'f'W SftWC:' :f3 "1 - T -r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 4. DEDICATE UW COLLEGE SPEAKERS OF NATIONAL REPU TATION WILL BE ON DEDICA TION PROGRAM. BUILDING COST OVER $100,000 Marks New Era for the Growth and Expansion of the University of Nebraska. Rifle Team Thrown Open to All Student Competition This Year After December 1, tbe rifle range in the basement of Mechanical Engineer ing building will be open to all stu dents from 1 till 5 o'clock. Rifle prac tice is a recognized institution at most of the large schools of the country at which military science is taught Though the teams for the past few ears have worked under many diffi culties, the showing made has been most creditable, considering the class of teams which have been competed against. Through the efforts of Lieutenant Howman, the organization has been built up from a loosely-knit group of crack shots to a rigidly governed "Rifle Company." Students wishing to try out for places on the team may register for course T, Military Science, requirements being four hours' credit in this department at the University I of Nebraska, or its recognized equiva- i lent at other accredited schools. One i hour credit is given for this course. University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED THEATRES The Law College of the University of Nebraska will dedicate its new building on December !). which is also the day set aside for the meeting of the board of regents. Resides two of the former deans of the college, there will be a number of other prominent speakers on the dedication program. The speakers will be Dr. Roscoe Pound, ex-dean of the law college, at present professor of law at Harvard college; tJeorge I'. Oostlgan, Jr., ex dean of the law college, at present in the law college of the University of Chicago; Regent C. S. Allen, Chief Justice Reese, Dean Hastings, present dean of the law college, and S Miles Haves, pastor of the Holy Trinity church of Lincoln. Dr. Pound is an authority on law and the author of a number of law books, many of which are used in colleges throughout the country. The junior law quartet will make its first public appearance this season at the dedication and will ren der a number of selections. 'I he new building, erecieu at a cosi i ,,, .,,, nnrtv to ,w, i.i.i f)ui Ilii:i,t of $100,000, was finished last spring. I or U)e CornhuBker banquet gives the It occupies a prominent position on Iironi,HP nf i,inir corceous affair. i It is to be a costume party and already mild plans, for startling garbs ti SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan City Y. M.C. A. 13th and P Girls' Party Planned As a Gorgeous Affair For Friday, Dec. 5 MISS STERKEL Hair Dressing, Mariicuring and Switch Making LADIES AND GENTLEMEN B-4420 Room 412, BrowncH BIk. ORPHEUM THUR., FRI.r SAT. DEC. 4, 5, 6 SAHARET The Famous Australian and Conti nental Danseuse, Assisted by SENOR J. FLORIDO FRANK MILTON AND DeLONQ SI8TER8 WILLIAM J. DOOLEY AND CO. THE LANGDONS BROWN & NEWMAN PEALSON & QOLDIE LAVIER Frl. Mat., 15 & 25; Sat., 15 25"&50 Night 8:15; Prices, 15, 25, 35 ,50, 75 WE CATER TO STUDENTS Smith & Hurst BARBERS 112 North 13th Lyric Theatre MON., TUES., WED., DEC. 1-2-3. The Mysterious Enigma ANNIE ABBOTT The Georgia Magnet. NEWELL & MOST Offering their latest song succeses "PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY" "THE DETECTIVE STRATEGEM" "THE CURE" "THE HARMLESS ONE" 3SHOWS1dAILV 2, 7and 9 p. m. MATINEE, 5 and 10c; Night, 15c. tbe campus and is a fine addition to the university. It was first ned last spring for final examinations and has been used for regular class work since tbe beginning of the present school year. MILITARY DEPARTMENT NOW ON HALF TIME TILL SPRING Indoor Drill but two Days a Week Dur ing Winter Months Gallery and Theoretical Work. The military work from December 1 until the 23rd of March, 1014, will consi of such instruction as can be followed inside. This will include mainly the theoretical side of drill in connection with many practical lec tures and demonstrations of the work ing of the different departments of the military organizations in the uni versity and elsewhere. This program was announced on De cember 1 in General Orders No. 7 which goes into effect immediately. There will be only two drill days a week for each man. There will also be such demonstrations as the work of the medical corps in first aid, and other just as interesting subjects. Companies A, B, C, D, and E will report for their instruction on Mon day and Tuesday evenings of each week. Companies F, G, I, K, and M will report on Wednesday and Thurs day. Officers and non-commissioned officers drilling for two hours credit will report all four nights. A nino-day compulsary course in drill regulations, followed by a written ex amination, will be the program for the majority of the companies. Failure to pass the examination will result in a condition in the semester's work. Gallery practice and Butt's Manual will be other forms of entertainment provided. are to be heard wherever groups of girls assemble. This party will be the first all uni versity girls' social affair of the year, and the girls plan to make it the big gest eveift of the kind ever held and say the men will have (o hustle if they succeed in making their banquet the bigger affair of the evening. The special committees are busy with preparations for the evening's fun. and all university girls will soon have an opportunity to procure their tickets. Matineci 1:00 to 5:30 MAGNET THEATRE 1511 O STREET Evening! 6:30 to 11:00 DR. CLAPP OUT WITH SICKNESS Professor of Physical Education Threatened With Operation but Not Seriously III. Three Days Beginning Tuesday, Dec. 2 SSSOIT Return Engagement by Special Request jHf T." I GEORGE KLE1NE Presents THElLAST DAYS OF POMPEII P l Ssba 50001 People Six Reels 40 Scenes Ladies'andChildren are Requested to Come in the Afternoon to Avoid the Crowds in the Evening SPECIAL MUSICI lOc-ADMISSION&TO ALL --10c J)r. R. (J. Clapp has been ill for se oral days, unable to conduct his clas-ses. The nature of his sickness has not been definitely decided but it may become necessary for him to sub mit to an operation within a few days. At present his condition is not con sidered alarming. Dr. Clapp Is head professor of physi cal education and director of the men's gymnasium. To a great extent that department Is placed under a handi cap by his absence at this time. An assistant has assumed the duties of his office until such time as he will be able to take charge again. QUaHBtftrt GInlmmt LOST A bunch of keys; please re turn to Rag office. TAKEN from Uook in men's toilet, silver watch; finder please return to Rag office. 12-2-3 University Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the students. Conducted in the interests of the students. Serves the largest amount of the best food at the least cost. The Cafeteria in the Temple. Patronize our advertisers m M ?