The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 26, 1913, Image 4

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(Continued from I'nge Throo)
when an ofllelul turklcd one of bin
pluyeiH mxl thereby prevented a
touchdown Ah a matter of fact. Had
den made no mlntnkc. The referee's
wlilHtle had been blown for the In
flict Ion of the five yard penalty and
the ball could not be legally put ttito
play until the referee had again
blown bin whlHtle. The Iowa plan wiih
to reriiHe the penalty. (IroHH wiih to
take the ball on a legal pass from
center and then get away to a touch
down. Hut the ball wiih not legally In
play, ho I laddon knew Junt what he
wiih doing, regardleHH of which wo
fully expect to nee colmuiiB and col
umiiH of dope coming out of Iowa City
telling how an otllcial tackled an
Iowa player and bonded off a touch
down -Lincoln News.
Eckeraall Admits An Error.
The complnlnt the Hawkeycn and
their KiipporterH lodged agaliiHt the de
ciHion of Umpire Hadden, on which a
touchdown wiih dinnllowed hecnuHe an
Iowa player wnB holding in the lino,
taken no nccount of the fact that the
CornhuHkerH made n touchdown for
which they woro given no credit. When
Left Tncklo Hnlllgnn liroke through
and blocked a punt, the bull bounced
buck of the gonl line and over the
wire fence enclosing the field Hnlll
gnn Jumped ovor the fence and pre
sumed thnt ho hnd registered a touch
down He hnd, iih a matter of fact, yet
It was disallowed, the same as the one
subsequently made by Dick, the Hawk
eye halfback Trior to the game Stlchm
and Hawley, the two head coaches, had
agreed to a special ground rule by
which the ball, in event ll bounded
over and went outside the wire en
closure, should go to the defenshe
team At the time Hnlllgnn blocked
KlrkVs punt, tho Oornuuskers were the
defensive team, while the Hawkeyes
had the ball and, therefore, were the
offensive eleven. Iteferee Walter Kck
ersall was frank to admit Saturday
night, following the game, that a strict
application of the rule would have
credited Hnlllgnn with n touchdown.
"I expected Stlehm to come onto the
Held and protest," said the well known
Chicago wrlter-ofllcial "I ruled that it
was a touchback because It seemed to
me that the allowance of a touchdown
would huve violated the spirit of the
rule Iowa, undoubtedly, was on the
defense iih far as its goal was con
cerned. Tho Hawkeyes were on their
ten yard line; they bad tried three
limes to run out with the ball and,
failing, they wero kicking to save their
j?oal. T figured Stlehm would object
and was rather surprised that he re
mained on the sidelines and entered
no protest. Nebraska won by two
touchdowns, both of which were clean
cut, so no harm was done by my de
cision." Lincoln Journal.
As a result of Nebraska's superb
victory over Iowa, Eckersall will grace
his nil-western eleven with Hnlllgnn
at tackle, Rutherford on the second
team at half and I'urdy gets honorable
Eddie Cochrane of the KansaB City
Journal pickB the nil-Missouri valley
elevens iib follows:
First Team.
Reck. Nebraska, loft end.
Halllgan, Nebraska, left tackle.
Weidleln, Kansas, left guard.
Wilson, Missouri, center.
Gallagher, Missouri, right guard.
Girls9 Club Will Give
Party in Gym Same Night
As Cornhusker Banquet
Almost Immediately afteK Thanks
giving holidays comes the Girls" club
party at 8 o'clock on the night of De
cember r, the Hame night iih the Corn
husker banquet. Ah fnr aH possible
it will be a costume pnrty, but every
girl In the university Is expected to
be present either with or without a
The place Is the gymnasium. Ad
mission 10 cents.
Statement of the Sophomore Hop,
Nov. 1, 1913.
Receipts- Ninety-nine tickets at $1 50
$118 50 Expenses- Hall, $50; re
freshments, $30; music, $30; printing,
$15.75; decorations, $5; doorkeepers,
$3; poster, $2; total, $135 75
Ralance In funds of the class of
101(1, $12.75. Signed.
T. Erie Keefer, Chairman
Audited Nov. 24, li13.
L R. Tuckerman, Jr., Auditor of
Student Organizations.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces the
pledging of Earl L. Abbott of David
Loeb's Orchestra, L-9896 or B-1392.
if Will the person who took a -
fc Math I book and a notebook --
if please return the contents of if
if the notebook to the Rag of-
if flee or the Temple. Missed if
if Monday noon from the Temple if
if building
Looiuis Kansas Aggies, right tackle.
Mastin, Nebraska, right end.
Towie, Nebraska, quarter.
Rutherford. Nebraska, left half.
I'urdy, Nebraska (capt), right half.
Stewe, Kansas, fullback.
Second Team.
Reber, Kansas, left end.
Kemper, Missouri, left tackle.
Clay, Missouri, left guard.
Thompson, Nebraska, center.
James, Kansas, right guard.
Cameron, Nebrnskn, right tnckle.
Herndon, Missouri, right end.
McWillinms, Missouri (capt.), quar
ter. Greenlees, Kansas, left half.
Slmmonds, Drake, right half.
Howard, Nebraska, fullback.
The Huffman's General Supply House
For our SCHOOL and OFFICE Supplies
We get more for our money at
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Iota Sigma IM, the chemical soror
ity, held its annual banquet Friday
evening at the Lindell. The toast list
was as follows
Our Cvclic Carbon Chain
Edna Miller, toastmlstress
Corpuscles For Our Carbon
Atoms Muriel Gere
Zymogne (the ionizer)
Ruth Squires
Condensation of Our Colloidal
Solution l'rof. Mary Fosler
The Crystal in Our Protoplasm
Susanne Parsons
Hydrolysis of Our Cyanides
Ruth O'Rrien
Dellquesence of Our Indols
Etta Carpenter
Tonics for Our Carbon Atoms
Nell Ward
Tautomerisin Among the Man-
ites Geraldine Kauffman
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Preserve Your
College Work
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writer is invaluable to college stu
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writers to rent, as well as to sell.
A few rebuilt machines at a bargain.
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