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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1913)
h,y H mwwr'fr THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Rain, Rain, Rain Not a Sign of a Thing But Rain The student bod generally com plains that the weather is just the thing thai it should not be at this sea--on of the year No one seems to know just what they aie basing their complaints on, but it is suspected that TRY IT TODAY Dr. Maxey Issues His Annual Christinas Proclamation Early Tin- l)!iil Ni lu.i'-Uiiii taken tfreat j)'iisiin' in .mmuiiM iim to Uk expect ant Hindi nt IkmIv tliiil, p'T olllcial proc Initiation-. I loin I lot Miixej, iron Hjihl tix, mi' other w 1 1 known iinHioii Hen, Chrlstniiis conies thin year on the 2flli Thh nieaim that on !iae onl three weeks nun e in which to do your Hhoppinn, clear up Mime of those condi tionn and incomplete-, and kM home in time to harm up onr socks. I)r Maxij MMi'iilny wave out IiIr proclamation to ilus paper, thereby al lowinu us1 to si a tenillc Hcoop on I lie oilier dailies whhh Infest this lo cality It lollows "W'hei-ea , Tin- almiuhly Mis Maxey has, in hei ln-niiMi wisdom, seen fit to felehiate (hii-tmas ihis winter, even as the Hlnd hi- t eh ln.iteil the ictoiy oer Minnesdia ami 'Wheieas, School is in clone Decem ber in and not open 1 1 ami in until .lann.ii x ::. makinu it m'ce-sary and for us io ohMTe the day some I I m o in between those two dates, and "Wheieas. Mi's Mae has, in her Infinite Kiaie. chosen to liang up her Mocking, tin 1 1 fM be it "Ke.soh ed. That we hereby ordain and set ap.nt 1 m niber Uf lis- the day on which the banning Mia II take place, and pioclaim that no stirdent shall fail to ol)seie tin wspeiisloii, upon ion ally of (bath and the eleinal enmity of Sanly Kiaw- " Students aie warned that the notice Is ollb ial, and that they must begin at once to secuie their pre-ents by trade or purchase Only tlnee weeks till Chrisi mas--do your swapping now TUESDAY VESPER SERVICES. Miss Taylor, industnal secretary for this section, -poke at vesper Tuesday evening Her hcariqtmrteis are in Minneapolis Her talk was full of in terest ghen by her wide experience In dealing with factory and working Klrls. The personal touch In her talk brought home to unhersity girls the reality of the need of help in industrial fleblH Frames Caldwell -ang se eral selections they are oerloaded with the coin of I the realm, with no place to spend the I same. The first of the month la here but there are hardly any dances, no tin eo dollar shows to spend money for : two tickets, and the weather does not' permit walking mound and then stop-' ping in and having a "little something to eat " I Then the acation was cloudy and the stude did not get to enjoy the full benefit of either Ills machine or some-i one else's, more likely the latter The joy rides were limited to one day and not three or lour a- was expected Old "J up IMuv" had to be contrail and tlu1 result is that the student instead i of being filled to oei flowing with true! Christmas spirit as he should at this time of the year, is ursing his luck, i and striding through the mud with ai head full of ideas that would not stand ! an x ray photo l Nothing will throw a diligent student into a grouch as quick as to Inn e the weather go back on him, abiuptly and without cause, not contenting itsell with a solitary day but taking a whole week. The plans of a semester end's tiisMng and three weeks of Cluistmas shopping aie shatteied by the simple fact that our old fiiend Jupiter had to loose his temper PAY YOUR DOLLAR NOW FOR "RAG" SUBSCRIPTION loeb's Orchestra, L-9896 or B-1392. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 125 North 13th, Lincoln, Neb. Preserve Your College Work The L. C. Smith & Bros. Type writer is invaluable to college stu dents who want a record of their -college work after graduation. We give special attention to the needs of students. We have type writers to rent, as well as to sell. A few rebuilt machines at a bargain. When The Daily Nebraskan made its ( Annual appeal for subscriptions this fall the students responded more or less , nobly. Most of them later followed it, up by dropping Into the office and pay , ing up for the semester A few, how eer, ha e so far forgotten themsehes, that they still hae a black mark c balked up against their names I Business Manager I'eikin- an nounced yesterday that UOii students are still in arrears And they hae only a few weeks left to escape hear ing from Dean Engberg Better let go of that dollar now, says Perkins, as you may be broke after buying May belle or Alfred that Christmas piesent Ted Marriner Cleaner, Matter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. QUasmftrin (Enlmmt TAKEN from hook in men's toilet, j siher watch; finder please return to Hag office. 12-2-3 FOR RENT Large front room for one or two gentlement. $10 a month At 442 No. 12th 12-2-3t FOARDING First cTass board at $3 50 per week. We are pleasing the tastes of others and guarantee to satisfy you. Try uss. 143G S St. Phone nG25. 12-2-3t PLEASE RETURN hlack overcoat taken Wed. from M. A. 204 to Rag office. No questions asked. 12-2-3t College Inn Cafeteria 1132 Q STREET Home Cooking For Men and Women CLEVER dressers are all wearing the smartest collar style of the season4 SHADOW 'the LION col lar with all the LION comfort features. Look for it in your dealer's window the style with "Pliable-Points." 6 for 75c or as usual 2 for 25c. ion Collars Oldest Brond" -in AmorJca UNITED SHIRT & COLLAR CO., Makers, TROY, N. Y. Headquarters for Lion Collars ED'S TOGGERY Home of $2.00 Hats 1042 O Street THE FOLSOM BAKERY AND CAFE 1325 - 1331 N STREET Asks a share of your patronage. We are equipped to serve you and serve you right. A trial is all we ask. THE FOLSOM BAKERY AND CAFE 1325 - 1331 N STREET I44 SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria PIa City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P WE CATER TO STUDENTS Smith & Hurst BARBERS 112 North 13th