The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1913, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
Price, 5 Cents
Committees for Pan-Hel Dance and
Banquet Elected at Meeting of
Greeks Last Evening.
Many Leave Thursday Night Although
Most Will Go on Special ; ,l ;i nn-i't nit? ol the active members
Friday Evening. ol the Intel fratcrnlt cuniicil last
' 1 1 1 1 t it was decided that the Delta
Tin uowd ol Nt braska ioo'm.n ll..iil(',i 1 1 :i t i it it v should he lecomnn nded
will see tlwii train in action at I. a i membei shin in the council at tin-
i '
j rem i. on Saturda will be-in to leasc'.uu le-ular session ol the munia
Tin annual ton blight parade .1 1 I 1 tin- terntor ol the iiiem .1 non This ation piactiealh a- hui -
s ml offto the team befoi , TTn hi' .i.'l'
Big Annual Celebration by Oil Light
Holds Boards Tonight Get Out
With the Gang.
Varsity Relying on Straight Footbal'
to Defeat Kansas Pony Backfleld
Performing in Great Style
Last Scrimmage Today.
1 i: II V ll.irl.iti )
i.f.-. . 1 ... 1. - .. ...., -.. 1
i-i' as ini;i-iiia i-ir-m 1 no-, w m 1 1, ;r,i I'Tn oi hii-miu 1; mi Hi T TT7 t'bllli
','anii' o' tlic M.iMiii w ill be st.igt ('. ;'..:. lal.iiir the p. in! will urn ', 1 nh.'i will im 1 . . . tie- iiu'iiIhi ; !m 1 ,, ,t ,,,, , , r.iteq Insl 1 . 1 '
night .'f lObo dock The t,,,. a- 1 '' i--ae until r:ula ir.-ht l-.r ,,,,, ,,, H,. , ,.1111. il to Iomi t. . u hi j,, ,1 0.0 h St i hm put I In- Cornhmdt. 1
lorim- yeai.. will .M..H at Im- tll,n. 'li'-ieai. mam who.,, con,, bv m ' I ,., ,,.. i tin onrl. otu ol the tlll-st M-riinnia,'. .
Aitli iy cot"-' b the band .liter w mi ' ,-oei.-. . The 1 onniiit i - ii tin mini,' I'.ii'',,, ,;,,. .,.M, , ;,.( ,,, hour I-
the team will gel into th. In'!, Nun- will I" .1 In ' !" ' " im h.iiiipn l and Imp w 1 picked addil ion lo t Ins ove r an hum w as sp n
provide, fo- tbciii and will be pull- I , "' N-luaska 1 1 ; 1 1 1 t 1 1 un-n at 1 ! 1 thai time The li.impiii 1 u-iialh jn ( 1S, -sU.Ii;i piatlue
thiough main 1 1 ei is of the illuge sum', tin honiei om 11.: La'. in bin I . . 1 1 1 ai the In ginning ol the m roml .... , . ... .
, I In nisit -, 1 iminnged with the
by human horsi s, surrounded ami l'ol an 1 in n 1 1 lo. tin Hats .11 K,ihm tim-tii and e om ol tl. hie all , , , ,
, . . . "' " lim.iii 1 h m 11, the latter using Kan
lowod by the how ling enthusiasts, em ! i''ia -oniet Inn.' on 101 tie i:,,,., rathe ,, ol tin eat Tie , ,..,,,...
K , ; :i'' pla- I'unh. Hutherloid am!
carrying a lighted torch v.tikind I best peeu! doiim- m dnni is held dm in:; the last week- ,, , , . ,
I ( anieion did not p. 11 1 iripate in tin
At thr Hurhn-ton denoL the ma in 1 M" '",' ' '" atliation loi tin l-n ,,t M hnol ami as 11 indud both Ira ,. , , . ,.
ai un inii minion in iii im iiuiiii , , ini up as the 1 oach is tearlnl that
snort ot the enini: will be urovidud ln,'n '" "' ' v r'" '1,," K;ilh:ls broth ,,iiMties and sotonties ih the bilges, . . ,, ....
