The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1913, Image 4

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    . J. HI ilf"1- -TI-
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(El)rtfituian gmgyrntianfl
Ah miiiHMoiiH letters have boon it
cohort In tlio Nobrnskan office, auk
ing foi timely and sage artlco con
corning appropriate ifts for "Pater."
"Mm moo." l)rotliot. sister, otc , It has
boon decided to publish a serial this
week beginning in this issue with
suggestions for fathoi'H gift, and thuH
continuing until tho climax of sug
gestions for "Ho" and "She."
TIioho artleloH aro prepared espe
cially for tlioHo who through lack of
time and lojalty to Tho Daily Ne
braskan do not secure suggestions
through tho columns of other popular
magazines and dailies
To tho student it Is especially lm
poitant that the gift chooser for father
bo exactly what it should, something
which can ho appiopriatod to his per
sonal use. he a daily necessity, and
fuinthonnore a gift t lint will bring
tho giver to mind in an appreciative
and obligatory manner.
Bargain sales on silk hose (odd
sizes), Hlightly soiled handkerchiefs
(with initial), cob pipes (peif orated
stems, knitted ties (last season's
shades), and other equally attractive
gifts aio advertised for next week
All tho above ai tides are approved
and suitable gifts but tho advisabilit
of attending these sales is merely
mentioned as a suggestion
For more conservative buvois, col
lars. tie pins, cuff buttons and othei
ai tides of that class ate suggested
However, the most easily piepared1
gift lor lathe, and that which ho will JNI. MEN SELECTED AS
appreciate most would bo a neat I j
nronared sumnuuy of the oat's o
penses, charity donations and school i
books included, and to further please Stiehm. Bowman and Hunter Chosen
father a statement ot "balance on ' to Places on Executive Council of
hand " Lincoln Scouts.
Laws Will Conclude
Mondays Festivities With
Big Exclusive Dance
The Laws ate going to step out
Next Mondaj night the ate going to
give an exclusive Law hop as a cur
tain taher foi tho big festivities Tues
day This dance although it will be
hold on Monday night has received
tho oUlelal () K ot Miss Graham and
consequently no girl need have nnj
hositanc.v II she gets a bid to the best
dance of tho jear
A few dajs ago the senior laws, be
ing the onlj class In the law college
with anv organization appointed,
thiough their president, Miss Ballard,
a committee consisting of Fred Keith,
chairman. Haloid Noble, master of
ceremonies. Will Halev and Don Hu
ll eld to arrange the affair. This com
mittoo will wotk with two members
to bo selected from each of the two
lower classes The committee has
had to work hard and fast, but they
promise that tho dance will bo a suc
cess Members of the committee an
nounee that they have hoard some
complaint about "graft," but they say
that tho tickets are under the control
of the audjtor of student organizations
and any pioflt that mav bo made will
go to the batbecue fund Tickets
wore placed on sale vest or da v and
mav be seemed from anv inembei of
the above mentioned committee lor
the small surn ol a dolfar
ONLY 1 6
The Place, Oh Yes!
Cornell Men Are
Fired Because of Bad
Humor Published
Ithaca, N Y. Dec 15 August G
l'arker of Helena, Mont, and Vieh
bold R .Johnson of Pittsbuigh, I'a .
editor in-( hiet and ait oditoi. le-poct
lvolv, of the Cornell Widow the col
logo humoious monthly, have been ex
pelled ficm Cornell university. It was
announced tonight, because of the oh
jectionable character of the "tempta
tion number" of the Widow, issued
several weeks ago.
Five thousand copies ot the issue
were printed They old out rapidl
and aro popular In the student com
munity The class standing of the two men
was excellent and they wore to have
been graduated net June They have
appealed to the student committee,
composed of faculty members, for reinstatement
At a mooting of the executive conn
oil ot the Lincoln boy scouts jester
ilav noon, Coach Stiehm was elected
a member of the executive council
Tho resignations of Chancellor Averj
and C.eorgo E (Or) Condra wore ac
coptod at this meeting, and among
the newly elected otllcers wore Fred
Hunter, -ecietaiv, and F X How man
to tho executive committee
Tho Lincoln scouts aio to nave a
field dav in the spring, and Messrs.
How man Hunter, and Luke (of the
city Y M C A) were named as a
committee to look up the matter
The Tegner Sociotj meets Satur
d.iv evening, December , at the home
ot Piofessor Alexis, 1120 Elm street
This will be the last meeting before
Christmas and will therefore be a
Christinas entertainment. Each mem
ber is urged to be readj to represent
the title of some popular book (Swed
ish it possible) either bj some article
of clothing, picture or bj acting a
ArtlBtic dance programs and meniw
for particular people. George Bros.,
Printers, 1313 N stroet.
QUaamftrfi QJnlmmt
TAKEN from hook In men's toilet,
silver watch; finder please return
to Hag office. 12-2-3
FOR RENT Large front room for one
or two gentlemept. $10 a month.
At 442 No 12th 12-2-3t
FOARDING First class board at $3.50
per week We are pleasing the tastes
of others and guarantee to satisfy you.
Try uss. 143G S St. Phone B625G.
PLEASE RETURN black overcoat
taken Wed. from M. A 204 to Rag
office No questions asked. 12-2-3t
Chancellor Strong Well Satisfied-
Wants Coach to Select
The famous Ren Greet plajeis. who
present only Shakespearean plajs, will
give tho "Merchant of Venice" Monday
at the Oliver As they appear as one
number on the city Y M. C. A en
tertainment course, there are only a
limited number of seats available for
people not holding season tickets One
hundred tickets go on sale this morn
ing at the Oliver box office Prices,
50 cents to $1 50. Get them while
they last. Adv.
Chancellor Strong or the University
of Kansas urges that Coach Mosse be
retained as head football coach for
the coming season. He deplores the
fact that the coaches in past years
have not all played the same stjle of
tootball, and advocates that in the
tut ure tho head coach should be per
mitted to choose his assistants. His
statements were made following con
siderable comment In numerous Kan
sas papers In regard to the coaching
question and the failure of the pres
ent season.
Telephone Yule Bros. Laundry to call
for your work. B-2754.
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