THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ANNUAL MASSACRE BEGINS CLA88 FOOTBALL VOLUNTEER8 CALLED OUT YE8TERDAY FOR FIR8T TIME GAMES SCHEDULED SOON Will be Played the Week Previous to Iowa Game6 Doped to be Fast Contests Preparations lor the horuih oi (lash "otball KinncH tiro uudor full fitting. ) ac.h of the four cIhhhoh has Insuod a . ill for volunteerfl, and have men villi i. heart) lenpoiiHc, the in on hIiow- m, exceeding wllllnRneHs "to brltiR inrj to theii lahHcs and perhaps a mi irklnaw 01 sw enter to thiMiisohcH ) In- datcb loi the names have not i. I'll derided upon as jet. but it is ilo'ly that the will be plajed the f "A Good Place to Buy Good Clothes " .k bofou tin loWTrrcrojrr H I he ineiubi ot each ';i!.-, ai loud We might say this is the BEST place We cvv tainly think it is, but want you to come in and judge for yourselves. We are selling a great man Suits and Overcoats just now, and we know we are pleasing our customers and believe we can please you, ant;!, at thr same time, enable you to make a substantial saving TRY THE NEW STORE. II will 111! W I 1 11 I I S ll lllll t In- de lai.ittou that thnii team will i the wiiiiH-iK ami the men in charge onllili in thai t 1m w ill loluin i ' winning li am moiiio go a, tai a-, ' slate tin would be willinu to tin et pick ot tin 1 ii m. Nine I'he ueiiun s .hi confident that ihin mi will eei j thinu then own i, boasting oi stvernl old heath . . the gam. and offi ring as .i sui nv a aiMi man fiom South Da 'that n tlnit (earn t- deleate.l it wi ol whom Ihej evpe. t gleat I" ! au- ol o ei oiltl.leiK , mil on iings M ik.i.'i Kaeelj who i- m .o "iini l Iimiii out l.i - d i he old loads w ell known who i - on. "II mil.' h- i. Mali, that 'to -mi TIME (V ADDIIfATIfiM llillL vr m i Liuniiun run MAMAPCD cvTCMncn wn rUI UlrtHrtULIV LAILMULU I lie Jlllllol ll. .Ille.l l t I. Uln ukol, i hum that ties . mil. Glee Club Wants More Applicants and irk ami win again tin- mmi al ' Statements of Former Busi linimli tin im n who won la.-l je.u loi n, ss Experience he soph.- in not all out loi tin iuiiioi tetiu I'he manauei moil.-ih ( , hoMiul, ol tin lu-n i om i ilt". tha In- will h. a t. am ol mm,., t-iri(la it wa- d I" iiiH ,,sk loi luitlui applii at ion- loi in I'he Soph- bac bei'ti uoilwnc 1 at d ' (,.llt m.inagM ol the CI.-, i lnb Mi In- past We. k and leel Mile ot tlllli (0,.s , ,,.,, u, the one-, who lian mg out a team that will tnak. a mum (,i,, .,,,!,, tl)plit d will not he consul 1 1 d. i itM'lf Tlnu ate a nuiilei ol laM l)U, ,,,,),, , ,jMt ,, tew mote applicant ar'.s nni. out but mot. inatei nil , ;( ,. ,,, sll,.(i Tin se application will mid he wel. nun d. ' 1t (,rl.d b tin Keglsti.u llll I he fieslinnii hae l( miinl.. i ' , m, Mia Moon Novemb.'i 1 ', ami i n out foi piaithe. including 1U,' miiM .ontain a statement ol tin ,i no wen -tai- on their high m hool j l( ;i v lU(tlili( al ion- i . hi- x mis Th. piospectn loi tin '" ,,,, K.I1( , llsl managei , M,u .,,, '' ,)"1" l ,1"' IU,Ml aiv '"Kli, otganiation The lOinmilK.- de The w.aiei- ol tin grem mh s1i ,,U1 ,lu. oulI. ,,.,, wl, n.m lalieadj applied (ill out a lik. Mil- lnenl and hand to tin KegiMiai If loi e Thin -sda noon Thej alsodcsiu that all tin npplnauts make mil a ptospei tu.s ol their plan tot anangtiu' a ti ip and haml il in w lth tin u appli i at ion SAENGERFEST IDEA A SUCCESS The '"get togcthet" ot "SaengMhst' held in the Temple last Sundaj atli noon w a-a su( cess and the atlendanci as lullj up to expectations The lei low- got together at 'J. p in sang iuound the piano, and listened to a talk about the week of prajer b the genet al stcretaij, Mi Kwing This ( lub idea has been in chatge ol t'lojd Stewatl and its success must be (red Fulk Clothing Company 1236-38 0 Street r ud Classie Shoes Irvall styles and leathers-the kind that make your feet glad - also your pocket book. $2.50 and $3.00 KLINES 1132 0 Street Bring your feet with you ited mainlj to him PBiRMM - '$$& fM'.' JO AND MKG in "LIT TI, K WOMEN', William A. liiady'.s Prodiu'tioii, lo he seen AT TIIK OI.1VKR. TODAY. Maiii ff .ip(i Vo(!iudi . Matnu f nnd Nmht rn Send - it - to - Higby CLEANER AND DYER Express or Patcel Post Paid One Way 1322 N STREET Ni.ulit iihJ B 1292