The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 12, 1913, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
WILL SPEED CORNHUSKERSl mid-semesters begin
ARRANOEO FOR THURSDAY instructors W.ll Report Alt Cases of
NIGHT- Delinquency Immediately Fol
j lowing Exams
Miss King Will Talk on Economic
Conditions in Orient at Weekly
Torcheu Dancing Attendance on
Team Off for Kansas
lllstl IK tOI s h:if lift n li quisled If) I he I II I el est nig tVcljdav 1111(1 social
Streets Vv. ,11 be Lit up by Hundreds of r'',0, :,,,v stl,t,OI,t l,H,,u ,;" I" ' "H;!lllr "'" niM-ne. graphically piv
altei the mid .pmp5t.M t Niiiiiiiiiti iii- " " "' ;IK "" '"iii'
...... ,, , fciiinu V (' meeting one ol
.Such lailincs will at tin dilution ol ,
.llic hesi 01 the ai Home unusiialh
th. .Im1,.HUc..( ,0.1. mm..- he consul ll.() )h(0.;I:iI,hs hlV). ,,. Sl.(.lll(.,i
end giaunds lot Hie liisi w 1 1 1I111:; lot the .cnliu: 'I'll sc pictllies wele
out lii ,K ( 01 (lain w itli 1 Ip pulii fit taken last sumuiei bv M iss '.n hei me
K in
( llllH si
The biggest ileuiout 1 atiou ol ( oru
'nisk.-i -.pirit ol the eai will sjH. '
ihc te.i' n it-. w.i to K .1 11 a- Thins
-4julU A 101 1 li II tjli ( p. t tjt 1111
linui-ilv in li-Jii.ii up on Hi. ,N,M """ !""' '"""' 'M""
ptOlllp' . ' eeclies, the exeit. 111 lit pi i
ceding Ui battle and the contagion
I kindred enthusiasts will unite m
1 niammouth si ml oil loi the team
which 1. i.e- i, lie Mm Mutton 1'
The tor-h Imlit idea is one ol tin
1 rcqiin cmt-ttf i4h w-U Uj a mi 1 v . 1 1
ol the litli s ln si in. mi is .111 til.
III si dii 1 i 1 ( In ( U w hit h t In I'niv 1 si
has upon I In w 01 k .iimii'il
S ial ol the dcpai t no nl s h.i
nlnadv niv.-n then examinations, lint
tin gi 1 atei pai t ol t hem 1 om. on
llle '. 1 1 Vtlllllg tlOlll the
"ClUlir f!i hllllli's tn Hrhtrrr-
Scrimmage Tonight Cornhuskers are
in Fine Mettle After Last Week's
Rest Purdy and Rutherford
Out in Suits.
Hlj II V Hailnn )
' K . KANSAS '
T-Ut---t-u ba n It. t.i.. '.'l ': im v n ,il
Idest aii best tiaditions the uni 'lhiiisda and l'iida
crsit. and pi epai at ions hac been
niad t'- make tin l'l.f paiade a high
water sf.aud.inl Seeral hundred
torchc -, worc 01 d.'i ed loi tin occasion
1 lOlhh III. I)ll elllelK
Tills w ill sr
t hose w ho had
mt. ml. (I to leac Thiiisdav ninht 01
rnd,i moiiiuin loi (In Kansas rann
at Law 1 eiu e How 1 1 1 in n w nl
1 !
and they m lived icadv lor use ) os ithes. 1 m pi ml inn ainiiiat ions the
ierda rooming Thev will be put on studeni bodv has assumed tin mosi
sale Thurbdaj luoimng, Jtnd will sell scnoiis and studious attitude shown
for thi .small 11111 ol lilteen ( 1 T. 1 1 tai this eai Midweek Iussiiil
1 cuts, tilled v ith oil I he disti lhutio'i has i.n plai . to minding tin ()i
ol torch -s will be Horn tables on tlii',iln inn is deseii.d. while the libi.u.v
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v TTTTT
and llimnis will b. Heated in .111 en iNebiaskail
t -i t .1 111 111 14. .mil nisti in iie manner The entiie incites ol the oac In s
laonoiiu. (onditioiis and tin n ope vai Ml v , si 1 ubs and freshman team ai .
and inlliieiu i ol "i ( 111 China J pointed to the Kansas name It 1
"HI ' (hailv pits, nied Mis Mark the one name above all others Hun
ci will kivc a talk upon the subject 'Nebinska wauls to m
Tl" '''eellliu Will b. 111 Die Temple' KanG.iK RennrtrH Strnn,,
Coach Stichiii and Captain I'uidv
witnessed the Ka iistis Washbui 11 gam.
