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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1913)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN DECEMBER FIFTH THE DATE OF CORNHUSKER BANQUET Elaborate Preparations Being Made for Big Feed Toast List Partially Complete Tin- date lor thi' Cornhusker ban quet, tin' biggest nil university feed ol tin year, has been definitely net for Krldav, the fith ol' December. It is at tliln time that students and team Hit down together and drink, figuratively of course, to the past and tin future of football, i'lans are being made by Ross Haskell for tin largest and most nloborate lelebration in years. Never lias Nebraska had so much to be thankful lor, it is true, and full Jus tice will be done to the spirit of Ne braska students which lias succeeded in sweeping everything aside as never belore. Prolessoi Caldwell will be the toast master, and although the toast list is not yet (omplete it is known that Njhestei Shonka, varsity captain of the 1011 tr-nm, wlii be among tin .speakers Knothall, ol course, will be the only subject permitted. The team, Coat li Fit ifli in . and the speakers of the evening will be seated on a raisetl platlorni m lull view of the banquet ers. Debators Hard at Work. The varsity debating squad is pro gressing rapidly with their prepara tion lor vii torv. The first drafts of s lies have been completed and tin- second writings are well under a. Hewitt, Dawson, Prime is the order ul tin- affirmative against Min nesotii, Knk, Serensen, Perrin of the negative against Iowa. Household Club Elects Officers. At the meeting ol tin Household Arts i tub Tuesday evening tin follow ing girls were elei ted to membership: Kern Ashln, Mable Daniels, Ruth Woods, liertha Wilson, Pearl Pope, I'Yaiu is Wymaii. Lulu Neal, Mary Rokahr, Kdith Cone, Reah Honker, Ploreiit e Mason, Ida Sanborn, Myrtle Hason, Merle Hookstra, Rose Shonka, Alice Van Kirk. Dr. Alldritt, Dentist, 200 Ganter Bldcj., 1140 O St. B3905. The Mandolin i lub will practice to night in the Temple 7 p. in., sharp. All members out. Ted Marriner Cleaner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. SAY FELLOWS: We want you to come here in here and feel at home. Anything bought that is not satisfactory, re turn it and we will gladly refund your money. KLINES 1132 O Street llmurrmttj Nntirrn 8upt. F. M. Hunter will speak to the oung men of the university In the Temple building this evening at 7 o'clock on the subject, "Things Worth While in College Life" Ushers for the Iowa game will meet at the Aitnorv between 1 110 and 5 p in today to get assignments to sections and instructions (Jellatly and Deliew will be there to take charge Candidates for Senior football team must appear at east end of Armory today at 11 10 One hundred and twenty-two tickets, inclusive of all coinpllmentaries, have been validated for the sopho more hop, November 21, 1 0 1 rt No more tickets will be validated for this hop Complimentaries have been issued tcv V K Keefer, C. Spier, (1 Keits. J W Fol soin, R. Oentzler, C Stewart, R Doyle. P. Wat kins, M V Reed, F Perkins. V Hahn. P H Roberts. F Wells, l.C. Howie, (I. Hawkins, K.M. Synder, 1'. Dean, W. Chamberlain. A H Hiltner, R Swift. F Taylor L H Tuckernian, Jr., Auditor of Student Organizations MORE SECRET PRACTICE (Continued From Page One) pass the ball througth his legs but makes a long pass backward and to one side to the back who is to carrv the ball. This is a hard pass to make ami takes a speedv man to get away witli it. In the scrimmage yes terday Thompson was able to spoil more than one of the freshmen cen ter's passes. The Iowa tenter is going to have the job of his life in making all his passes good for Thompson is going to give him lots of trouble. "Pony" Backfleld In. After the varsity regular backfleld had scrimmaged for about an hour Coach Stielim sent them into the gym together with the end men. The "pony" backfleld, composed of How ard, DeLamatre, Flwell ami Coffee went in and llugg and Gelwick filled the end positions. They, too, received special training as to how the spread formations are to be broken up. And if any of the regulars are injured, the second string man that takes nis plate will know just what to do. Tonight tin last scrimmage before the. game will be held. The men aie all in first class condition. They are lull of pep and are going into the Iowa game with an irristible rush that will pull down the long end of the score and close a glorious season of victories with another glorious victory. Two frosh were ducked and another was hotlianded for violation of tradi tions of the U. of Washington last week. A Sophomore was also (luck ed because lie was said to be lacking in school spirit. Exchange. Telephone Yule Bros. Laundry to call for your work. B-2754. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS! Slightly used VISIBLE type- -fc writer taken on trade. Will sell - fa at half price if sold immediately. - Phone L9728. Address 327 fc North 11th St. -fc University Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the Students. Conducted in the interests of the students. Serves the largest amount of the best food at the least cost. The Cafeteria in the Temple. WE ARE The Huffman's General Supply House For our SCHOOL and OFFICE Supplies We get more for our money at 208 South 11th Street -:- -:- Lincoln THE FOLSOM BAKERY AND CAFE 1325- 1331 N STREET Asks a share of your patronage. We are equipped to serve you and serve you right. A trial is all we ask. THE FOLSOM BAKERY AND CAFE 1325- 1331 N STREET Corduroy skirts tor the girls and corduroy trousers for men, hae been adopted as the distinc tive dress for the members of the senior class at the University ol Indiana. Kt hange A "Square Deal" for everybody is the "Spalding Policy." We guarantee each buyer of an article bearing the Spalding Trade Mark, that such an article will give satisfaction and a reasonable amount of service. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1616 Arapahoe St. - - Denver, Colo. Ay- ,Y mark y . GOING TO University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold annks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14th O Street Read the "Rag" A A