"i"iiiy' PMWVNi THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V I, w Basketball Practice Goes Slowly With Little Material Out 'SERVANT OF THE HOUSE" PROMISES TO BE GOOD In (lie legulai basketball piaetiee wlilcli li.is li'i'ii in pi ogres- since the flisl of the vm ek plenty of new mate r in I tins been turning "i'. I'"' "1't "i'" arc u seareltv Hawkins and Captain Haskell are tin- only "N" men buck. I law kins ankle In slightly Ht iff. but lie will prohablv be in shape in a week or wo Several football men are in tlie Held a I ho lla-kell and Hawkins with I lie subs of last year's macblne and tlie new men are being rapidly bl)ied into shape Haskell lias charge of tlie pi eliminarv work. To date only two games have boon slated for ilie 'K'.'ll season They are with Minnesota at Minneapolis on February " aiul 7 (iny le"d and I'rolessor Harbour go to Ames todav to attend a mooting of the ollb nils of the Missouri valley conference Tie v will arrange dates for the Coi nhiiskorn to moot the valloy teams. WILL TOWLE BE CAPTAIN? (Continued I'lom Page One.) see that Towle g ts a square deal, but of course il ibi eligibility rule bars him. w e w ill ha e to abide l it Tlie i uli in iic-t ion reads as fol low s "No siiidini shall pailicipato in in tercolh mate athhtis for moie than lliiee colloLf cais in tlie aggregate. the tlliee Veals to hrL'lll With the first Homester ot tie soar in which the man first part i ipatex It is understood that If a man enter- college in (lie second some-tor, his college year begins with the second m iik stor " It is contended by some (hat because Towle did not play until I ho .second semester two year- ago, ho will bo eligible to play the first semester next year. I low e or, the clause, "the three years to begin with the first semester of the year in which the man first par ticipates." seems to refute that theory. Coach Stielim and other athletic of tlcials vostordny i el used to comment on the case, saving that there is noth ing to do but wait for the decision of the eligibility committee Loeb's Orchestra, 1,-9896 or B-1392. Said to be One of Best Plays Offered This Year to University Audience. Since the statement last week that the 'rainnlie club will produce the plav "The Servant in the House" a great deal of faorable criticism has been expressed about the campus. This is the (list time that the club has at tempted such a serious drama. Al though ol a serious nature, the favor able criticism that some of the faculty and students have given indicates a largo audience to witness its perform ance on Saturday evening, December n. Tlie iast consists of some of the strongest members that have played recently before a university audience it is cry seldom that such a play is made up of such strong individuals ih in this play. The two main parts will bo played by Otto Slnkie and Clovd Stewart who are not strangeis to uni- orsit v audiem es. WE ARE GOING TO The Huffman's General Supply House For our SCHOOL and OFFICE Supplies We get more for our money at 208 outh 11th Street -:- -:- Lincoln Artistic danco programs and menus for particular people. Qeorgo Bros., Printers. 1313 N stroot- M in Charlotte It Cole, teacher elo cution dramatic ait, coaching pin s a spec ialt 1-7 12 (Elaaatfiri (Enlnmn TNKI'.N fiom hook in men's toilet, silver watch, finder plea-e letuiii to Hag otllce 12 2 3 FOR RF-NT- Largo fiont room for one or two gentlemen! $ln a month. At 4 -1 2 No. 12th 12 2 31 FOARDINC First class board at $3 fiO per week Wo are pleasing the tastes of others and guarantee to satisfy you Try uss- lt:'t; S St. Phone Hf.LT.t;. 12-2 :u m f- 'mm. ii-rviwvv me miiui i iau aiiu PI-KASK RKTFRN black overcoat taken Wed. from M. A L'01 to Rag ofliee No questions asked 12 131 XMAS will soon be here. 3,000 50c ties with either plain or flow ing ends in fancy boxes, wrapped in Xmas paper 25c SIMMONS, THE PRINTER Good Printing 317 S. 12th St. Phone B-2391 HADOW the smart fall and winter collar style that keeps its smartness and style when you wear it. The Lion collar features give the reason espe cially the famous Lion "Lock-that-Locks." 6 for 75c or as usual 2 for 25c. ion (pilars 'Lr QIc(vst unujef Sjn America UNITED SHIRT & COLLAR CO., Makers, TROY, N. Y. Subscribe for the "Rag" ''THE L?wti P7RTY " IS ORPME UM V7VD fJ. KLINE'S 1132 0 Street A K V '