u' w!' i J .. ' "' - , V E , V"' . , .y..., ,j. , l,l THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES Oliver Theater WED. MAT. & NIGHT, Nov. 26 ROBIN HOOD Co. of 60. Augmented Orchestra Mat. $1.50 to 50c Night, $2 to 50c THANKSGIVING Mat. & Night "LITTLE BOY BLUE." With Otis Harlan & Co. of 60 Prices, $2 to 50c ORPHEUML THUR, FRI. SAT., Nov. 27 28 29 WILLIAM BURRESS With "THE NEW SONG BIRDS" 30 and a Company of 30 The Latest Phase of the Grand Opera Craze. MULLEN & COOGAN MISS ROBBIE GORDON DARRELL & CONWAY THE JUNEMANN FAMILY LANE AND O'DONNELL Holiday Matinees Nlgnt Prices. Fri. Mat. 15, 25; Sat. 15, 25, 50 Night 8:15; Prices, 15-25-35-50-75 Lyric Theatre Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov. 24, 25, 26 Re-engaged by Request CHILD'S HAWAIIANS Dancer PRINCESS OLLAH 2ENO, Jordan & zeno Sensational Casting Artists MAGEE & CARY, In "In the Department Store." "Pathe's Semi-Weekly," "All for Science," "A Miracle of Love," "The Last Laugh." 3 Shows Daily 2, 7 and 9 p. m. Matinee, 5 and 10c; Night, 15c. I Tuesday, Nov. 25 1 "The Phantom Signal" V I "An Actor's Romance" I I "Primitive Man" I "SPA" Try the 'Y . M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P MISS STERKEL Hair Dressing, Manicuring and Switch Making LADIES AND GENTLEMEN B4420 Room 412, Brownell BIk. TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14th O Street FROSH OUTPOINT SOPHS IN FREE-FOR-ALL GAME Lone Touchdown Plus a Field Goal Gives First Game of Inter-class Series to Freshmen, 10-3. 111 a game thnt was more of a free-for-all than a football the freshmen triu m plied over the sophomores yes terday bj a score of 10 to 2 One Held goal from the twenty yards line and a touchdown during the first half net ted them the ten points. The sopho mores' score came In the third period and was somewhat of a duke After lugging the ball from the middle of the 'field to within six inches of the fresh- 'mnn goal, they lo"t it on downs The first year men lined up ready for a punt but the ball was caught before It had left the center's hands and Har mon gave the sophomores two points on a safety. This was the onl time during the game that the freshman goal was in danger. There was much feature pluying on both sides. O'Brien and Allen were the individual stars for the Frosh, the diminutive quarterback tearing loose tor ten and fifteen yards at a time, and succeeding In several fake plays that were good for large gains. Jennings and Israel in the back field of the Soph team were always good for line plunges and the fact that the ball was In fresh man territory the latter part of the game was due mostlj to the fighting line bucks of these two. Touchdown- O'Bi ien. Field Goal Chapin. Referee "Dewey" Harmon Umpire- Halligan, assisted by the entire varsity. Dean Engberg Tells of Beauties He Saw On European Trip The Scandinavian club held its monthly meeting Saturday night with a number of Scandinanvians present The first half hour was spent discuss ing current events of special interest to the club. Dean Cal (' Engberg gave a talk on Sweden. His conversational man ner of presentation made it very in teresting and entertaining Mr. Eng berg spent his acation last summer in Europe and mostly in Sweden. He spoke of the beautiful scenery, how the meadows and roadsides were cov ered with daisies and posies and other well known fiowers also mentioning the picturesque costumes of the people of Dalarne, where he spent his child hood, and the great changes which have taken place during the years of his absence. Dad" Elliott Spends Busy Week-End With Local Associations "Dad" Elliott, Btudent secretary of the International committee for the west, spent several days In this city and during his visit held conference with members of the Association cab inet, spoke before the "Saengerfest" Sunday afternoon, besides attending recognition service for Rev. C. J. Pope, Baptist university pastor. Before leav ing for Chicago yesterday afternoon Elliott held a conference with the Association officers. University Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the Students. Conducted in the interests of the students. Serves the largest amount of the best food at the least cost. The Cafeteria in the Temple. 4 ? 4 v w. jmmmmm&im4xz:v ' 'w.x-.W'. SjMWm$M0.&itJ?mZ8Z,i d .-,4v; ,rl! &13MB& ''? " m'mwm - - "2: ENRICA CLAY, OF THE De KOVEN OPERA CO. In "Robin Hood" at the Oliver Theatre Wednesday Matinee and Night, Nov. 26 (Hampufl Notra Ralph Van Orsdale and John Laten ser of Omaha were visitors at the Alpha Thota Chi house Saturday fol lowing the game. Grover Cleveland Alexander, the phenomenal star of the baseball world, pitcher for the Philadelphia Nationals, was a guest at the Delta Tau Delta FimKl IK ,-.??. , W .&, ;' OTBWW3 &p'ipf? "' -rTfr'r hoiiBe on Saturday, having come to Lincoln to see the game. George Tunnison, Jlarry Minor, Wil liam Wentworth, Leon Nelson and A. S. Sinclair, Northwestern, '11, spent the week-end at the Delta Upsilon house. Loeb's Orchestra, L-9896 Of B-1392. Mandolin club practice Tuesday Eve. 7 sharp. Ail members out. , f. ;i