V,, THE DAILY NEBEASKAN PERFORRTLAST RITES FUNERAL ORATION DELIVERED OVER REMAINS OF ONCE DREADED JAYHAWK. ENGINEERING 80CIETY NOTES. (' A Ilauptman -fc RALLY FOR HAWKEYE GAME Students Get Enthusiastic Over Last Game of Season Nebraska Sure to Win. "TIm best rally of th your," was the unanlmoiiH verdict of the enormoiiH crowd at Friday morning's chapel, which Herved the douhle purpose of celebrating the Kansas victory and anticipating today's game While the excitement wan not as great an that displayed at t ho Minnesota rally, the spirit of exultation was much more In evidence. The big feature of the day was the funeral of the Juyhawk While the band played "soft music" and the crowd howled Itself hoarse, the dead bird was borne aloft to the platform bv four black-robed pallbearers, Don Wood, Hill Kallmann, Ralph Lyman and Herb Reese. At Its head marched "Rev " Cloyd Stewart and "Mrs Doc Maxey," the latter being none other than Hob Harley In disguise While the Mrs shed copious tears and let out an occasional wall, the reverend gentleman delivered an address which will go down to future geneiations as n masterpiece in the line of funeral orations Mr Stewart took for his text Macbeths famous saying, "So fall and 'fowl' a day, I have not seen" He lepeated it so often that theie was no loom loi doubt as to what "fowl" was referied to A sextet from the Glee club biougbt the tlrst pait of the service to a (lose with a rendition of "Safe In the Arms of Nebraska," writ ten ('specially for the occasion by A M Kmlev. As the funeral procession left the platform, Mrs. Maxev rushed np to her husband and planted a kiss squarely on his manly brow. Rocky Anierman presided over the festivities Shoi t speeches weie given by IMor R I) Scott in behalf of the I'acult.v Miss Mabel Daniels In behalf of the gitls, "Tate" Matteis in behalf of the alumni, Assistant Coach Adams in behalf of the Hawkeves. and Tap tain Puidj and Assistant Coach Dud ley in behalf of the team The cio.vc left the hall in the linn belief that ictory toda is assured MAXEY HAULED INTO COURT. A jury has been summoned in coun ty court for the trial of the case of the Hank of Cortland against Hdwin A. Maxey yesterday afternoon The plaintiff is suing on promissory notes for $553 The defendant denies 11a "biUty on the notes, alleging that they were secured through fraudulent rep resentations and that the bank is not a bona fide holder for value In the regular course of business Telephone Yule. Hros. Laundry to call for your work B-2754. GIRLS LIKE TO SPLASH. Enthused by the glowing reports of those who had already splashed, ten more girls purchased swimming tickets and appeared at the pool Thursday morning, making a total of sixty co-ed mermaids Last Wednesday evening the mem bers of the Engineering Society had the opportunity of listening to an In teresting and instructing as well as entertaining program In charge of the Agricultural engineers After open ing the meeting by a few preliminary remarks by Mr Reeves, the soliciting agent for the Hill Publishing Co, in which It was clearly yet emphatically brought before the students the bene (Its and advantage of the fellow who i keeps in touch with the outside world through a publication of a nature which follows along the lines of his Intended profession, and to the as sociation of the works of the practical engineers with the work of the class room here In school The advisability of subscribing for, reading, and filing of such periodicals as "Power," "En gineering News," or "The American Machinist" was commended by sev eral of the professors who were pres ent The first part of the evening's pro gram consisted of a talk by Professor Seaton of the agricultural engineering department at the Farm in which he related a number of very interesting facts and Incidents in connection with j the Winnipeg motor contest, held this last spring at Winnipeg, Canada As i one of the judge of the contest he, accompanied Professor Chase, engi neer in chaige of the event Tn the course of bis talk Professor Seaton1 spoke of the great aid in which such exhibits and motor demonstrations' gave to agricultural piogress and the I possibility of greatlv improved meth-1 oils of soil plowing The second portion of the program ' followed in the way of a combined lecture and steriopticon view of the reclaimatlon by drainage of swamp lands of the Carolinas Prof F II Wood gave a very good Illustrated talk on the conditions of the soil of these swamp lands, which Is covered with from six inches to twenty feet of rich vegetable ooze over which is spread the swamp water, making it impossible for cultivation Having been one of the party actively engaged in the problem of draining this land Mr Wood's relating of experiences! and the showing ol the views which he himself had taken was indeed in teresting and appreciated by those present Following the piogiam a short busi ness meeting took place at which re ports from the treasurer, membership and "hop" committees were presented and approved. An appeal to the en gineering students as a whole was made in which the loyal and willing support of the Nebraska engineering periodical, "The Blue Print," was ur gently requested. C. W neck and T L Frank were appointed as a com mittee of two to take charge of the matter of society pins, and to report same at the next regular meeting. Dr. Alldritt, Dentist, 200 Ganter IBIdg., 1140 O St. B3905. At the Request of T. E. Keefer, chalm man of the Sophomore hop commit tee, the complimentary ticket Issued to Frank Perkins has been destroyed and in its stead one issued to G. F Liebendorfer. L. B. Tuckerman, Jr., Auditor of Student Organizations. University Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the Students. Conducted in the interests of the students. Serves the largest amount of the best food at the least cost. The Cafeteria in the Temple. THE FOLSOM BAKERY AND CAFE 1325 - 1331 N STREET Asks a share of your patronage. We are equipped to serve you and serve you right. A trial is all we ask. THE FOLSOM BAKERY AND CAFE 1325- 1331 N STREET WE ARE GOING TO The Huffman's General Supply House For our SCHOOL and OFFICE Supplies We get more for our money at 208 outh 11th Street -:- -:- Lincoln Sj'THC LITTLE P5fAVF'I (RPHEruM !?