Salmdav Tin v icpoit that Kansas
has a likelv looking bunch ol fool
ball, is but th an- not at all
nnsti. 1 1, m it would seem that
thev an- not won ic.l oei Nebraska'
1 ham es to hi nm b.n k 111. bac on In
Lawniue the stlldt Ills believe thc
have tin stionncst team that has rep
Music hall at 7 o lo k ll uincisii
mils .11 1 ,isK( il to .tin nil
Professor Caldwell
Will Act as Judge at
South Dakota Debate
I'ioI. s-,01 Caldw. II
a. . . pi d .1
ampus and 1 1 0111 t he Daily Xchraskan seats an at a picmium I In campus ,qU,.s iioin the I'niv.isit ol South "s'"l,,,l ""' Jawhawk.-iH lor som.
olfice starting .11 11 a in 'is dott.d with little knots ol students D'ot.i to ait as judge in th. nitci
'Ih parade will stait lioin the tain getting the latest dope 011 the ii.'M collegiate debal. to be held then
pus a' ! o'cloi k The team is umlei qui In la.t tin siude is tb.- man p"i ula evening. Noveinbei II Quoting ,""1'' u'" Imvc to plav the best nnnn
order.- f-oni Co.n h Stiehin to "bunk ol tin houi Mom thcii letter ol thanks "' loolball thc an apable ol in
eais Willioiit a doubt Com h .Moss,
has a loiinidiblc team The Stiehin
111' at 1 : so all testnities will be in
ludei and concluded within the space
ot the one houi 1
will bt ou hand to start the danc
11 wiuiin tnc space q I I J T,. th. hand Mock Judging 1 earn
We would esteem it a meat lavor 0,,('' ,() ( OI", ol" u"h lu' lo" ,,I1(I
11 vou vvoul ( onsen! to speak at 0111 ol ""' v,('1''
asscmblv Saturdav morning You' 'Jnii-s aie the bun a boos that an
mav take as much of the hour as I "ou ''OublniK the Nebraska mentoi
vou please the 11101 c the hette
Chosen to Represent
Stafp at Annual Show "" Khiishs ( "v ( ' (i" Nhns As
jwic u nuiiudi JiioWM)M.ltloI1 ulll alMO ,)aV(. (h(l I)rivieKW
ol his sci v ices Tliursdav. N'ovember
Shields is out ol the name for the
season because ol a broken shoulder
hone leeched in the Wesleyan name
last Saturday Uutherloid was out for
promptly at 9. ,i loi the hour lollovv
iiip tht streets 01 the (apital t i t will
be treated to one ol l lie best serpen
tine dance-i ol the decade It is ex ,
pec ted that main hundred of Ne - ,,.- stoi k nam whi.h is to tcpic 2( Melon- moie than two hundred ! r" a ,ie(' -NI '' ' Urst time
bnibka's jounnei ncii. lation will loi h,.,lt Nebraska at tin- Intei national , men ITolehsor Caldwell will talk on I sm '" '"' was ,ak("" 1vmi with ton
low tin- "hand wanon.' filled with thcto.k Show in Chicago. 1)ccciii1h-i 1 'Crisis and Their Causes -' 'silitis His ph.vsician believes that he
iintnbc, ol the team The ditlcreiit to (, UIS been picked Out ol tweiitv ui" '"' '" tiptop shape h Saturdav
(irnan:7aions ol tin- uiiiveisit :in'im(. contcstnm loi the team si men The domestic science l paitincnt ot (':,"1,'I" 1ms a slinhtly spiained ankle
piiHhu.c the public ilv end ol the cele i,jm. been chosen to canv oil the-; the unicisit will "do some stunts , tll:i1 l"'''"- lni ' Hhi(l'ral)le 1'urdv
bratio: ariaiifjinn to see that ev erv a, , s Those who seemed places on ,,t the mid w intei me. nun ol 01 nani.ed 1 ls stl11 "llisi" ''! '. th.- linanients
