THE DAILY NKBRASKAN $1 0uily Nrbraakait Property of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. M. V. REED Editor-in Chlof Managing Editor Kunnoth M. Snyder Awoclato Editor Frod N. WoUn AHHOciate Editor Claronco T. Spier RErOKTOHIAL STAFF. II. V. Harlan AtliMlcs Ethel Arnold Women Ruth Sciuirr-H, Robert Holland, Louis Home, Clara Dodds. (Slen Evert-, j Eric KecffM-. Win F Noble, R V. Koupnl. .Max Ilaelu , Rosuell WeckH. Act. Hun. Mni;r Frank S. IVikiuh' Circulation Miiii:iht I ('. Heard KAN8A AWAITING NEBRA8KA. (Continued From Pago Ono.) twller, If ho 1h ablo to play at left half, Greonlecs at right half, and Stuewe at full. Martin and Sommera, the two Bub Htltute backa, may Ret a chanco later In the pmo Hlahop will subBtltuto for Stueui- at full, Parker and RubboII for Wilson at quarter, Hammond, Malloy, and Kane In tho line. Interest here Ir at fever heat over the approach of the hip game. Cheer i allies ,ii e being held constantly. From present indication's the crowd that will be present at McCook field next Sat urday will be considerably larger than the crowd present at the Missouri game last ear (ElafiBiftpft (Sulmmt j SuhBcrlptlon price VJ 00 per year. payable in advance. Single Copies, f cnlH each Entered at the postofllee at Lincoln. Nebraska, as seiond class mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. roll M"r N'iice room lor one k n Saturday, November 15, 1913 PUBLICATION OF STATEMENT. In another part ot the paper there .ippears a statement of the ownership, management and ciiculation, etc, ol The Ihiih Nebraska!) Owing to an oversight the statement was not pub 'ished April L'. li'll!, as required by the postotlice authoiities This state merit appears toda in order that the lecordh of the Lincoln postoMlce ma lie complete MANY TRAVEL TO K. U. ON PURE NERVE TICKETS. (Continued From Page One.) where it wou'd be natural to look bu where the "con" loi Mime reaHon dor not investigate. It is growing to be an Institution not yet sanctioned l the lnterutatt commerce commits-ion. However, i Is recognized on the campus, when the classes of the day preceding the garno are suddenly depleted. Danger to life and limb is never considered, it would seem, and the participants de light in presenting an appearance of an enterprising chimney Bweep on ar riving at the other end of the line There kind friends and frat brothers come to the rescue, and the Heau Hrummels who throng the Held during the game might pass as the most typi cal examples ot liiwuv -loving high brows. There are seven new fraternity houses being erected at the University of Missouri. One is completed and the others will be finished during the ear. Exchange Telephone Yule Hros Laundry to call for your work II l!?.". I SAY BOYS:- how about a nice piece of Jewelry for Her for Christ mas? Why not select it now while the stock is com plete. A small deposit will hold it until you want it. HALLETT Estab. 1871 Univ. Jeweler 1143 O f I .-in ii S7 pei month J ill.' NO lLMIi St AlilUKK.N, up to dale room-,. Completi new inriKue equipment. Heard n -sired, arid rat' -. n asonable. 1 I '! I St Phone ni'.'J.M'.. LOST Will man who found b-ntlni pot ket notebook in basement of N'e Inaska hall plea-e return to R.v-; otlice Fountain pen lound on aFliletii held Wednesday morning between eleven and twelve. Owner can have saim by desi ribing pen. Call at !(" -braska Hall, PnilesMir Childs. PElT.SfrSTvT I'niversity girl ha splendid loom, wants roommate I !:: S. ASV sA N. T PADt VA A "Square Deal" for everybody is the "Spalding Policy." We guarantee each buyer of an article bearing the Spalding Trade Mark, that such an article will give satisfaction and a reasonable amount of service. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.-Funke Bdg. Everything for the Office" t 1616 Arapahoe St. Denver, Colo "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Pln City Y. M.;C. A. 13th and P ANOKAl ARROW (COLLAR Cluctt, Peabodr A Co., Iao. Mahr.ra The Unwersity School ofMuskr Established 1894 Second Term begins Monday, November l?tb There is still some time left with some of our instructors. Register at once. Willard Kimball Director Eleventh and R Streets All Lovers of the Beautiful are invited to examine our Fine Assort ment of Iverness Placques just re ceived. The Uni Book Store 340 N. 11th Street University Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the Students. Conducted in the interests of the students. Serves the largest amount of the best food at the least cost. The Cafeteria in the Temple. i