The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1913, Image 4

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Instruction in Use of Stacks Mutt
Have Proved Futile. Llbrar
lane 8ay Freshmen
Still Blunder.
)U8t how much can the average
freshman hour in class and manage
to forget? This Ih a question which
e, premature in view of tho fact that
misdemeanors ure yet to come, but
which Is bothering tho ' jUbrnrians,
nevertheless. A clasH of instruction
in library rules and methods waB bo
mm this semester, and all freshmen
rhetoric classes were taken thru tho
library by the librariau, Mr. VVyer.
Tho intricacies ol the system were
.xplaiho'tt and It was pointed out that
tlio stacks were Oiled with books,
mo of which cannot be duplicated,
-ttnd-ihttt they were, for the use ol the
Htudenta. The rules of Ihe reserve
ileHk came in for a complete explana
tion. The question then is, to what use
have these freshmen put their mem
ories since that day? For in general
Uioy oxhibit the same lack of intelll
mmc.e about the use of the library
.I-, usual in first classes. To be sure.
they know that it is the general cam
pus exchange, and that certain tables
.no spoken of as the onliest-own prop
erty of the Laugh-a-Lot or the Dee
Ughtod girls. Rut they are evidentlj
waiting for the delinquency commit
lie to go into lurther explanation of
their relation to the library
Second Year Men Will Give a Classy
Dance with Features at I
Ticket, foi the Sophomore hop. to'
be held Friday, November 21. at the
Lincoln, were put on sale this week.
They ma) he secured from any
member of the committee at the nom
inal price ol $1 f0 each The hop is
to be limited to one hundred and
iwttirtyvlKe couples, including compli
iiienLaries This vs 111 afford plent ot
loom for every one to dance and no
one can offer the excuse of crowding
lor not going Owing to the fact that
i ho new dances are barred b the
I'niversity the committee Is planning
-orae novelties to lake, their place
s yet the committee will not give out
iliolr plans but announce that they
will try to get something to satisfy
i he patrons
Greatest Provoker of Student Enthus
iasm 8uffers Oemise at That
"Cheer-cheer," the official "rough
neck" song, fell into disrepute two
years ago today, hence this longrhy
discourse This vulgar song together
with a few of the more select yolls
containing ungentlemanly wording re
ceived the brunt of the wrath of the
faculty and were immediately placed
under the ban.
Chancellor Avery made a trip to the
Pacific coast along in November, 1912,
and while there attended a football
game between the University of
Washington nnd the State Agricultural
College The rooting at this game,
while consistent and vociferous, was
devoid of all swear words and jit tho
Last Call
Of Our Gigantic
Purchase Sale
If You Miss It
Don't Blame Us
same time instructive in school spirit.
At a football rally, held soon after his
return, the Chancellor urged the stu
dents to "leave out all slang and pro
fane phrases from their football root
ing." Other members of the faculty
took up arms with Chancellor Aery
and remonstrated against such i
huberances. I.Ike the old proverb "Fools' names
and fools' faces are seen in all public
places," these songs and yells were
too often heard in public While they
are not particularly degrading in their
language, still such phrases are more
becoming in a hobo camp than on
the athletic field or othci historical
spots in Lincoln.
(Continued From Page One )
ing game at lelt halt and will hold
forth in that position Howard will
he in the pivot position at quarter
In practice this week he has been
handling the team in first class man
ner. In the line Thompson at center,
Koss and Abbott at guards will prob
ably be the only regulars present Gel
wick and Hugg will take care of the
ends, with Crosse and Palis at tackles
The Wesleyan line up is not known
Cripples on the Improve.
The arsity cripple list is rapidly
diminishing Rutherford, who has
been down with an attack of tonsilitis
for the last few days, is reported much
improved and will probabb be out for
Monday's practice. Purdy's leg is also
improving and the husk captain
should be out Monday Tow le, who
came out of the Ames game with a
had neck, is in first class condition
again and Halligan's back is better.
After their week's layoff the varsity
stalwarts will all be full of pep and
fight for the week of practice in
preparation for the all-important Kan
sas game
1325 - 1331 N STREET
Asks a share of your patronage. We are equipped to
serve you and serve you right. A trial is aJJ we ask.
1325 - - 1331 N STREET i
University School ufMttshr
Established 1894
Offers the highest class of instruction in all
branches of music.
Students may enter any time.
Anyone expecting to study music will do
well to get information concerning this
school before choosing an instructor.
Willard Kimball Director
Ask for new catalog -:- -:- Eleventh and R Streets
School Supplies
Office Equipment Supply Co
117 So. 12th St.-Funke Bdg.
Everything tor the Office"
1132 O Street
Princeton University has made a
rule that all first year men must pass
a swimming examination The test
requires a man to swim twenty vards
and demonstrate his abilit to use the
back stroke.
At Ohio State University twenty-one
clubs and fraternities have organized
a co-operative association for the pur
chase of eatables. I3lds will be received
from wholesale jobbers, and goods will
be bought by the carload It is esti
mated that thousands of dollars will
be saved in this way. -Exchange
University Organization Gives Suc
cessful Production Before State
Suffrage League.
The Dramatic club gave the play
"How the Vote Was Won" before the
Nebraska state suffrage league at the
Commercial club Thursday evening.
Tho caste consisted of Miss Helen
Sorenson, Cloyd Stewart and several
others who formed a splendid support
ing company. The play was well re
ceived by the several hundred men
and women who had met to discuss
the suffrage situation.
Qy ?
tx HAKH y .
Cornell University has recehed a
gife of $1,000,000 from Colonel Oliver
II. Payne, of New York. This amount
will be used by the Medical college,
the New York branch of which was
established by a previous gift from
Colonel Payne
A "Square Deal"
for everybody is the
" Spalding Policy. "
We guarantee each
buyer of an article
bearing the Spalding
Trade Mark, that
such an article will
give satisfaction and
a reasonable amount
of service.
J 1616 Arapahoe St - - Denver', Colo