gar diner and Flnley, both of whom showed up welj last year, are not out for prac tice. It is rumored that Guy Mastin and Gordon Beck will turn out soon. Guy Reed says that the full schedule will be ready for announcement In about two weeks. These dates have already been arranged: January 1G and 17 Missouri at Lin coln. February G and 7 Minnesota at Min neapolis. February 20 ad 21 Ames at Ames. February 27 and 28 Ames at Lincoln. wwwiimK'WW