studen' knows ,,i the details and j the team aie, in the older 111 which aniicultun- The displav ol cuied'01 u '"' n u''"' ,0,n '" ,M'' 'Ha "'x
makes .1 rrannenieiit s to b. pi.s.-m j lni (la, ,.,i s u Whiseiiand V .1 m. ats and the apple show will be tea
( Heme. !' K Tiumbull, S (! Chambci lines al tin- auditorium. . I. inuai v l'i u :
I lain, K C Fonts and K A Latluop Secretary .1 U Duncan ol the slat'
j F01 two months the men have been hoi ticultui al soc ietv ha-s be. n busil
workinn hard at the state farm and ennaned on the details ol the apple
1 '
'also on other stock larnis tlnounhout show lor sev.-ial weeks In bis opm
the state, with the icsult that the are ion the displav will be hinhlv siuces
in line condition lor the coininn con lul and w ill he ol inimcnse educal iona! 1 thlo"Kh s'i 'naKes n Mondav and
Ld In past ears Nebraska huwilm to the visitors who desin- , !'l'CHday evenmns The entire time
turned out teams which have placed ! formation conc-ei ninn Nebiaska's nn-:it ' was ,h'W)U'(1 to workinn out new plav.s
high 111 this contest, and it is expected lruit industrv Clood loads, the ini. I 'or the Jaw haw kers, perfectinn forma
that tins year's team will plac e hinh, I provc-d methods of anric ultui .- and t'ons and runninn smnals The varbltv
i! not higher than her othei com-J stock breeding important rmal pioli 1 htahsai lh ai ( plunKinK into the week's
petitors, which compose some of the . lenis and many other matters will 1 iut,lli" practice in preparation lor
best aniicultural schools in the coun J come up at the various sessions ot OI.j Kansas "'H1 the old tune "zip" After
trv Inanized anric ulturc- l'rof C M Lee, ,lu' U"K H"s' ol last v,i','k aild th"
c-as Weslejan name thi-j are bob
Mrs. Singer Will
Give Musical Numbers
At Convocation
The proRiam 101 the niiihical cou
ocatipn at tin- Temple Thursda
morninn iH ' niven b Mrs Hor
tense Gundersheiinei Sinner Mendel
ssohn and Chopin selections will be
Mendelbsohn kendo Capriccioso
(Siopin (nl Valse. Kb. (b) ITe
hides (1) C niinoi ( 2 1 (i major, (c)
Mallade, G niinoi
It might be nieiitioned that Mrs.
Sinner 1b Kabbi Sinner's wife and
1 omes well i c omiui-nded
up in- is am- to 11111 sinnals but that
is all Coach SliHun cannot take
chances ot tuithei injmies b usinn
them in sc-rinnnane The balance of
the team are m nood shape
No Scrimmage Monday and Tuesday.
"Jumbo" did not put his disciples
The team will leave earlv next Tues I'ioI II J (Jranilic-h and l'rol T
I ' , , 1 , . 1 . . . . . ,
dav morninn via Muilinnton On then .Kiesselbadi aie planninn some novel,""" ow'' wun K00l SI"'I,S """ '
nun 1" 1' l)u I IllK lie- II1JIII1CS in
tiip thej will stop al Dennison, Ames,
niul Norway, la , where they will judge
stock, arriving in Chicago in time tor
the contest, Decembei 1
teatuies for the show Secretaries of
the twenty-two societies that make ,, I Ituthei ford and Purely tin- Cornhusk
ornanized agriculture are writlnn lor,,h itr" '" tho bHt ht'ai)' ot tlu" t-ar
space in the official program
(Continued on l'age Two)
Round Trip
Special Train
Friday Night