sport Ul tut iin,ig win in M'""-1' 1 these men might 111 rpc ItJIthei III
when lumbo the team and a few nrofs '''' np.nt rni ih- cam. which '- ilM, mu. ,.ahoiatc s(lial 1 ij,,n ,,'
win ' .uiiiiiiu, mi it dm .um .1 1 !""' pule- whnli would put them out 01
toll the lojal buskers bow the team i., , " ""' "w, " " , . , ,,..,',,,,
prohabh o.r on-- humlr'! men 1 p '',,. coinmit 1 . 1 , Im l.oih dam. ami , ....
men wen- in the signal practice, how
leseiitatiM ol liatei nitii s 1 1 -f m ,,,mpiet tollow
1 ' 1. iliMi tlll IIUUWIIIM M 1 I ' ill 1 1 I ,- I
oine to trim Kansas Uock and
Tiny will be on hand to lead the kuiii;
irv tboir efforts to com nice the team
I.awieme loi tin j. --how Takm . liampiel Win ItiKhie I : t .1 ihan
1 lass .-hapi loi the all important -crap
Sal uiil.i
that the v, boh bunch is with them ,m ,:" ,s ll,,n t-oiisnleiiiilon that this ,,, ilimmN (;i,iison. I I
,.'-,,, U, III, ()lvhlil,ll( 1M ,1- -eat th, mitldleo. the Uhell'p,,.,, 'I", ,,,..1,1. S,.,..., S Nop.
... i ,. a e a,, ki.. ,,H' ' v- m nui'i u uain is iu.-n u.n jol.irt Carb-on. 'hi ) t .hainuan. mc iicupnyicsoiuic.
inde hai been consideicd as the nlr ,
"e-t thnc or the ear next to the shirt , ,'xl,'lM''11 ' lli:'111"1 u"'' "" ''"' ' ' I; Carn-tt lpha Tbet nue-tei ol I'm th. InH lew minutes tin- Iiosm
' V-,i . ,i ,!, i,-ue(l with a-. I 1!U(I S,IMI v""'' " llu" ' s. niation , , .-i i iiioiih -. ami (loidon Ib-ik Kappa ehveii rushed the arsit ofl then
. , i ,, ,,ai .. ,i, ':mi thine bm stnm sic leet Kepeatnl line -masheH b Cluun
mui h i.'.ter. -.1 1 tin townlolk as lie ' '
..,. .p., ,.,., i heilaiii Toiler and I'Jrhart, iimiik Km
mant'Lv. r.s ol oinpam Q I he Ian . "
tas.n t'(,K Piodu.ed I, the l,ami..K'irill:r Qfar frftQQ Un'll All Rn TUrn " "" ,"i,tk"' '' t.rouh th.- .sea,
iiuuiv. uiui viuuu ?T t II nil JUC 1 UCI t let and cream line liKe a Dullel tnrou-li
Country Runner is Out We Want You, Too- TZ"?
For Rest of Season Get Out Your Torch "" " ''" " " -,i""r" "" """'"
wen- the mainstays in the d'-lens.
Masiin made sevenil spectacular i)lur
m'ti inn in tioni wub- end ami
stopping treKhmcn formations before
the were under headwa
of th dancim; tonhliubts have a pe
culiar at.traction lor the lair coed ami
the loyal suppoiteis of the creates!
leatu in the west and as a conseiuen i
"U" .triiet is 'Miuined with a s, "ethnic ..
