The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1913, Image 3
sf ?7 x:2vvirj ' --i" THE DAILY NEBRASKAN COLUMBIA STUDENT WINS ESSAY PRIZE Contests Are Held Annually Through Generosity of Hart Schaffner and Marx. TURP FRANK STILL IN GAME Former Nebraska Star Heads Winning Wisner Team of Has-Beens. Prizes amounting to two thousand dollaiH have been awarded to winners of the Hart Schaffner Marx e-say contests for HMIt. The first prize of one thousand dollars was won by Ar thur K. Suffern, a graduate student of the Columbia university, for a paper entitled "Conciliation and Arbitration In the Coal Industry in the United States." The competition is divided into two classe-, graduates and undergraduates. Tho second prize in the graduate con test was given to (J. P. Watklns, for merly a graduate student of Cornell university, now of the public service BOinmission, New York city. He pro duced a paper entitled "Welfare as an Economic Quality." and received a prize of five hundred dollar" for it Honorable mention was given to W. .7. A. Donald, a graduate student of the University of Chicago, for a paper on "The Canadian Iron and Steel In dustry." In the contest among umlergrnduates the first prize of three hundred dollars went to Jenss Waldo Myers, Cornell university, for a paper entitled "Un employment The second prize for undergraduate amounting to two hundred lollars was given to Fred W. Eckert of North western university, who wrote an es say on "(Jovernment Regulation of Tub lie Utility Securities." The contests, which are held an nually through the generosity of Hart Schaffner & Marx, require a period of a year in preparation and students from many unlver-ities and colleges in the United States and Canada are among the aspirants for honors. The committee making the wards was composed of: Professor J. Laurence Laughllng, University of Chicago, chairman Professor J. B Clark, Columbia uni versity. Professor Henry C Adams, Uni versity of Michigan. Horace White, New York city, and Professor Edwin V. (lay. Harvard university. Owen (Turp) Frank, 1912, star half back for three season, has followed his football star this year after leavinu the university. As tho coach and shining light of the Wisner, Nebraska, town team, composed of football and basketball sharks who have followed the game after playing the lawful three years, he led the team to a victorious season. Scoring over 300 points against 2 for their opponents, the team claimed the Missouri valley honors Turp was ea-ily the honor man of the team. His ability to turn a fifty yard forward pass or to make unlimited gains around end or through the line has evidently not lessened since his last game with the Scarlet and Cream ANOKAJf ARROW (COLLAR Cluett, Pcftbodr & Co., Ino. Maker THEATRES ORPHEUM THUR., FRI., 8AT. DEC. 4, 5, 6 8AHARET The Famous Australian and Conti nental Danseuse, Assisted by SENOR J. FLORIDO Jn (!Dr lays Quality is what Counts 1903. The first public banquet over ten dered a Nebraska football eleven was given this year. The banquet was held at the Lindell hotel under the direc tion of the Pan-Hellenic congress. Al though this affair was given by fra ternity men, Lincoln business men and faculty members were well repre sented. 1908. The Carlisle Indians bewilder "ding" Cole's players with their versatile at tack and smother the Cornhuskers by a score of 37-t. 1910. Nebra-ka defeated Wisconsin and Illinois in debate. Nebraska's cross country team wins the annual cross country meet at Omaha SIMMONS, THE PRINTER Good Printing 317 S. 12th St. Phone B-2391 FRANK MILTON AND DeLONQ SISTERS WILLIAM J. DOOLEY AND CO. THE LANGDONS BROWN & NEWMAN PEALSON & GOLDIE LAVIER FrTTMat., 15 & 25; SaCl5, 25 & 50 Night 8:15; Prices, 15, 25, 35 ,50, 75 MISS STERKEL Hair Dressing, Manicuring and Switch Making LADIES AND GENTLEMEN B-4420 Room 412, Brownell Blk. Lyric Theatre MON, TUES., WED., DEC. 1-2-3. The Mysterious Enigma ANNIE ABBOTT The Georgia Magnet. NEWELL & MOST Offering their latest song succeses "PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY" "THE DETECTIVE STRATEGEM" "THE CURE" "THE HARMLESS ONE" 3 SHOWS DAILY 2, 7 and 9 p. m. MATINEE, 5 and 10c; Night, 15c. llmtirnnty Nnttmi Matinee 1:00 to 5:30 MAGNET THEATRE 1511 O STREET Evenirgs 6:30 to 11.00 Dr. Alldrltt, Dentist, 200 Ganter Bldg., 1140 O St. B3905. Telephone Yule Bros. Laundry to call for your work. B-27C4. Girls' club council meeting In the Y W. C. A. rooms Thursday evening at 5 o'clock. Representatives from all -ororities and girls' rooming houses are asked to be present. Registration for Junior play tryouts Thursday from jl to 11:30 or Mon day from 1 until 1:30 in U. 105. Can didates unable to report at the hourb indicate! may call Miss Ethel Hills, chairman of the play committee, at L5512. Three Days Beginning Tuesday, Dec. 2 Return Engagement by Special Request GEORGE KLEINE Presents THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII 6000 People Six Reels 40 Scenes Ladies and Children are Requested to Come in the Afternoon to Avoid the Crowds in the Evening SPECIAL MUSIC 10cADMISSION TO ALL-lOc Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bros.. Printers. 1313 N street. School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.Funke Bdg. 'Everything tor the Office' . University Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the students. Conducted in the interests of the students. Serves the largest amount of the best food at the least cost. The Cafeteria in the Temple. Patronize our advertisers TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are aTways the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14th O Street Univeriity Jeweler ard Optician C A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St, YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED K