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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1913)
The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIII. NO. 57 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1913 Price, 5 Cents program LAW COLLEGE OPENS DOORS CLASSES IN THE COLLEGE OF LAW EXCUSED AFTER TEN O'CLOCK TODAY. PROMINENT SPEAKERS SECURED Ex-Dean Roscoe Pound, Now at Har vard, Chief Justice Reese and Others Will Speak at Dedication. Invocation Rev. S. Mills Hayes There will be no school for tin law students todav aften 10 o'clock, ac cording to Dean Kngberg. All othei students will attend their olu-ses prescnbed while the College of Law will dedicate the new building which beats its name Last night the mein hers of the ( ollege held a big dance as a staiter of the dedication ci'ic money The dedication ptogram begins at 10 o'clock and an excellent list of speakers have been secured, all of them men who are interested in the welfare and progress of the College of Law at the University of Nebraska The principal speakers on the pro gram are I)r Uoscoe Pound, ox-dean of the College of Law, now oeeupjing the Storey chair of law at Harvard, Prof Ceorge I Costigan, also ex dean of the College of Law and at present a member of the faculty of the law depart ment of Northwestern uni vorsitv . Keg. nt C S Mien, Chief Jus tiee Reese of the supiollio com t of Nebraska, Dean Hastings, piosont doati of the College of Law, and Rev S. Mills H.ies pastor of the Holv Trlnitj chinch ot Lincoln Kx Dean Round is being entertained by the Acacias while Professor Costi gan is at Dean Hastings' homo Song Law College Qnartet J. Ned Allison. Howards. Foe. Russell It'. Israel, Bernard G. Westover Dedicatory Address "Justice According toLaw" Di. Roscoe li. Round Presentation of the Building Mr. Ellery L. Davis Acceptance on Behalf of the University Hon. C S. Alkn Early Days of the Law College Chief Justice Monah B. Reese Nebraska and Other Law Schools Prof. Geo. B. Costigan What We A re Doing Dean W. G. Hastings Benediction Rev. S. Mills Hayes "STUDE" ACTORS BUSY MANY SHOWS ARE DAILY GOINQ THROUGH THE TOILS OF REHEARSALS. Kappa Sigma announces the pledg ing of Hour Campbell of IClgin At the last meeting ot the hoaid ol directois ot the I'niv 01 sit.v club ot Omaha the following new members wore elec t d Chaile- V M Povntei, Nebraska, ImIsoii 1, Pridges. No biaska, Robot t I'pdike, NehiasKa FINAL GAME OF 1NTERCLASS SERIES PLAYED TOMORROW Whether Rain God Smiles or Shows Anger Game Will be Played on Nebraska Field. Wet or div, ram or shine the two teams i epresent ing the junior and tieshinen classes will clash on the athletic held tomoriow to settle the outstanding question as to the intei (lass championship The teams have been waiting a lull vv ook to thiovv their stiength into this one last battle on which so much depend- The loams are in the best of condition, having wound up a week ol hard tiain ing (?) in anticipation ol the cru ial test ICach manager is suffering from e Heme over confidence and can only give to the pi ess the statement that there is only one team that can possi bl win, modestlv naming hi- own Hock as that aggtegation. The playeis think the same and they will he l.ithei hard men for their opponents to con vinee to the contrary Ml lo.val lollow ois aio expected out to see their team c onquoi then hated liv.ils The ad mission will be lo cents, p.ivabb' at the gate tomonovv at '. o'clock DEBATE COMING TO A HEAD WITH TEAMS FULLY PRIMED Seats Going to Wesleyan Delegation, Literary Societies, High Schools Fast Sales Recorded. Intercollegiate debate has now reac lied the highest tension ot the veai The teams, alter indefatigable woik, aio in shape to meet the besl that t he eneinv an send llaivev llo-s, the business inanagei, is caiijing on an extensive adveitis ing campaign to hi ing out a lecoid bieaking ciowd A huge nuinboi ol seats have alreadv been sold The literal. v societies have resolved blocks and messages aio coming in tiom neighboring high schools i ('questing similar reservations. Woslevan uni veisity will send a delegation The piogie-s ol ticket stiles may bo noted on the "silo" bulletin board It will bo nocessaiv to get vour tickets early if vou wish a good seat Tomoriow The Nebiaskan will got out a special edition leatuilng the coming toi elisic c ontests Lulu Rvan ol Columbus, Ruth Wal I lei house, Ceitiiide M instead and Mai i gin lite Franklin of I'roinonl spent the 'weekend at the Alpha Oninion Pi louse ALL GIVE STRONG PROMISE Commendation Coming From All Quar ters Leads to Belief They May be Good. The student actois are very busy j 1 1 t al this time and the rule tho platfoim at the Temple theater Neatly eveiv club on the campus is preparing to hi ing a pla belore the students ten their appi oval The ac tors are the lends of the campus at the present and deceive the oiodlt they will get for their efforts The way in which the student actors slick lo their tak seems to promise that the univetsity will produce stage heroes such as Southern. Booth. 1 lacked and Millie Hut ke The first student play will bo given bv ihe Diamatie club on next Satur day night at the Temple theater. The vehicle will be "The Servant in the llou-e," ami will bo presented bj the besi laleiit the dub suppotts The cast includes such notable student actois as Otto Sinke, Clod Stewait, together with manv others The play is being reheaised nlghtlv with dress ieheai-al on Fiidav night The play is being coached by Miss Howell and this fact alone assuies that the cast will bo at their best. This is the (list of a series of plays to be staged by the Dramatic club this season Tick ets can bo obtained at the Temple. The Sphaio Stjx will present their initial production on Januarj 17 at the Oliver theater The production will consist ol separate acts, each complete in Itself, yet together they will form a connected whole It will be min strel, vaudeville of the highest quality. The acts tiro being rehearsed dally at the Temple and the Conservatory. The pi oduction is in charge of John T. Piince, of the School of Music. This (Continued on Page Three) "wWWCSWBJmm mrnmmm ----"aiMggjigigjiiOT gS7--aaa pgKW mmZV& 31 new coufctc New College Law Building