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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1913)
UmmMmqmimwtoimim&i C - THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 iatlg Nebraakan Proporty of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. M. V. REED Editor-in-Chief Managing EdlToT ."KennetFMrSnyder Asnoclato Editor . .. Fred N. Wolls AsHodate Editor ClaienceT Spier CONVOCATION THURSDAY 11:00 Piano Recital NELL CAVE Temple Theater RKPOUTOIMAL STAFF. II. V Harlan - Athletics Ethel Arnold Women Ruth Seniles, Robert Holland, Louis ilornc, Clara Doddn. Glen KverK File Kecfer, Win. F. Noble, R. V. Koupal, Max Haehr, lloswcll Weeks. FRESHMEN TO DANCE THIS WEEK First Class Hop of 1917 Will be Given Saturday Night Tickets on Sale at $1.50. Act llus. Mngr. Frank S. Perkins Circulation Manager J. C. Beard Subscription price $2 00 per year, payable in ndvance Single Copies, 5 cents each Entered at the postodlce at Lincoln, NobraHka, as Recond-claes mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March I. 1879. Wednesday December 3, li)lH JUNIORS MEET FRESHMEN IN FINAL GRIDIRON GAME TODAY Massacre Occurs on Nebraska Field at 3.30 Unless Damp Field Prevents. Si' student, luhoi ing un.lei t!i delusion the toothall sca-on closed ncail two wieks ago .ne lierehv neid notice that the cm tiiiu will not go down on the ln-i act until this afternoon, when the Fiehnien and .luniois meet to decide which aie chain i pious of the uimeisity Fvivhody e i cept these said Meial -tulents is al ready awaie ol the tact, and plan to turn out in full lotce "Unlcsn rain, snow or fog prevent, t lie contest will he staged on the athletic field at '. :'.0 p in. It was rumored yesterdiu tliat the battle would have to be postponed on account of the dense London fog w hich hae en eloped us for the pa-t seeial das This is stoutly denied by the managers ot th two eleens, who declare that tin 1 1 men will tight it out it they have to wear headlights and log horns thiough out the ( ontest Willie Registrar Rutledge luis not sent out a notice of "all clas-es tx cused," it i said that todav's attend ance at o o'clocks and t o'cloc ks will he rather slim. Satuiday niglit the freshman class of the university steps into the lime light ol social lite by presenting its flr-t class hop Following the custom of other clashes and the necessit of a sizeable hall the dance will be given in the ball room ot the Lincoln hotel One hund'xd tickets aie on sale, a number have been disposed of already, and freshmen are being ghen the first chance at the pasteboard-; admitting them to their first class function. Oth er classes will be well represented Tickets aie in the hands of six men Ray Dole, Loal llowey, Ernest Hoppe, Dill Folsom fllen Evert-, and Phil Wat kms The usual price, $1 ."(, (0eis the ( oM of the validated paste boards DEUTSCHE VEREIN INITIATES. I i De'itsih' Cesellige Verein held initial ion nceiith The tollowing in w in lulu i - w i i init iat d (!ladce Wi tl inm d Set gel' Winii 1 1 d Out hou.-f .le.innie Allan 1 jk V A Nj j"tr s& I ""fl dmBi M ft SI ?5Hn 1 if 1 T' 9r I P ii r fcv 1 i fc v I t 11 i V y" All Vft I & i li I ' ! A I 11 I I r ill i i v A v v i Planet's Caldwell Phvllis NVligh Valeiia Ronnell. Fled Stiieter Ottomar Stiieter ( honoi ai ) A. TRADE X$ tK MARK . Grumann Speaks Thursday. "Side Lines in College Life," is the topic upon which Prof. Paul Henry i Grumann will speak Thursday even ing in the Music hall of the Temple! building. The address will begin i promptly 7 o'clock. December 4th, re-' A Q SPALDING & BROS. member. A "Square Deal" for everybody is the " Spalding Policy. " We guarantee each buyer of an article bearing the Spalding Trade Mark, that such an article will give satisfaction and a reasonable amount of service. HERE'S A MODEL BY Hart, Schaffner & Marx IT'S NEW--AND IT'S GOOD! Note the modified Eng lish appearance extreme, yet conservative. That's what H. S. & M. are noted for clothes builders to men of taste. f-opyrignt Hart ShiTncr & Mirx Armstrong Clothing Co. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS Latest and Differentest Christmas Things AT The Uni Book Store 340 N. 11th Street 1616 Arapahoe St Don't Delay If you want a Special Trat or Sorority Society or Class Pin, Fob, bracelet, Ring, Smoking Set, Desk Set, Etc. See us NOW. WE MAKE THEM TO ORDER HALLETT UNI JEWELER EST. 1871 1143 O S" Denver, Colo HI The University School of Music Established 1894 Second Term begins Monday, November 17th There is still some time left with some of our instructors. Register at once. Willard Kimball, Director Eleventh and R Streets WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co 13 AND O STREETS Riggs Drug Cutter 2 STORF! HUYLER'S CANDY w' vntiij con a WATrn i iTKir 3 SODA WATER LUNCHES JH