The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1913, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
Price, 5 Cents
body and will give several selections,
singing the songs that are the winners
in the parody contest. These songs
will no doubt be the novelty hit of
the evening. There will be music
during the banquet furnished by one
of the best orchestras in the city.
Another novelty will be the menus.
The committee declines to make
known exactly what they will he, but
assures that they will be in the form
of favors that will not loose their
value a- soon as the banquet goes into
history. l
The committee composed of Ross
Haskell, chairman, Harvey Hess, and,
Chan Trimble have been hard at the ,
task for some time and feel sure that
the crowd will be a record breaker.
The curtain is about to go up. Friday
night, Lincoln hotel, 0:30 o'clock.
Miss Hayden to Speak
Before Convocation in
Art Gallery at 11:00
Miss Hayden will speak in the Art
Gallery, concerning the illustrations
now on exhibition there. This ex
hibit got together by the American So
ciety of Illustrators, was originally ex
hibited in New York, Lincoln fortu
nately being the first city outside of
New York to secure the pictures.
WARDS COMPLETION. Tag Day is coming, Hurry! The committee in charge of the Corn- ,NG RUN AT METROPOLIS.
husker banquet has decided to reserve Wednesday as official Tag Day.
PAinWEII 1Q TftAQTMAQTEP A committee of tnirtv active and mercenary students will canvass the iijcac TITV DIIM A IIAVmrAn
LALUYYtLL Id lUAoliMMLK campus and uptown district thoroughly, selling tickets for the big banquet. KANjAd till KUN A HANDICAP
Every student should buy a tag, or rather a ticket, on Wednesday, S
Talks Will be Snappy and Interest gQ bring youp doMar and come on thc campuB somc time during the I Kratz, Raeck, and Diers at Omaha
Maintained at High Pitch During day Tn08e wno tnink tnat they win be ab!c to foo, tne committee by ' Goetze and McMasters Placed
Entire Evening. staying in their rooms all day will be slightly embarrassed by the entry 7t" and 9th at K. C. In Long
into their private domain by one of thc money seeking delegation of tag- Course Over Pavements.
The Conihusker banquet to be held .- I
the fifth of December promises to be Tun) Qut Wednesday and bllng tne necessary coin with you so that I '!'" H'Hii'. and Piers brought
one of the best gatherings '!' years nQ unnecessary deay wj be incurred by promises to buy later on. Such li'Miie the silver troph fioin the "tur-
The committee in charge have been excuses will not be tolerated by thc committee as they say that no time k,, ,,il" ' m Omaha. They placed
working hard and the details are now g just ag good as the prescnti no matter what arguments are put up to 1 !. MUrd and llflli. respertlvely,
practically completed. The stage is defend the delay. nailing ten points lor possession of the
set and the principals are waiting for ,.,, Omaha Y. M. C. A. finished next
Friday night to put on the best and with a total of fifteen points.
biggest banquet since that gathering The first man to break the tape
became a permanent institution. PROF. NORRIS OF CORNELL ST1EHM MAKESJHIS BOW AS A was entered by the Council Muffs Y.
r,.:;: si ;:::,: ';:; ';ir z speaks to engineers tonight drop-kickejcthanksgiving -lf;. izzt.:? T'z
he nothing alded. Every student ,... . "rvy . e u J n . r- '" awarded to the team winning
i,-. i,.t -i,.. .. r....i fnn,iini;pr 0ne of Bl9 Meetings of Year's Sched- Puts Pigskin Between Goal-posts From , ,
knows just what a ieal (.oinhusker a , . , , , , .. . ... , ,1(' liirost number oT points with the
, , , , , ,, . , t ule in Mechanica Eng neering Side ines Between Ha ves of
he is, a more able and worthy toast- u,c a a fewest entrants. In addition to the
master would have been hard to find. BuMding. South Dakota Game. (jf NL.brn8ka
The toast list will be composed of .,.,, ,",,.,,,. "1(,I received a medal.
, , in , i i n, There w 11 be a special meeting of I-or several vears E. (). St ehni has
fhe speakers who will give short talks, ' .-.,'. ... . " ... This is the second successive trophy
the idea being to get tin spirit and ' Iineerlng society tonigh a .:.0 had the reputation of being a success- )hat Nl;IirnHkn h1K rnrr(Mrwuv froni
not to let the speaking drag slowly. " Mechanical Kngineering building. ful football coach, but it was only re- , ()mnha y M (, A ar
r,M i m i ,,rin ii i t-,i The sneaker is Prof. II. H. Norns, i cent v that he earned the t tie of he- .... , ...
