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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1913)
The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIII. NO. 58 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1913 Price, 5 Cents TEAMS WEll MATCHED MINN. SENDS STRONG GROUP OF DEBATERS TO DEFEND HER COLORS FRIDAY. TICKET SALE PROMISING Indications Point to a Financial Suc cess if Entire School Boosts. For a second time this fall Nebraska will go against lir old roes from the northland. armed to (he teeth and prepared for anything hut defeat Not on the tint' ol the athletic field hut upon the plattorm of the Temple thea ter, will thee uariiors meet, and then will eiiMi" woidv arguments and oratoi Tickets :.! rapidly bring reserved and the s;i'. tnomises to he the best of late wars hi.-torv Those who le sire the best seat- shoild buy their tickets today without tail Twhe during the last year the Sai let and ('ream has been waved over the deteaK ' Gophers; first, in debate and then in their own name, football Rankling somewhat over past defeats, and determined to win, the team that Minnesota sends to Lincoln this year is the pick of the school's talent in argumentation Their men have spent years in debating either in high schools or on the arsity teams and they stand blub in -chool activities other than debate The Minnesota men oT the negative team are Donald I. Pomeioy, the veteran of the squad: Harvey lloshour, and II Dean Campbell Pomeroy Is wel known on the campus and is another man who has taken an active part in debating uotk since his freshman eai, having been a member of his class debating team in both his treshman and sophomore ear. and was last year a member of one of the inter collegiate and extension squads. Harvey lloshour is a middle law stu dent, managing editor of the Minne sota Magazine, member of the all-university ounc il. and was last year busi ness manager of the Gopher. He com pleted in the Mercer prize law debate In 1 1 1 1, and was a member of the ex tension squad ot debaters last year Dean Campbell received his first de bating experience at West high school. Minneapolis, where he debated for three veai He was a member of his class team-, at th" uniersit in his freshman and sophomore years, and was a member of the Forum cup win ners team in HtKl Campbell is a junior in the academic college and a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity. Men of the Affirmative Team. The men who form the affirmative team are no novices in the art of de bating. Like the Minnesota team they also po-sess one tteran, tiied in the crossfires ot manv intercollegiate con tests. Phi Beta Kappa looms up under several of the names, as well as many other honors both in scholarship and school activities Heed R Dawson, 'II. of Lincoln, was a member ot the class of 1910 in the Lincoln high school on the scholarship honor roll of which he was the first two year-. He was chairman or the junior "prom" committee, is captain of Company I, of the cadet batallion, and is a member of the, Silver Lynx. He was in the Kormet Klub opera. He is taking the Arts and Science course Next year he will enter the Harvard law school. Homer G. Hewitt, '15, of Brewster, graduated as valedictorian of the class of 11)08 of the Sargent high school After graduating he taught for three years, two as principal of the Oconto schools. Ho entered the university in 1911. He was a member of both the freBhmen and the sophomore class de- (Continued on Page Four) Chancellor Avery Urges Support of the Debate The Nebraska-Minnesota Deba'e is an all I'niverslty event All I'ni people should heat it In preparation for the debate, the team has done enough iuvestig.i lion to publish a book of more thai 1."o papges on the Immigration qut s tiou The work has all been done done under the direction of university piofeHsors, who are experts In ecoa mics, sociology and politics To heal the results ol exhaustive accurate reseaich reinforced by clear thinking and made interesting by good langu t'-e ttend the Nebraska-Minnesota debate Next to i onset v ation of our te-;ouice-. immigration has been pro nounced the gravest problem with which the nation must deal. Improve the quality of youi ('iti.enship and tighten your mind's grasp on eiiiient politics. by heaiinu that vital issue intelligently discussed at the Nebraska Minnesota debate Some one who has heard both, has said that there is no more in formation in a debate in congress on some great public question than there is in a similar conflict of minds between the forenisic representa tives of universities. You cannot afford a ticket to Washington to hear congress discuss the immigration question, but you can afford a ticket to the Nebraska-Minnesota debate. Come to the debate. You will be entertained as instructed. Ne braska's debaters are able speakers; so are Minnesota's. Members of the two teams are young men of interesting personalities, whose won's will have a meaning and a charm all their own. To see as keen .and (lean a conflict between the Cornhusker-; and the Gophers as you saw on the gridiion in October COME TO THE NEBK ASK AM INNESOTA DEB TK S Ml'EL AVEItV Chancellor Architects Will Meet Tomorrow Night for Second Lecture M 101 Toinoriow Thursdav evening, in Mcthanic Arts hall, room 101 the Ar (hitects will hold the second of their monthly meetings. This meeting will be of special interest to all of those students interested in the subject of architecture as Mr. Ellery Davis, a member of the firm of Berlinghof & Davis, of Lincoln, will speak to the (Continued on Page Three.) Cornhusker Staff to Hold First Meeting at A. T. 0. House Tonight A Cornhusker staff smoker will be given at the Alpha Tan Omega house tonight at 8 o'clock This is the first till staff meeting which Editor Trimble of the Cornhusker has called, and It will be of importance for that reason Pictures have been coming in for the i book with exceptional rapidity, and the organization of the staff neces ( Continued on Page Four.) PRINCE, HEWITT, DAWSON. GOOD, ALTERNATE. INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATE TEAM, NEBRASKAVS. MINNESOTA. TEMPLE, FRIDAY NIGHT WILL BE STIFF CONTESTS BOTH TEAMS MET THIS YEAR ARE NEBRASKA'S WORST ENE MIES ON PLATFORM. IS NEBRASKA'S TWELFTH YEAR Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Con tests in the Central Debating League. Nebraska's twenty fourth and twen ty fifth inteii olleglate debates -1!H)2-l!i:t) will be held Friday evening. De cember Hi the eighth annual contests of the Central Debating League (Ill inois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, WIs-(on-inl. into whhh Nebraska was in vited son its formation in I'.mm!. alter she had for several years debated with Colorado college and Kansas, Missouri .ind Washington universities and with Iowa once. Nebraska's competitors this year, Minnesota and Iowa, are the universi ties with whose forensic representa tives Nebraska have been the least successful viewed' In terms of Judges' verdicts While Nebraska debaters have won the judges' decision over Wisconsin twice (I'MO and 1U1L') and over Illinois all three times, they have broken even with Iowa, winning In litOf) and 1SI07 and losing in lito'.i and 1!M1 by split decisions, and they have three times lost to Minnesota by split verdicts The Iowa team this .vear as usual wiis chosen last spring, the Nebraska team, five weeks ago The MinnertO tans were chosen hist May. NOTICE TO ENGINEERS. The Civil Engineering Society will meet this evening at 7 .'50 in the M. E liOC. Dean Stout will lecture on "Engineering Schools." Thiu lecture will be of Interest to till engineering students and all are urged to be pres ent. Der detusche gesellige Verln vernm melt sicli am Donnerstag Aben den 11 Dez bei Frl. Gertrude Schibner. 1008 I E strasze. Musicallsches programtn vvlrd gegeben werden Jeder Mltglled ! wird herzlich eingeladen.