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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1913)
The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIII. NO. 54 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1913 Price, 5 Cents WEATHER HURTS TAG DAY BECAUSE OF RAINY ATMOSPHERE TICKETS FOR BIG BAN QUET GO SLOWLY. TICKETS ARE STILL ON SALE Number Expected to Reach Four Hun dred Mark Before Friday Night When Affair Occurs. HUNGRY STUDENTS FIGHT FOR FOOD IN CAFETERIA Reversion to Primeval Seems Ir.dici'.. by Struggle for Subsist ence Yesterday. JUDGES SELECTED FOR I WILL TOWLE BE CAPTAIN? INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATES Tag Da passed without the euthus lasiu that was anticipated b the pio inoteis 'I'lu weathei hud a meat deal to do with the ii suit as the commit t was lint aide to do the extensive wotk that would havi been possible undei id ,il ( ondii ion 'I he thut laithtul woikeis w ei e at tlwii task eail and vvoiked late, with the lesiilt piobablv two hundied tu kets oi moie weie disposed of The results aie not definite but the esti mate is that .theie w ei e about two hundied of the allied pasteboaids sold Although the le-ults weie a little disappointing to the committee in (lunge the outcome of the banquet is not in doubt, as the s;ile toda was icallv the pitliminaiv one and the Ciowcling out ol (lass as the ten minute bell wing out just beloie noon vesteidav doen- of lningiv students MoiUcd to the open doois of the tale teiia It was coin and lainlug. and s,ioi odois floating out into Twellth stieet attiactttl who oidinaiilv -,o home to then dmmis Inside, tin line of w.uting students im leased b leaps and bounds It -tiehhed out into the hall ami in led and twisled until its beginning was as deai and dt fi ii it i as a botanv (in Theie weie at ten difteitnt points at which it might have begun Some had 1 o' lo k c hisses and left (Minis telt ,1 ceitain einptiiii"-s and sought less eiowded centeis of 1 ef l esh ment Fin.'illv tlip multitude nai low ed tickets will be available up until the o, ,,,,, ,)sl.SSInll nf ,,. shmv ,,,ns time foi (lie big sptead to begin The ,,,, ,,,,, something to eat The Neluaska s (wo inteicollegiate de bates aie scheduled foi the last of nel week and e ei elloit Is being put loiwaid to iiisuic Neluaska of a iiminiuioii- veil lit m itoih contests I lie Innot ents will he in t hai ge and ihev will aiiem)i to make the attan a paving pi oposit ion without the slth issue oi ;i dame w nit h has been lound uttessaiv in the last lew eais The iiidgt s To) the debates hae been 'letted and .iiiiioiiik ed 'Ihev aie Nebia-ka Minnesota Debate 1'iot I' II lleiilott (political science), Diake unleisil, IMol I II Loos (diiectoi school ol political .ind social science), Cniveisitv ol Iowa, 1'iot l'linei A Wilcox (law), rniveisltv of Iowa low a Neluaska, at Iowa (Mt Stan into two hues which singed towaidjej llouck. Lsq , Minneapolis, the food counteis with ecpial lone and lior y a Oldfatlipr (classic-) I'ni asset tiv eness A the two leadei s i (i sit of Illinois n.a.ed the the.e was a xIlllIHsolil Wisconsin Debate. st iambic foi places that foi a time tllleafein (1 to become sei lous lals and c o etls stiugghd togelhei i ELIGIBILITY RULE COMES UP TO Preparations Rapidly Coming to a AUSE DOUBT AS TO THE POS Hcad With Team Working , SIBI LITY OF H IS PLAYING, at Top Pitch. . COMMITTEE MEETS NEXT WEEK ciowu exptcieu win noi oe ciecieuseu ,, as ,lll( (1 ulln hiKMlling speeta bj the fatt that the titkets did not go ()IS uh)) p,.l( (1(, ,M,S (), ,m, ulmimK as was expect-d todnv, for the ciowdl ,,,, n,i:iiiv as ,,. stiuggle had will rai.idh lull m line and the tickets ,,.,.,, s ,.,, ,,, maIiaK,.i ap will all be gone hefoie tln time to be p(.aie(1 ,,. s, ,,,, .,,, tin oattMiiMl to gin the show tlnow out the whole line unless thev The committee expects a ciowd of stopped Thiee or four lniskv lads at least tlnee or four hundied people . looked ;it the man, and then back at and the sale toda points to the fact the tempting displaj of food piled high, that the committee will not he disap and smiling sheeplshh, took then pointed in their expectations The places in a single line Some one banquet will be a iccord breaker and hinted that il better accommodations those who weie unable to pure base . had been piovided for the students, then tickets todav for various reaons the Incident would never hae oc- lapolis I'rot J K LeKossignol I'm jveisitv of Neluaska, I'ioI V ( I, i'laloi 1'niveisitv of Nebia-ka, 1'iot I Itenj Shainhough (political s( lenc I I'niv t i sit ol low a JUNIOR PLAY TRYOUTS TO BE HELD MONDAY, DEC. 8 Much Interest Appears to be Cen tered in This Competition. should take advantage of the piolong ing of the saie and pin chase immecll afely Tag Dav for the banquet will no doubt become a peimanent institution The Initial expuimeiit was a success in so far as it gave the introduction ji good send oil, and it h a certainty that the Comhuskei