THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Ijr lailg Nghraghan Proporty of TIIK FN'IYFRSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln M. V. HKKI) Editor In Chief Uanaglnfc Editor Kenneth M. Bnydor Aoclato Editor Fred N. Wollo Associated Kdltor Fred N Wells Vnsoclate Kdltor Clarence T Spier CONVOCATION MUSICAL PROGRAM AT TEMPLE. 11 A. M. BY MRS. HORTENSE GUNDER SHEIMER-SINGER. KKPOKTOKIAL STAFF. 11 V. Harlan .. AthWtirs Kthel Arnold Women Ruth Squires, Robert Holland, Louis Home, C'lnra DodtK Clen Fert Krle Kw;lrr, Win F Noble, K V. Koupnl, Max Uaeht, Rosuell Weeks t. Huh MnKr Finnk S lvrkms dilation Manarj-i .1 ' Heard Mendelssohn Hondo Capriccioso Chopin -(a) Vnlsc, Kb; (h) y Preludes; 1 P minor, - CI jt major, (i ) Hallade, (I minor THE FORUM I hr Nrbmakan Don Nol Nccerily Fn dome the Sentimenta Expr-rd in Thin Column Subscription price 2 00 pei ear, payable in mlvnncc Single Copies, f ronts REfliVR&WG THE R N G I IM f. F RLNG DANCE U is mu opinion dial I In- entinnnt xpnss-d b tin- nrtnle in I'he Dail Entered at the, postofflc at Lincoln, i -e, 1,,-askaii oi' 'luesihn. Nov.-mbei II. Nebraska, nf seiond class mail manor, t .,,.,. decidedh misleading under the At I f Cnnuress of March 3, 1879. 1'ir-1 Tin lanii' I ;;'iiii man. w ho, , uiili ili' prospet ti c student Iiom ui'Mi'i'ii Nebraska, last S,iturda a' I In- Lin oln hold, pi c - i-nii-d auot In i mans " roni). ' is ,i I nil t!i il'-rd tii t mi In i iii i In' ' ii.uii.r lull ' h ; i li.ui In i ii u t In' iniuici'iii id mi t i pint I, ml li "in "anii'd -nail hi w.i i i id I'd 1 i In' a j:"' i- u, i i .in ii u I In- i nil) pi I nil hi ,ir ' it In ' pi - mil i lis I his m 111 .ll Ml'' ilnn1 v. ,i ,;iel In Inm i I'llU-taiil 1'. Hid ll'' A.l W ,il in i I ll V. nlllil In llllpd' llih I mi Inm Mi iisr ii Fin ilim limn-, he look i he i nmp ' and trn d w I'll opinu ami tlui'iit hinn. to pass ii on tin j dooi kiM pi'i s Hi' was coui ti'ouslv Imii i lirinls i ejected Wi' an- ei miit i i tor a m. in. who is .so nreeh tor t I that hf will attt'inpt to use a ompli j nientai ticket niven to. and endorsed i onl tor another man As an otlicer ot the organization the original holder, according to a ruling of the Engineer ing Society, was entitled to a compli mentary ticket in return for being present Tho ethics and honor of oil" who will attempt to .secure for him self special privileges, break rules and agreements, and try to bribe officers to neglect their specific duties, are so liar down the scale as to make their titness tor society doubtful .. i ii- .hi i . ., ...i. ;.. T 1 llC II If tlllll e tll'l IIUL ueeill n ,lll v in- lOnight- OCX Hyieiie able t allow hugglnn matches" on i In- middle ot the dance Iloor, regard Tonight m the Mush hall ' ili'.less ol whether it was a straight "Mos Temple M .1 Fini M I), ol New ton or something else York, a spe i, dist in soi li un in- .nnl s ,(, those dancers who were so one of tin toremost thinkers on tlm ,)M( () the questionable and nniiroper subject, will speak on die siibiict, ,,,,,., (,r conduct as to step over the The Young Man'- Sex 1'ioblein ' Dr re. utilized lim' of propriety, we ro Fner is set retarv ol the int'rnal lonal j inim troin censure which should be lommittee of Yoium Men':; Chi istian ' taken up elsewhere.' Associations lor sin ial ser ice Mel l'hutMl.iN. N.nenibci I J. l'.tl.i GET OUT YOUR TORCH. I iiinht i-- tin- nihl ol .ill nielli tirll it take-, in It liel -i alld.lle.l M ket mu iMi'lic houis n iieihtid . Hiding to participate in ihe all I'm eist o iall When the spun ol past ictoiie-, .ni'l piisiiit hopes, .mil Ml'' Spillt Ol tile I 'ol IlllUski'l s what v i r mai In tin i - nil i ak- in t he le.tni ilep.utin- tin K.nisa, ll is the ie bdoie the battle, tin the tans as wi 11 as the team, and tonight we cheer, j dance, and bum the tne which typi tb s N'ebiaska loali !oi on the inor iovv we meet the .la'.hawli' If ever a freshman Rets to jostle .shoulders with his classmatt s in the interests of the Fnhersity. it is when he lights his torch and joins the column of winding twisting, paraders 'Ihe upper-classman who has not lost his youth, who haa not sunk the demands of his col leRO under those of self, will bring out his old oil-soaked beacon Dr. Exner of New York To Speak in Temple was physical dirts lor ol the Y M (' . at Shanghai, I'lnna To-eih-'i with his bread experience l)i Kut i i- able to t rent i he smIii i i o' -ev 1 .em inoi . s.iti,i ji tin 1 ami sci Signed, L Hickman, i 'li.m man Dance Conmiitti e C A. Walker, I'res lOnn Soc V L. Ilolllsler. i 'hapei one ot Dam t SaAuaxov, -TjhE-JEREJECT UNION SUIT KICK OFF -that inferior underwear. Get in side a real under wear the active man's underwear. It means real un derwear comfort Can't gap in the heat Can't bind in the rotch $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 We're Sole Agents Armstrong Clothing Co, GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS The University School of Musk Established 1894 Second Term begins Monday, November 7ih There is still some time left with some of our instructors. Register at once. Willard Kimball, Director Eleventh and R Streets utilically than an other spei nilisi on the subject Yesterdaj the docioi spokt in th" Kricultural Hi nh School and the Teni j Dottoi Condra oi the Slate Soil pie High Si hool loda lie speaks ui'SurveN and Mr A II Mer, ol tin the llniersit Place High S hool, ihe Nebraskan Weslean l'iuersit and the Finverhitj of N'ebiaska Temple The talk will be at 7 p in and will last one hour Telephone Yule liitis Luundi to call for sour work II '.'7a 1 School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.Funke Bdg. Everything tor the Office" a IVileial Sod Suie hai Hist tin isllf'f colleciinn soil samples shov 'D", the different soil tvpes in Cass ron t The trip for this ptiriiose was made, by taitoinobile and the chilh weather of last week made the work somewhat unplea-ant WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co 11 AND O STRFE'j S Riggs Drug Cutter 3 STORES HDYLEKS'lANIiY"