The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1913, Image 3
lcr .' vj i fr- '(""' y ! " THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES ORPHEUM THUR., FRI., SAT. DEC. 11, 12, 13 NELLE V, NICHOLS Songstress and Comedienne ED WINN J & CO. In "The King's ) Jester. MILTON & DOLLY NOBLES RICE, SULLY & SCOTT DELLA ROSA & MARCELLO RHODA & KRAMPTON ARCO BROTHERS NEBRASKA ANIMATED WEEKLY NIGHT PRICES, 15, 25, 35, 50 & 75 MATINEE, Thur and Frl., 15 & 25c Sat. 15, 25, 50c. Lyric Theatre MON.TtUES., WED., Dec. ITT &l0 CORA" SIMPSON& C07 In an Upto-the-Minute Comedy "WE WANT OUR RIGHTS" HARRIS TWINS CO. PHOTO PLAYS PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY World's News In Motion Views "The Price of Human Lives" A Red Cross Serial Story "LITTLE KAINTUCK" "HER SICK FATHER" Three Show6 Daily : Matinee 2 p. m; Night 7 & 9 p. m. Matinee, Children 5c, Adults 10c; Nights, All Seats 15c Oliver Theater TONIGHT AT 8:15. THE SENSATIONAL SUCCESS OF THIS SEASON IN NEW YORK THE LURE Now Playing Maxine Elliott's Theater, New York. PRICES $1.50 TO 50c. Holiday Goods An Exclusive Fancy Leather Line Pillow Covers Table Runners to Match Table Centers Stationery in Cases Writing Tablets in Covers Book Covers Kodak Album Score Pads Handkerchief and Glove Cases Science Quarterly Covers WIRICK Trunk and Bag Store 1028 0 St, Silver Serpents Sell White Christmas Tags For Benefit of Poor To make Christmas a possibility for the children of the poor a new organ ization is being formed under the di rection of the Silver Serpents. Miss Genevieve Lowry, president of the so ciety, Is the originator of the Idea, and is busily working to insure the sue cess of the undertaking. There are twenty children in the kindergarten of one of the public schools who have never had a doll, and regard with wonder any one who has had a doll of their own especially i if It had eyes that would open and close Thus far ten families have been found who have no hopes of Christmas accompanied by its joys It is to bring food, clothing, tojs and the Christmas spirit into these homes, that the new organization is being formed A committee composed of Miss Uechtol, Genevieve Lowry, Mary Cha pin, Freda Stuff and Elizabeth Hyde, will have charge of the buying A number of girls haw been chosen to sell toys for the benefit of the Christmas fund. There will be three big toy days, beginning Wednesday and lasting until 6 o'clock on Friday. During these three das It is hoped that every university student will pro cure one of the toys. Each toy will be sold for 10 cents. Y. M. C. A.! MEETING SATURDAY Enthusiastic Speeches and Reports of Committees on University Night and Association Work. The first "Hound Up" held by the University Y. M (' A in the Temple building Inst Saturday was a decided success Nearly sixty fellows listened to the very Impressive talk on "Prayer" by Rev. Mr. Harmon; to the reportB of the chairmen of the various committees and the talk by F. II. Hun ter which touched upon the subject of "Why Men Should Join the Y. M. (' A." Several fundamental reasons were Kiven which emphasized this point These were- Large and broad social and religious principles, also clean liv ing in individual life. The objections brought against joining the Y M. C A are lack of time and a general in difference. Mr Hunter's talk was verv practical and made a deep impression on those who were lortunate enough to be a tthe meeting. Chairman Ganz of the social commit tee reported that work on three big features was being pushed. These fea tures are: University night, a joint reception and a banquet of university men which will be of a dignified nature dealing with serious things such as higher scholarship, etc. Chairman Pier of the mission recruiting com mittee outlined the Kansas trip. The raising of the membership to 1,000 by the end of the year was the meat of the talk by Bob Simmons, chairman of the membership committee. Miss Bertha W. Thornburg, who has been an assistant In the department of geology for the past three years, has been called to the state geological survey of 111. at Urbana, and Is to re ceive material promotion. Telephone Yule Bros. Laundry to call for your work. B-2754. LINCOLN HOTEL FOURTH ANNUAL MILITARY BALL GRAND MARCH 8:45 JONES ORCHESTRA SEND US YOUR SCENARIOS. Our acquaintance with the producer enables us to get the highest price and quick action. No Charge unle.vs we place your Mss. Prefer two and three real scenarios. The Photo-Play Sales Co., 1482 Broadway, New York City. CONSERVATION SOCIETY MEETS Many State Officers as Well as Uni versity Professors Attend. A number of state oflicers and mem bers of the faculty met in the Engi neers' building last night for the monthly meeting of the Conservation Society. Ex-Governor Aldrlch presid ed and gave a short talk on rural con ditions in Nebraska, particularly the good roads problems. Dr. Condra then presented six moving picture films, showing the beet sugar industry, apple picking, irrigation, better babies, and one miscellaneous Him showing the governor at work on the roads the boy scouts, the stock parade, and the cattle from the state farm, which were sent to the fat stock show in Chicago. The program was followed I a short informal discussion, and a num ber of plans for improving industrial conditions were proposed. The date of the next meeting will be announced later. "STUDE" ACTORS BUSY (Continued From Page One.) production will be a distinct novelty in the line of student productions and will no doubt be greeted with en thusiasm. The senior committee in charge of the selection of a play has not as et arrived at a definite conclusion. There have been a great number of plaj'S read but the choice has proved to be a hard task, the committee says that the announcement of the play will be made within a short time. The German Dramatic club is work ing on their latest effort which will be "Flachsmann A1b Erzlehier," a modern play by the famous playwright, Otto EniBt. The cast, under the di rection of Miss Heppner, are holding rehearsals every Monday and Wednes day. The play is a three act comedy dealing with the, school system of Ger many as regards exposing the desir able and undesirable types of teach ors. The play will be presented at the Temple theater on January 1G. The play was chosen by Miss Heppner after she saw the production In Berlin during her trip there the past sum mer. Try outs for club membership have not yet been held but will be some time in February. The club at present Is In a very prosperous condi tion with a membership of twenty-five Loeb's Orchestra, Lr9896 or B-1392. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, natter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. JANUARY 9, 1914 TICKETS $3.00 SECOND SAENGERFEST 8UNDAY. The "Saengerfest" held In the Tem ple of the University Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon wan the most suc cessful meeting held so far this year, between twenty-five and thirty fellows being out. Secretary Ewing gave an Interesting talk on "Divine Ideal in Hindu Art" and other features of amusement made the afternoon most enjoyable. Watch for our GREAT Sacrifice Sale Wednesday, December 10th. See particulars in Tuesday's papers. KLINE'S 1132 0 Street Popular Price Outfitters To Men l