The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1913, Image 4
BBSBHSi'iaiiii MMmrmmtBfiMimMiKkiimmfmmmmm THE DAILY NRJBRASKAN BIG 9 WILL NOT EXPAND DECISION REACHED AT CHICAGO MEETING FOUR SCHOOLS OPPOSE PROPOSITION. STIEHIYI TO COME HOME TODAY Basketball Schedule In Process of if. TO THE LADIES v. Making With Many Good Games in Sight. Coiuli Ktichm will return from Chi cago today. bringing with him word that Nebraska has been refused ad inlttancc into the big nine conference Mr. Ktii'lim went to the Windy City last Thursday for the purpose oT ar ranging ll"' i""nal meeting of the conference. In the former mntter he was successful, but In the latter he was dl-aipolnled The members of the conference decided thai their body is already large enough, and refused to entertain the Idea of admitting Mar (iiee, Notre 1 Mine or Nebraska Ac cording to the dispatches, the Corn busker coach was unwilling to Mate last Satutda.v whether or not Nebraska would make any further effort to get within the coveted walls. His atti tude on that score will not be known here until lie returns today. For several ears Nebraska has been receh inn prominent mention as a possible new member of the confer ence Alter going undefeated in the Missouri alh for four years, the, Frcshmarl Hop Notice. i Cornhii-kei s feel that they are entitled i 'pile following notice should hae to higher recognition Since the with been published in Saturday paper but drawal of Michigan two years ago. was unavoidably delayed alter being leaing only eight members instead haudeil to The Daih Nebraskan of nine, the -toiy has been gheii een ),.,. ;, mi:; Complimentary ticket more prominence, but the definite re t,, u,,. ireshman hop. I . l'.M:'.. have fusal of la--1 week will probably set , ,.,.,, issued to the following persons: the rumors to rest for some time to c s Spier K V C.ent.ler () come. Soiithwick, K M. Snyder. M. V. Heed. As soon a- Mr. Stiehni arrives he Sam Critlin, T. 1-:. Keel'er, Cloyd Stew will confer witli (luy Heed in regard .,,-,. ,; Hrson, Phil Wntkin-, Hay to the basketball schedule, so that it Doyle, H V Allen, Krnest lloppe. may be ready to be announced tliis,,0yal llowey. W. II. Hixbee. week Mr K ed and Prof. (5 F Par- i,. P. Tuckerman. .Jr., her returned Saturday from Ames., Auditor of Student Organizations. where they represented Nebraska at - the Missouri valley conference Mr. , An informal college tea will be held HiH said yesterday that he had no, j .rt Hall Thursday afternoon comment to make on the conference, J from !! to T. bin added that the Clint Hoss affair' had evidentlv blown over, leaving Kan- Account of Freshman Hop, Dec. 6, '13. sas perl'e, tly willing to play the Corn , Heceipts. Til tickets at $1 T.u, $111; buskers again next year. The date ependit ,,., VAt $,-)(i; refreslimeiits, for the game, which will be played in $m: orchestra. $.'.i; printing, $112;"), Lincoln, has been set tentatively for poster, $l."ii); cab, $:! ,',ii; doorkeepers, November P'. $:!ii(i; ilecorations. i;:!c; total expense, - -- - $111 SS; balance in funds of class of PRE-MEDICS FORM 'SOCIETY ,!"v7- - - n ,M,i' ltt"- V;".1;;'"""- i Audited Dec. S. litPl P P Tinker i man, Jr. Auditor of Student Organiza Being a man we know what men like for Cnristmas. We we men are no less vain than well, than anybody else. We like nice things to wear. And if you are oing to make presents to men, young or old, you will find this "Best in Lincoln" store is just the place to buy them. We ask you to come in and see what we have in House Coats, Smoking Jackets, Mackinaws, Bath Robes, Silk Pajamas, Fur Caps, Gloves and Combination Sets of Ties, Handkerchiefs, Socks and Fancy Suspenders. A complete line of LEATHER GOODS, such as Collar Boxes, Shoe Bags, Handkerchief Cases, Grips, etc. This is a good place to buy good clothes. Fulk Clothing Company 1236 8 O STREET IB llmucrrthj2iTtftimi University Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the students. Conducted in the interests of the students. Serves the largest amount of the best food at the least cost. The Cafeteria in the Temple. Elect Officers and Organize for Better Understanding Among First Year Students. i t ions (Elasaiftrb QUHmmt j A number of student-, talcing a pre medical course nt Lincoln before going 1o Omaha have organized into a so- lOtfT A diamond broach between ..i,.tv ,.:.n.,i it... Pri..i.,iii.iii .u,w.i!i. m:i ami corner oi inn ami k t ion. The need of such an organiza Hon has been felt for some time, espe dally since tie- removal of the major part of tlu- course to the metropolis The meeting of the I're-Medics was ' addressed bv Dean Wolcott, who rec- Reward offered to Under. l'lione I IM-lfi. 12-f)-:U ommended that the students control their own society. The following of ficers were elected: William Delzell President. Kenneth Davis- Secretary. E. Johnson Treasurer. Artistic dance programs and menus Tor particular people. George Bros., Printers, 1313 N street University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St, YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Scene from the Scarborough drama, "THE LURE" at the Oliver Theatre tonight. ," "-'