bancpiet Tag Da will not be foi gotten by the students in ed "'DR. FLING GOES EAST" Attends National Historical Associa tion at New York and Peace An niversary at Richmond. Dr. Fling went eabt last week to at tend the executive boaid meeting of the National Historical Association In New York city From the meeting there he will go to Richmond, Va., where lie will repiesent both the Uni versity of Nebraska and the Peace Society of Nebraska at the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the peace between the United States and England. Dr. Fling will return to conduct claQses .next Monday. JackBest Can Not Attend Big Banquet Friday For His "Boys" Jack Best cannot he piesent at the Coinhusker bancpiet Much as he would enjoj being theie with the bovs his iheuinatism foi bids him the pleas ure The damp weather of the last tew diijs has been "plaving Old Nick" with him, not een allowing hits a night's rest. Several of the boys wished to take him to the teed in a cab but Jack fears it would be too much for him Along with his iheumatism the smoke of the banquet would "get" him He wishes the boh a merry time but tells them not to expect him unless the weather model ntes In the last two months his rheuma tism has been troubling him consider ably, lie plans to spend several weeks next summer with friends in Seattle He believes the water will prove beneficial. The great demand foi copies of "The Man From Home," the play which the junior play committee has selected foi Kb annual pioduction. In dicates a large amount of lnteiest TijoutB will be held Monday even ing December 8, at the Temple thea tei. Each contestant for pints must hand in their names to the committee in the elec ution looms on Thuisda 1 1 oin 11 to 11 :?0 and Monday, 1 to 1 .10 o'clock , Cr H W Wolfe, Chairman, Says Meet I mg Will be Called as Soon as I Dr Clapp is Recovered. W hen tin t ligilulit t otnniittee of I he athletic bo, ml mm ets, as It w ill p'tibahh do next week, It will -ettlo iIh momentous question as. to whether 'M not Max 'lowle will be the next c.ipinn or the Cornhusker football l' am nd on the late ol It It ap pt.n that the committee will have to ilt c ule against the doughtv little quar lt i back t an inloimal meeting ol the team last week Towle was unanimously elected to lead the Huskeis dining the season of I'm Although the elec tion had not been olllclallv continued, theie was no doubt as to the final lesult until it was discoveied that Towle's pai lie i)ation in athletics In thespilngol 1'tlL' might disqualilv him I oi next s( a son on ac t omit of the tin ee vtai eligihilitv Mile Di II K Wolle chnii man ol the eligihilitv committee, said last night that he would call a meeting as soon a- Di Clapp, secietaiv of the athletic boaiu has lecoveied horn the illness which has kept him away fiom his of fice lor seveial davs As Di Clapp's condition is Impioving, it is piobable that the question will be settled before the end of ne.xt week Chairman Wolfe Is anxious to have the matter cleaied ui) hefoie the football men leave for their Christmas vacation "I have not gone Into the matter carefully," said Dr Wolfe, "and until I do I have nothing to saj A question of this kind comes up before the com mittee so rarely that we have been caught totally unprepared During the last five ears we have had only two meetings, and have not attempted to keep oin selves posted on all the changes in the rules and bylaws of the Mlssouil valley confluence. The committee will do all in its power to NEBRASKA TAKES PRIZES Galloway Steer, "Donald," Captures Blue Ribbon at Chicago Show. (Continued on Page Four) PERSHINGS ATTENTION. Drill tonight. Important. Every body out. It A. Graham, '11, of Superior, Neb., was a campus visitor yesterday. In the cattle division at the Inter national Live Stock Exhibition at Chi cago, the Univeisity of Neluaska was successful in seeming main pi fiom among the twelve steeis sent to the show In the Galloway division Nebraska's "Donald," a pure hied two-year-old, took first place over a Missouri sec ond This same animal took the cham pionship last year at the Chicago show. Se eral other prizes were awarded Nebraska entries In the Galloway and Angus classes. The members of the judging team will probably return today, and the professors of the animal husbandry department the latter part of the week. i FROSH WILL DANCE AT LINCOLN SATURDAY NIGHT The freshman hop, as was announced yesterday, will be held this, coming Saturday This affair Is considered to be one of the popular dances of the season and ought to have a large at tendance The tickets have been lim ited to one hundred, this making It lust about the right size crowd on the floor This dance Is to bo held at the Lincoln hotel where mobt of these affairs are held. Get your tickets early if you want to be sure of procuring one. Girl's Club Council meeting to be held in Y. W. C. A. room of the Tem ple at 5 o'clock today. Very Import ant. Every one come. t;l il i