mass of hum. mil This crowd usually Inn m the sii.nn oi t hi l i-- u m 1 nisi im -,ti . , r nol .In leasi ol
tollow.-, the i; rations and windinp- ot . Valb-i uin held Inn on Novemhei the iioubb-s oi the stmlen's who. an
the pa.ade to the depot and aids m Kul.u . om-ol oi.i N'.biaska 1 iimn i s. ' 1 1 nif, a hand in other Tin
The b; dt i.ioiisirat ion tin re j js om lor the lest ol tin season 'I he . t.n t that midsi niestei s are held at all
Tin Innoceiiis have lecenid tin temlon ol his aukb nae wa and hei.s i-nomJi to mak. a ieis0u ,rowd !"'lwel recihed a had slioiibb i
Krthe- and these will he placed on is now in a et had onditioii it m than the allowed numhei 0f hi uise and went lo tin- ,iym, Colfee lak
ale u. trout ol the Kii!4 ollice toda loi us leared that In- uill not he abb 'o bonis inn, the daih s.diodub Hut ' '" ,,ls lI,' '" rllit half Within
hfUf- tents Tin will be filled wiih'eiitii aii of tin i.ici" ml priii" when a i onihinai ion ol examinations, "'" minutes the freshmen had scored
oil and ill the purchaser will have to I because ol this inisloitune 'lallics parade;, send otfs. e-( ursions. ' Su,,,lm ,l"'" aV'" ,ll('"' ""' 1)a" "
do tonight i. tomb a lighted match Tin team will lontiniie lo pia.tiie last, hops, plas t hot h -t ami ! ,1"'"' own liv'' iUfl lilw' vvlUl ,h '
loth' wick and s, ml is oil The Inno am) i,,.,.,, , shape loi the meet to I,.- pi otes-,ional ) . weekend note hooks, vaisitv plasniK del.-nsive, and tln-N
cents wqc eerone who will be in ' l(.,i u Omaha on Thiink. m in- da :"'' "nicoiniletes dm he ouu- m i ( 'ontiniied on l'ne Three)
'he pur de to be 'it the campus on This is a meet in which all aiuati ur. jetted into the small him ot a heauti
i line uri 1 to i oiue with lots of p;ip j nia contest and tluie i- no restnc tul autumn da. then thiie haoi
i tid enfbucins'n so 1 1 1 :i t the team ina i tion as to the number which ina be
i. is sent )fi io the laud ol the.l:ihawk entered Iroin an st hool Theie will WHI JF Rff) PP7 fAP - ,
probabU be two team- i ntered lioin DAATCDC AM CnrriAIC Reporter Promoted to Staff Position-
Nebraska In tin-, meet medals will TUIX IXUUILAJ UH OrLtlrtLO
be warded to the individual winners
and a cup to the winning team At Purpose is to Advertise Nebraska Col-
tbe meet last jear Nebraska tamed ors in Grandstand and Aid
off the tup and due to the line show Cheering lai.-me s,pie. was . i.-cieu it, im-
iuk made in the race on Saturda it, piHioii of Associate Kditor ot I In-
Daily Nebraskan at a regular meetinu
'n a :v j'lin : belnt ini; them
Misri '.ouise M.-ais ol tin Wincon
-in SUt.. Noimal School at Milwau
ktse. haw forw aided to the nepartinent
ot UoL'rupln the program for tin
meeting of the Wiscon State Teachers'
,SKOciat'o h The) ronratn shows that
(cOKrap.ii is ieeinc, t onsiderabh
Fills Vacancy Caused by
is probable that they mas carr oil H (i ( wm )(. U jn
specials Krida niKlit and Saturday
one this year too
of the Student Publication Board held
last exeniiiK The election fills the
..nptuisiH in the educational sjHtmnol Last ear's cup ,s on exhibition in mornillK Thl. nrv ,,m,,l to Klvt-, UIK. (,aUh(,( ,)y . niBlBnutloI1 (1
WIscoiibii. ami that .Miss Meals, a I t hi- olilce of the X.ssistant athelti. the NebraHka grandstands a touch ol .,ollIl ru(riKht H(.V(.nil weeks ago Mr
i a. . .i... i' :.,- , '. Mnii!iinr
st.iuuaie o, me i mw'11.1.) -- - - . . h . '" '... S)i,.,. haH hem.,i for tlu- last somesler
hraska. is ...l.i.m a le,uliiiK part in I busker enthusiasm ,.,,,.,,. on lhl. ,)Up(r lft. is a
,he work ' NOTICE. - member of the Sophomore class, of
No Pershing ltille drill tonight (Jo With our last bieath we sa K m-t Delta Upsllon Iraternity. and has been
HetnoMbcr to get out that torch to the big parade that torch , prominent in class politics.
Torchlight Parade To-night