THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES Oliver Theater TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8 15 20 BIG NCW FEATURES 20 LYMAN A. HOWEj Augmented Orchestra, Famous Art ists. MAT $1 to 50c EVE $1 50 to 50c FRI SAT. & SAT Mat Nov U 15 TRAVEL FESTIVAL ORPHEUM THUR., FRI SAT, NOV 3 14-15 JACK KENNEDY 5L CO In "A Business Proposal ' THE TWELVE OLYMPIC GIRLS Novel, Artistic & Original Dances. HQE.Y. AND. LEE CARL M'COLI.OUGH GEORGIETTE BUCKLEY'S ANIMALS MLLE. MARTHA & SISTERS Thur.-Fn Mat. 15 15. Sat 15 25 50 Night at 8:15 Prices 15,25. 35, 50 75 1912 MISSOURI VALLEY CHAMPIONS Cornhuskers Who Met Kansas Last Seasonf Lyric Theatre Thursday, Friday & Saturday THE FOUR VALDARES ALI LESLIE HASSON PHOTO PLAYS PATHE'S SEMI WEEKLY "THE RIGHT MAN" "QUICKSANDS OF SIN "ARCHIE AND THE BELL BOY 'S SHOWS DAILY 2 7-9 P M. Matinee. All Seats 10c Night. 15c I he Sen kieinal u reels) A I Tight Wad's Present 1 Comedy 1 J Broncho Billy's Secret I -) T IT Dotxn'1 niit ?imt I atllu ti))i Canterbury l)r;ind nen Iile .silver Collar with a distinct Trnns Atlantic air The (lttmt of smartness with out nagger it Ion (.f stle I ik ill Ideilver Collars ;s i XV y i C it I.moionl t nbi cuLable lliittoiiliolc- iu no othei make uhkh enable tlir collar to retain its origin l Kilne- thru months of went 2 for 25c I or Sulu Uy FULK CLOTHING CO. "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria lJlnn City Y. M.,C. A. 13th and P CO-ED, 82, HAS A ! CASE, HE'S BUT NINETY 'I In- l'ni I'fit ol Wisconsin lias .in uniloi graduate eight two eais old Mis Am Winship, who is correspond i ii K with Juan Hume, ninety years ; old. a wealth) Spaniard living in the1 I'hihppines, lias just taken up the , stntlj ol English lter he was m'V- ii t v ciirs old, Senor Hrunez torn pleted his high school course and then took up the stud ol shorthand and I stenogiapln Kxchanue I Organization Committee Rules The attention ol students oi tin- l'nieisit is (ailed to the follow iiil, i rules, adopted h ih" ( 'oinimttee on Student Organizations. June tl, I'M" ! and published in The I)ail Xehi.iskan , October IK 1911' j It Tin kerinan, Ji uditoi of Student Organizations , i ' Special rules (Jowrning parties, liamiuets entertainments, eh ( The organization (or its piopeik a( credited oiliceist sliall .ippomt .1 I i business manager (or chairman of committee) to take charge of each entortainni' nl gien in the name of i the organisation The husiiiss managei sn.ill be pi i ' sonalh i i punsible lor all tifki", i sued and .ill moiiev received Ti Kets j to ,in mi h entei tainment shall be alid onl when alidated b the ,m ditor ol student organizations, ant' i the business manager shall submit t i the audltoi not latei than noon ol he Monda follow ing such entertain ment an accounting ol the entertain i ment including a statement of all i bills incurred, all unsold tickets and a receipt from the treasuier of (he organization for the value of all tick ets sold or unaccounted for All complimentary tickets are non j transferable and shall be endorsed b 'the business manager with the name i ol the pel son to whom the are is sued, before the are alidated b i the auditor 1 The business manage shall hue a doorkeeper accredited b the auditoi ol student organizations who sliall tiike all tickets at the dooi and de liver them to the auditor Not later than noon of Frula ol the week following such entertain ment the treasurer shall submit to Lheauditor receipts showing paymont of all bills incurred so far as funds of the organization are available , " fa BATH ROBES $3.50 TO $12.50 MILLER & PAlNE University Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the Students. Conducted in the interests of the students. Serves the largest amount of the best food at the least cost. The Cafeteria in the Temple. Queen Quality for Women SHOES Bostonians for Men Correct in Style, Fit and Service Prices $2.50 to $6.00 BYRNES SHOE CO. "The Home of Foot Comfort" 1307 O STREET :: LINCOLN, NEBR. Jones' Orchestra, 1.9600 Patronize our advertisers I