The speakers will be Will Hardy, I- red h' ' ,,,,,, , I McMasters took second place in the
Hunter. A. L. Hixbv, Chancellor Avery l-"1 f rr,lt11 '"'iversity and now , ing one of the best little kickers 1
and Captain-elect Towle. These speak- associate editor of the Electrical ( the middle west. It all came about Missouri First at K. C.
or. will make the banquet one big rally World and the Electric Railway Jour- thusly: (!oPZl. ullll M,.MnHlt.rH ,,.,, ev-
bubbling over with Conihusker spirit. "' ()n Thanksgiving lay Mr
Tiw. i.., .1,v.i...i.k- u ..Urwi iinrm Professor Norris is now on a west- Stiehni journeyed down to Omaha to
I he team will piobamv le called upon , , on Thanksgiving daw Terry, captain
,. imnmrnhiK , ., i u wi.feii will nn 'ni trip of inspection of engineering ofhciate in the Creighton-South Da- ,,',,.
lot inipiomptu talKB, wiiuii win no ,,,,,, f the Missouri team, finished first.
. ,, , ,,,:..., enternrHes and in the Interest of en- kota game. Between halves, thinking ,,, , , ,,
doubt prove interesting. '"' l" ,7 , ,, , .. , I Ills time was 2! minutes flat. The
T,, ,,.,., ,.,,,,. ,. ni.(,o01lt ,, ., gineering education. He will present to relieve the dullness of the contest, i
I he Glee ciuo win ne pieseiu in i " " course covered five miles and eight
Cornhusker Banquet
They'll Get Your Dollar Tomorrow
il uihi iinniun ui uic . iim ii-i ivv, t i''""'" lk' " p""i " i-
.1 i .......... i .., it t .. " iifwiorw.wku it. ni nn n ti iru . . t. . r f. nn nr nn i nn
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
This Is one of the big meetings of
the year.
Freshies and Juniors to Clash
Bloody Battle on Athletic Field
The bloody fray is near at hand, the
Juniors and the Freshmen will do bat-
tie for the championship honors in
football on Wednesday afternoon. The
encounter will be staged at the field,
the comedy beginning at 3:30 by the
sundial on the campus, and lasting
until the shades of evening have set
tled upon the dreary sight.
Tnere should be a good crowd out
as the two teams by their former feats,
have shown themselves worthy of the
best support that their classes can
produce. The betting at the present
time Is posted at even money.
The Freshman are light and fast,
favoring the open style of play, while
the Juniors not only outweigh their
opponents but play a smashing game
that brought them victory last year
os Sophomores.
Dr. Carl Bessey of Chicago
campus visitor this week.
Is a
sidelin 48 ynrds from one of the goals,
and from there drop-kicked it toward
the said goal. He was startled a mo
ment later to see the sphere sailing
gracefully between the goal posts. Ho
had made a field goal from a distance
of 48 yards, and from an angle of less
than 4f degrees.
The lengthy mentor is said to have
retired to the doghouse with even a
sweeter smile than that which graced
his features at the close of the Minne
sota game. The applause, in the
meantime, was the greatest ever
raised in the town of Omaha.
Basketball Practice
Now Holds Floor For
Husker Athletes
Basketball practice Is now in full
swing. With the close of the football
season Coach Stiehni has turned his
attention to the winter sport, and has
anounced the following practice sched
ules: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
at 7:30 p. m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:30
1 p. m.
Saturday at 2:30 p. m.
The first practice was held last
night, with several old star's and a
large number of new men on the floor.
$ Tag Day
hundred yards.
The Nebraska men were at a con
siderable disadvantage and made a
creditable showing In view of the ex
isting conditions. They had expected
to run three miles and a half, and
were forced to go a shade under five
and a half. The weather also was
unfavorable, the air being damp and
difficult to breathe. Added to this the
course was run over paved boulevards
which made extremely bad traveling
for the runners accustomed to cinder
This meet was staged by the Kansas
City Athletic club.
Nebraska Takes Fifth on Hogs, Sixth
on Cattle, Eleventh on Horses,
Twelfth otr Sheep.
The decision of the judges In the
judging contest at the International
Stock Show at Chicago last Satur
day put the team from Texas In first
place. Nebraska took fifth on hogs,
sixth on cattle, eleventh on horses,
and twelfth on sheep.
The lower placing on the latter two
classes are indicative of the lack of
opportunity for working out In these
classes here at Nebraska. Individual
placlngs have not yet been announced.